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And she was traducir portugués

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I talked to the neighbor for a while. I turned and she was gone.
Falei um instante com a vizinha, virei-me e ela desaparecera.
You used to be at work... and she was here with your sick wife.
Você trabalhava fora de casa. A sua mulher ficava em casa.
Some teachers caught wind of it, and she was fired.
Alguns professores viram-no e ela foi despedida.
Candace blamed me, and she was right.
A Candace culpou-me e tinha razão.
And one day he got her alone in his office and she was all vulnerable.
E um dia ele ficou sozinho no seu consultório e ela estava totalmente vulnerável.
He was her personal driver. And she was responsible for bringing him to the U.S.
Ele era condutor pessoal dela e ela era responsável por o trazer para os EUA.
And she was saying if the hands grab you, they pull you down and drown you, so swim above them.
Estava a dizer que se nos agarrassem nos puxavam e afogávamo-nos.
And she was right there.
E ela estava mesmo ali.
I was just driving us to this photography place, and the next thing I know, she's feeling me up at a stoplight and I have no idea...
Estava-me a levar ao estúdio de fotografia e a próxima coisa que me lembro é ela a agarrar-me no semáforo, e eu não faço ideia...
She was sweet and...
Ela foi doce e...
One evening... I was sitting on the banyan tree.. And she... was returning from the fair.
Uma noite eu estava sentado na figueira e ela estava a voltar da feira.
Always looking over her shoulder in the dark about who she was and why it mattered.
Sempre a olhar por cima do ombro. Não sabendo quem era e porque isso importava.
Once she was safe on the ventilator one large dose of a beta blocker dropped her cardiac output and pulse to a level just barely detectable under the best of circumstances let alone with a gunfight raging outside.
Uma vez a salvo no ventilador, uma dose elevada de um bloqueador beta fez cair o débito cardíaco e a pulsação até um nível que mal é detetável nas melhores circunstâncias. Quanto mais com um tiroteio a desenrolar-se no exterior.
She said that the reason you and Gregory broke up was because... you've been partying a lot.
Ela disse que o motivo de vocês terem acabado foi porque... Tens festejado demais.
I didn't protect her from herself when she was so mad and corrupted that she came up with this plan.
Não a protegi dela própria, quando ela criou este plano.
She managed to make her way to the room where the gas was, but the canister cracked, and gas started leaking out, and we all would've died, but...
Conseguiu chegar à sala onde estava o gás, porém o recipiente cedeu e... o gás começou a vazar. Todos teríamos morrido, mas...
One night, I was there alone, and she came back to me.
Numa noite, estava sozinho, e ela voltou para mim.
She was senile at the end, and... leaving her behind, that was the hardest part about leaving Mystic Falls. Look,
Ela estava senil no final e deixá-la para trás foi a parte mais difícil de sair de Mystic Falls.
By the time I pulled over and found her, she was already...
Na altura em que encostei e a encontrei, ela já estava...
Bartender said she was, "Blonde, hot, and had an exposed midriff".
O empregado de bar disse que ela era : "loira, boazona" "e que tinha um umbigo exposto".
She was with Daria and Naomi.
Ela estava com a Daria e a Naomi.
So Dean Cooper thought she was after his son's money, and hired you to prove that she was just a gold digger?
O Dean Cooper pensou que ela andava atrás do dinheiro do filho, e contratou-te para provares que ela era uma caça-fortunas?
She was in Hell for thousands of years, and he's a good enough looking... guy.
Ela esteve no Inferno por milhares de anos. E ele é um tipo bastante bem... parecido.
She did keep wanting to talk about our exes, and all I thought was, you know what, she's so easy to talk to.
Ela queria sempre falar sobre os nossos ex... e eu pensei, sabes, que era fácil desabafar com ela.
Uh, she kept me at arm's length, and just as I was about to get somewhere with her, you guys messed that up.
Ela manteve-me à distância e quando estava a conseguir aproximar-me dela, vocês estragaram tudo.
And the mother, she was the worst.
E a mãe, ela era o pior.
She was pretty, and she always smiled.
Ela era bonita... E estava sempre a sorrir.
She said that I had a temper, I got angry all the time, it was hard to be around me and-well, heck, I couldn't blame her none,
Que me deixou com raiva o tempo todo. Era difícil ficar ao meu lado, e... Raios, eu não poderia culpá-la.
Tortured. The theory was that she had escaped, only to be pursued and then killed by her captor.
A teoria era que tinha fugido, mas foi perseguida e morta pelo raptor.
Joshua Vikner was in New York the night she went missing and the night her throat was slashed.
O Joshua Vikner esteve em Nova Iorque na noite em que ela desapareceu e na noite em que ela foi morta.
And then when we found you and told you she was in trouble...
E depois quando a encontrámos e lhe dissemos que ela estava mal...
But she found out and... she was being clever, she was a real go-getter, and she put me in a bad spot, a real bad spot.
Mas ela descobriu e estava a ser esperta. Ela é muito determinada, e põe-me numa situação difícil, muito difícil.
She was fat. And not interesting.
Era gorda e não era nada interessante.
She was a sister to McGee and Abby, and...
Ela era uma irmã para o McGee e a Abby, e...
She was quite comfortable and confident raising Tali on her own.
Ela estava muito confortável e confiante a criar a Tali sozinha.
Maybe the "Marcy" we knew was her way of coping there, her way of making people look after her, and she just continued that behavior after her release, and when she hit her head...
Talvez a outra Marcy fosse a forma de ela lidar com isso. A forma de fazer as pessoas tratarem dela, e manteve esse comportamento. Após bater com a cabeça...
Mom was running around like crazy trying to get ready for your party, and she didn't have time to go to Rosa's, so she just bought some regular old cherries.
A mãe andava às voltas que nem uma louca a tentar preparar a tua festa, não teve tempo para ir à da Rosa e comprou umas cerejas quaisquer.
But the way she was acting, and now what's happened to her... it can't be a coincidence.
Mas da maneira que ela andava a agir, e agora com o que lhe aconteceu... Não pode ser uma coincidência.
I know they're saying she fell down the stairs, but I am feeling more and more like she was attacked.
Sei que dizem que ela caiu pelas escadas, mas sinto cada vez mais que ela foi atacada.
And I thought she was my friend.
E... Eu achei que ela era minha amiga.
And I think she was just being polite about the rodeo.
E acho que quanto ao rodeo, ela estava só a ser simpática.
And when I ran in, she was walking'round the room, stumbling.
Quando lá cheguei, ela andava pela sala aos tropeções.
And then it was like a seizure, she was... thrashing... clawing at her own skin.
Depois foi como se tivesse um ataque... Começou a espancar-se, a arranhar a própria pele...
- Right. She didn't know where she'd first heard of it, but trace it back, and it looks like the first real use of the hashtag was last weekend.
Ela não sabia onde o tinha visto, mas, se retrocedermos, o primeiro uso do hashtag foi no fim de semana passado.
Okay, um... it looks like she was at a demo, and she took a selfie in front of a war memorial.
Parece que esteve numa manifestação e tirou uma foto em frente de um memorial da guerra.
He called me at literally 6 : 00 a.m., and he was like, "It's even better than she said it was!" - I did.
"É ainda melhor do que ela disse que era!"
She's sure they knew she was there and she's out for blood.
Está obcecada com a ideia de que alguém sabia que ela estava lá, e agora quer sangue.
Well, then you know that her last article was published the day of the assassination, and she hasn't been heard from since.
Então sabe que o seu último artigo foi publicado no dia do assassinato e nunca mais se ouviu falar nela.
This morning it was dead Russians and some big conspiracy, and now she's got a hard-on for the Tree of Liberty Militia.
Esta manhã eram russos mortos e uma grande conspiração, agora está toda interessada na milícia da Árvore da Liberdade.
What I do remember is Mom coming downstairs and saying that she was craving pancakes.
Aquilo que me lembro é da mãe a descer as escadas e a dizer que estava com desejos de panquecas.
Because she was a crack addict who died during childbirth, and he was the guy who left me at a fire station, probably because he couldn't think of anything more cliché.
Porque ela era viciada em coca que morreu durante o parto, e ele era um gajo que abandonou-me nos bombeiros, provavelmente porque ele não poderia pensar em mais nada.

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