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And did she traducir portugués

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And did she have any knowledge of your father?
E ela sabia alguma coisa sobre o teu pai?
But then after what she did to Beth, I blamed myself for not seeing the signs and for not getting her help sooner.
Mas depois do que fez à Beth, culpei-me por não ter reparado nos sinais, e por não tê-la ajudado antes.
Well, she did the same thing to me, and look what I've become!
Ela fez o mesmo comigo, e vê o que me tornei!
My mother was the biggest cheater I've ever known. And she used to snoop on everything that we did.
A minha mãe era a maior batoteira que conheci... e coscuvilhava tudo o que fazíamos.
Yes, she did and she took Mrs Hughes and Daisy with her.
- Sim, foi e levou a Sra. Hughes e a Daisy com ela.
Did she wise up and ditch you?
Será que ele fico esperta e deixou-te?
And if she did, why not kill the President then?
Se tivesse, porque não a matou antes?
And she did.
E ela sorriu.
She did end up like him, though, and Leatherby.
Como o Leatherby.
And for one night, she did.
E por uma noite, ela fê-lo.
Okay, look, if the VP did have a window, it'd be a high one and she'd push you out of it.
Refute-o. Se a Vice tivesse uma janela, seria alta e empurrá-la-ia dela.
You left out that she just did a deal with Roger Furlong and is becoming semi-dependent on antidepressants.
- Escapou-te o acordo com o Furlong e a dependência de antidepressivos.
Yes, and she did it with jerky.
E ela fez isso com carne.
She decides that I did something wrong and gives me the business, and then I apologize, and I give her the business.
Ela decide que eu fiz algo de errado e dá-me um sermão, e depois, eu peço desculpa, e eu dou-lhe o "sermão".
But why did you think she's in the car and not upstairs?
Mas como saberia que ela não subiu comigo, mas tinha ficado no carro?
Anyhow, I-I've been thinking about it a lot, and-and I totally see why Lucy did what she did.
Seja como for, tenho pensado muito sobre isso, e vejo perfeitamente porque fez a Lucy aquilo que fez.
But when she did not get what she wanted as quickly as she liked, she turned cruel and dishonest.
Mas quando não obteve o que queria tão rápido como gostaria, tornou-se fria e desonesta.
She had the encryption system. She had the overseas contacts, and yet after everything she did, she really expects us to believe she wasn't involved?
Ela tinha o sistema de encriptação, os contactos fora do país e, mesmo depois de tudo o que fez, ela espera que acreditemos que não está envolvida?
Uh, she was busy, so I went ahead and did the scan.
Ela estava ocupada, fiz a tomografia.
The baby-sitter called and said that you were in the hospital, so I rounded the kids up and told them to prepare for the worst. - She did say that.
A ama ligou e disse que estavas no hospital, eu juntei as crianças e disse para se preparem para o pior.
Yes, I did, and then she shot me, so I'm a little bit angry, and I'm a little bit hungry, but luckily, you can help me out with one of those things.
Sim encontrei, e depois ela atirou, então estou um pouco zangado, e com fome, mas felizmente, podes ajudar-me com uma dessas.
What if that was a favor she did for Cece, and that creepy dude was Wilden?
E se ela fez esse favor à Cece e o tipo assustador era o Wilden?
Well, yeah, now, but she did try and blow up the world, which is the number one criteria for an arch-nemesis.
Bem, sim, não era... mas agora ela tentou fazer explodir o mundo, que é o critério nº1 para ser um arqui-inimigo.
And did she give you good advice?
E ela deu-te um bom conselho?
Well, it's not like she was in on what Jeremy did, and she confessed.
Bem, não é como se ela estivesse no que Jeremy fez, e ela confessou.
I hadn't seen you in anything for so long and I was like... ( gasps ) "Oh, no, did she quit?"
Não tenho visto-te em nada por muito tempo e eu estava tipo... Não, ela desistiu?
You know, she is as nasty a little whore as ever walked this city's streets, and I'm gonna piss on her grave for what she did to my cousin.
Sabe, ela é, a puta mais nojenta que já caminhou pelas ruas desta cidade. E vou mijar no túmulo dela por aquilo que ela fez ao meu primo.
I liked her, and so did Gran, but she...
Eu gostava dela, e a minha avó também, mas ela...
And where did she go?
E para onde é que ela foi?
Cameron asks is, did she try and bribe those witnesses?
Ela tentou subornar aquelas testemunhas?
Well, you're not getting her out, because she did it, and yesterday your own colleague said that she did it.
Bem, a ela não a vais libertar, porque ela é culpada e ontem o teu próprio colega disse isso mesmo.
She's mad'cause we did six minutes and 20 seconds on Etch-a-Sketch.
Ela está louca porque estivemos seis minutos e 20 segundos no Etch-a-Sketch.
Did he tell you that, uh, offering her the job has nothing to do with their past relationship, all due respect to you, and that she-she's the only person for the position?
Ele disse-te que, uh, a oferta de emprego que lhe fez nada tem a ver com o antigo relacionamento que eles tiveram, com todo o respeito por ti, e que ela seria a única pessoa capaz de ocupar tal posição?
His wife did it for him and she procured one for herself too.
Foi a mulher quem o fez, e fez um para ela também.
In another e-mail you wrote in 2010, you complained about getting dragged to interviews she was doing for her articles, you mention Mr. Soto and Mr. Nauer by name, and you accuse her of caring more about P versus NP than she did your relationship.
Noutro e-mail que escreveu em 2010, a reclamar ser arrastado para entrevistas dos artigos dela.Mencionou o Sr. Soto e o Sr. Nauer, e acusou-a de se preocupar mais com o P versus NP do que com a vossa relação.
Last night, when we were sitting on the couch, I scooched in and she did not scooch out.
Ontem à noite, quando estávamos no sofá, eu aproximei-me dela e ela não se afastou.
And how did she know to help you?
E como é que sabia que precisava de ajuda?
And in those five months, did the 503 people she's charged with killing miraculously return from the dead?
E nesses 5 meses, as 503 pessoas que ela é acusada de matar, voltaram à vida?
She was sent to the institution... and I did a lot of stupid things to try and shut it all out... drugs, me and this guy I was seeing broke into a pharmacy.
Ela foi mandada para o sanatório e eu fiz muitas coisas idiotas para tentar superar. Drogas... Eu e um sujeito invadimos uma farmácia.
What did Mellie know, and when did she know it?
O que a Mellie descobriu e quando descobriu?
And then Maude did what she did.
Depois a Maude fez o que podia.
Gerty always did exactly what she wanted and to hell with everyone else.
A Gerty sempre fez o que quis sem pensar em mais ninguém.
And she did as well.
E ela também.
And thinking, " How did she get so big?
- E pensar : "Como cresceu tanto?"
She didn't fight it because she completely took responsibility for what she did, and she didn't want to risk being away from her boys for, like, ten years.
Ela não insistiu e acabou por assumir toda a responsabilidade pelo que fez para não correr o risco de ficar longe dos filhos durante 10 anos.
She did say it was a three-bedroom, and you guys might be looking for a third roommate to, uh... defray the costs.
Ela disse que tem 3 quartos e que estão à procura de um terceiro morador - para dividir as despesas.
And when did she tell you this?
- Quando é que ela disse isso?
I knew that, and my mother knew that, and she did what she thought was right.
Eu sabia, a minha mãe sabia, e ela fez o que achou certo.
She won't talk and even if she did, what would you expect her to say?
Ela não fala, mas mesmo que o faça, o que espera que ela diga?
E.G., last week, she predicted I would have a sensuous encounter with a guy named Mark. And I did.
Por exemplo, na semana passada, viu que ia ter um encontro escaldante com um homem chamado Mark, e tive.
You did get hurt'cause Rosa punched you. And the fact that Rosa punched you means she does not like you.
Magoaste-te porque a Rosa te bateu e isso quer dizer que não gosta de ti.

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