And she goes traducir portugués
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The gasoline catches and she goes up like a matchbox.
A gasolina pegou fogo e ardeu tudo como uma caixa de fósforos.
And I asked her what she's doing and she goes "Sshh, nobody knows I'm here."
Perguntei-lhe o que ela estava a fazer e ela disse : "Ninguém sabe que aqui estou."
We find out which one she prefers by letting her decide If she prefers the other man the husband steps outside We stand'em up against the wall and pop goes the weasel
Descobriremos quem ela prefere deixando-a decidir se ela preferir o outro o marido que saia do caminho atiramo-los contra a parede e chegamos-lhes a roupa ao pêlo
And you figure she goes along with that honour, Dan?
E achas que ela pode ir a reboque do cargo, não é?
She goes to school, sings and dances.
Ela estuda, canta e dança.
Calmly and quietly, she goes through the doorway and the door closes behind her.
De forma silenciosa, ela passa pela porta que se fecha, atrás dela.
And off she goes, as light as if she's had lunch.
E lá vai, tão ligeira como se tivesse almoçado.
- She comes and goes.
- É de ida e volta.
A woman is beautiful if she has eight hours'sleep and goes to the beauty parlor every day.
Tolice. Uma mulher é linda se dormir oito horas e for ao saläo de beleza todos os dias.
- The story goes that a... prince sat there with a shepherdess and she... made a wish and he up and married her.
- Diz a lenda... que um principe e uma pastora se sentaram ali... e que ela formulou um desejo e que então ele pediu-a em casamento
As a caretaker, she's a bit of a failure, but she's a faithful, dirty old bird and goes with the place.
Como guarda, ela é uma incompetente, mas é leal e adequada ao local.
So Bessie goes to church every Sunday she gets off and prays to God she'll never be too old to earn the salary I pay her.
Por isso a Bessie vai é missa todos os domingos... e reza a Deus para nunca envelhecer o suficiente para deixar de ganhar salário.
I've got to spot her and find out where she goes.
Tenho que espiar-lha e saber onde vai.
At first, all goes well and she's very happy.
No início tudo vai bem e ela está feliz.
Life goes where she goes. She's been profiled, covered, revealed, reported, what she eats and what she wears and whom she knows and where she was and when and where she's going.
A vida acontece onde ela está, Tem sido retratada, revelada, analisada, aquilo que come e aquilo que veste, e quem conhece e onde esteve, e quando e onde vai,
Then the day comes when she gets her first permanent wave and goes to her first party.
Então, ela faz a sua 1ª permanente e vai à sua 1ª festa de verdade.
Alathea goes on screaming, and suddenly he realizes she's in danger.
Alathea começa a gritar e, de repente, percebe que está em perigo.
We manage to be together for a few moments and then off she goes.
Conseguimos estar juntos por uns momentos e depois... lá vai ela.
Honey, it's going to be all right after she goes and you have the baby.
Tudo ficará bem depois que ela se for e você tiver o bebê.
And now she goes to the altar with another.
Agora vai para o altar com outro.
You see, she often walks around the garden before she goes to bed... and she usually forgets to lock up when she gets back.
Ela costuma ir ao jardim antes de se deitar... e geralmente esquece-se de trancar tudo quando volta.
And then, all of a sudden, she goes away on a trip and leaves it behind.
De repente, vai viajar e deixa-a ficar. Porquê?
- And there she goes.
- E lá vai ela.
Right off the bat, she turns on her heater and goes overboard to try to get me to go to her place.
Ela apareceu e já me quer levar até à casa dela.
Oh, she goes out for game for the larder and brings back another mouth to feed.
Sai a caçar para encher a despensa e traz outra boca que alimentar.
She goes to the AP, gets a lamb chop wrapped in Cellophane, and that's dinner! - All right.
A minha mulher vai à loja de conveniência pega numa costeleta embrulhada em celofane, abre uma lata de ervilha e eis o jantar!
Mama. Mama, this is Miss Imbrie of Duluth and the young man she goes with at SPY magazine, Mr. Mike Macaulay Connor. - He's the son of an English teacher.
Mamá, esta é a Sra. lmbrie de Duluth e o seu jovem companheiro o Sr. Mike Macauley Connor, Cujo pai é professor de historia.
"loud clothes and puts lip rouge on her mouth... " and always goes around in a little red hat? Is she fast? "
" O que acha de uma rapariga que usa... roupas berrantes e coloca batom na boca... e anda sempre com um chapézinho vermelho?
And there she goes!
E foi-se!
I've gotta know, Scottie, where she goes and what she does before I get involved with doctors.
Tenho de saber, Scottie, onde ela vai e o que faz, antes de meter os médicos no assunto
For this one load, for one batch of meals, and then back she goes to San Francisco.
Só para este carregamento e uma vezada de refeições. Depois ela volta para S. Francisco.
One drop of blood and out she goes.
Uma gota de sangue, e ela desmaia.
She points her finger at me and hollers "Ranger", your head goes too.
Se ela me dedurar, a sua cabeça também rolará.
Well, she's changed her mind, she prefers to stop at ninety-eight and before she goes she's asked to see me and that's where I'm going.
Pois, mudou de ideias, ficou pelos 98... e antes de morrer perguntou por mim, e eu vou ao seu funeral.
In case we lose power in the control room we just slap this dude on by hand, and away she goes.
Se perdermos energia na sala de controlo, dá-se uma palmada nisto, à mão, e lá vai ele.
Round she goes, and where she stops, nobody knows.
A roda vai andar e ninguém sabe onde vai parar.
She accepts as a natural phenomenon the ways of this visitor who comes and goes, who exists, talks, laughs with her, stops talking, listens to her, then disappears.
Aceita como um fenômeno natural as maneiras do seu visitante que vem e vai que existe, fala, ri-se com ela cala-se, escuta-a, e depois desaparece.
She's in Rosita Beach. She's dying and we're up here. She'd like us with her when she goes.
Ela está a morrer, na praia de Rosita... e queria que estivéssemos lá quando morresse.
And if she goes your way, she'll be all show and no stay.
E se ela fizer como queres, seria uma dondoca sem conteúdo.
No, for me it is. I mean, if she goes and... SELF-CENSORSHIP
Eu, sim... em certo momento, aquele que faz... caso haja sérias complicações, o divórcio, é uma boa coisa?
Then the wife goes next, and she's buried alongside her first husband.
Aí ela morre e é enterrada junto do primeiro marido.
Stealthily she goes to meet him When her mother-in-law and sister-in-law go to bed
Sorrateiramente ela vai ter com ele Quando a sogra e a cunhada vão para a cama.
We have an area for luggage for carrying, and off she goes.
Há um compartimento para bagagens, e ai vai ela.
The next day, he gave her some more and she drank some more till a week goes by.
No dia seguinte, deu-lhe mais e ela bebeu mais, até que uma semana passou.
She makes one seaweed pie and goes mad.
- Há algo mais?
Round and round and round she goes, and where she stops nobody knows.
Anda e anda de roda, onde vai parar ninguém sabe!
She crosses straight through to the other side of the park, goes in a doorway, and leaves the babies with the concierge in this filthy, disgusting room.
Ela atravessa diretamente para o outro lado do parque... entra numa porta... e deixa os bebés com o porteiro... num lugar sujo e nojento.
Mrs. Stoner goes home when I say she goes home and she ain't going home in the morning, Mace.
A Mrs. Stoner vai para casa quando eu disser... e não de manhã, Mace.
Let's say, Miss Dickinson's a very conscientious nurse and likes to tidy up before she goes.
Digamos que a Menina Dickinson é uma assistente íntegra, que gosta de arrumar tudo antes de partir.
Round and round she goes, and where she stops nobody knows.
De excursão em excursão e ninguém sabe onde termina.
Round and round she goes and where she stops nobody knows.
De excursão em excursão e ninguém sabe onde termina.
and she said yes 23
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she's dead 32
and she's beautiful 17
and she was like 38
and she loved me 17
and she was right 34
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she was gone 27
and she said no 16
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she 275
and she is 39
and she says 116
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she was 85
and she 275
and she is 39
and she says 116
and she didn't 24
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27
and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
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and she will 20
and she left 27