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And she knew it traducir portugués

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And she knew it all the time.
E ela sempre o soube.
Had it been my money, she could have taken me for much more and she knew it.
Se fosse o meu dinheiro, ela poderia ter-me sacado muito mais, e ela sabia-o.
Like it were alive and she knew it.
Como se estivesse vivo e o conhecesse.
He was going to recommend against her and she knew it.
Ia recomendar o afastamento dela e ela percebeu.
She had this room and you knew about it.
Ela tinha este quarto e você sabia.
You knew it. You knew that she wore it, and yet you deliberately suggested I wear it.
Sabia que ela tinha usado este vestido, e mesmo assim sugeriu-me isso.
Why, when my father kissed my mother... she knew what he meant, and he knew she knew it.
Porque, quando o meu pai beijou a minha mãe... ela soube a intenção dele, e ele sabia que ela sabia.
I knew I'd go every night until she showed up... and I knew she knew it.
Iria sempre até a encontrar. E ela sabia.
You didn't tell me she had a gun and knew how to use it.
Nao me disseste que tinha uma arma e que sabia usá-la.
You knew that she wore it, and yet you deliberately suggested I wear it!
Sabia que ela tinha usado este vestido, e mesmo assim sugeriu-me isso. Porque é que me odeia?
She felt that without her to write upon, nobody would know anything, and she was the one who really knew it all.
Ele pensou que sem ela, ninguém saberia nada, e ela foi a única realmente tudo o que sei.
If she knew it was poisoned, she certainly wouldn't sit down and drink it herself.
Se ela soubesse que estava envenenado, não iria sentar-se a beber sozinha.
And she knew I was building it for her.
E ela sabia que o estava a construir por causa dela.
She knew what it meant, and only six months old.
Ela sabia o que significava, e tinha apenas 6 meses.
One touch and she knows what you're thinking. - l knew it!
Canocchia, ela assim que te toca, lê-te por dentro, quem és, o que pensas.
I wanted to box, the way I have... I was already in love with it, and that's why some ladies asked if I would let them raise her, so I let them, because I didn't want to ruin my daughter's happiness... I knew she would be all right with those ladies, and I couldn't do anything more for her.
Eu queria seguir o boxe como segui e já tinha amor à arte e foi por isso que me pediram se deixava criá-la e eu deixei, para não estragar a felicidade dela, porque sabia que a vida dela na mão daquelas senhoras que estava bem
- And his wife, Maureen she knew about this, and she didn't like it.
A mulher dele, a Maureen, sabia disto e não gostou.
And any museum would give you a small fortune for that. But if that woman knew all about this, then why hasn't she capitalized on it herself?
Mas se essa mulher sabia, porque não se aproveitou disso?
At first, she thought it, then she hoped it, and then, somehow, she knew it.
Por isso ela esperou. Então de alguma maneira ela soube.
I know, but when I heard that woman say she knew everything, I thought I should come over here and tell you about it.
Eu sei, mas quando ouvi a mulher a dizer que sabia tudo, achei que devia cá vir dizer-vos.
I knew a woman in Prokorvskoe that's my home, a little village in Siberia. And this woman she was so afraid of strangers that she bought herself a pinewood box and lived in it.
Conheci uma mulher em Prokorvskoe é a minha cidade, na Sibéria essa mulher tinha tanto medo de estranhos que comprou um caixote de pinho e foi morar nele.
It's where she knew Tony Forest, Barroyer and our astrologer Kleinberg.
Foi na Universidade que conheceu Forest, Berroyer e seguramente Kleinberg. Hoje, a Sandra Forest a ensaiar uma peça.
I know, but when I heard that woman say she knew everything, I thought I should come over here and tell you about it.
Eu sei, mas quando ouvi aquela mulher dizer que sabia de tudo, achei melhor vir aqui para lhe falar sobre isso.
I knew it when she came back with her nose all bust and bleeding.
Desconfiei quando ela voltou de Nova Iorque com o nariz inchado e sangrando.
She said you told her how she could reach me and I figured you must have because she knew all about it.
... Disse que Ihe faIaste de mim... ... e de facto estava a par de tudo.
Could, like, get this guy all hot and she never even knew it?
Consiga excitar um macho Sem dar por tal?
I wanted every hour we spent together to be perfect, and it was because I think she knew it, too.
Queria que cada hora que passássemos juntos fosse perfeita. E eram, porque penso que ela sentia o mesmo.
When she went around just now and I saw her tush, I knew it was her.
Só quando se virou e lhe vi o traseiro é que percebi que era ela.
Its just that when something like this happens I pray very hard to make heads or tails of it. And I think that in Shelbys case she just wanted to take care of that little baby and of you, of everybody she knew.
É só que quando algo assim acontece, rezo muito para tentar entender e acho que, no caso da Shelby, ela só queria tomar conta daquele bebezinho, de si e de toda a gente que ela conhecia,
But then, uh, then, before i knew what was happening, she, uh, she took this scarf from around her hair, and she--she, uh, wrapped it around my wrist [chuckling] and tied me to the rail.
Mas então, antes de eu ver o que estava a acontecer, ela pegou num lenço do cabelo, e enrolou no meu pulso e amarrou-me ao corrimão.
Now, they meet and they don't connect, only she noticed him, he could feel it, and he noticed her and they both knew it was gonna happen.
Conheceram-se e não fizeram faísca, mas ela reparou nele, ele sentiu-o, reparou nela, e ambos souberam que ia acontecer.
And she always knew it.
E ela sempre o soube.
She knew that I was waiting, and that I would... continue to wait. It didn't matter.
sabia que a esperava e que continuaria esperando-a que a ela isso não importava
Our mom knew why, but she never told us and we never asked her... because we knew it made her sad.
A nossa mãe sabia porquê, mas nunca nos contou, e nunca perguntámos porque sabíamos que a fazia infeliz.
Before she knew it, he hit her, tied her and everything.
Quando deu por ela, já estava amordaçada e tudo.
It evokes the beauties of the country she knew as a child, the mountains and the lakes... that she can never forget.
Fala das belezas do país que ela conheceu na infância. A suas montanhas, e lagos... que ela nunca esqueceu.
You don't talk about it, but you know and she knows. Fucking Marsellus knew it and Antwan should have known better.
Não se fala nisso mas tu sabes, as gajas sabem, o cabrão do Marsellus sabe e o Antwan também devia saber!
It turned out Phil Green, Mr. Integrity... had a partner nobody knew about. And when she showed up and started demanding money...
Parece que o santinho do Phil Green... tinha uma sócia secreta... e quando ela começou a exigir dinheiro do Tangiers...
I just knew. It was like a light just went off in my head, and I knew she'd... I knew she just got rid of him.
Fez-se luz na minha cabeça e soube que ela se tinha livrado dele.
then he would be smuggled out... And the courtesan knew that it would be some time be fore she saw her child again.
Depois ele quis vir cá pra fora... e a cortesã sabia que levaria algum tempo para voltar a ver o seu filho novamente.
When all the lights went out... and she knew that he was trapped under the bleachers, she could hear him screaming, but she wouldn't make it stop.
Quando as luzes se apagaram, ela sabia que ele estava preso sob as bancadas, ouvia-o gritar, mas não parou.
I knew she wasn't my wife but sometimes she would smile at me a certain way and then the light would hit her eyes and it was my Jennifer.
Sabia não ser a minha mulher, mas, às vezes, ela sorria de uma certa forma, a luz iluminava-lhe os olhos e era a minha Jennifer,
You saw the hat in the kitchen and knew she'd go in hatless to get it.
Viste o chapéu na cozinha e percebeste que ela ia lá buscá-lo.
Of course, you could always strike camp and go before she knew it. Then you'd be gone.
Claro que podia partir antes de que ela soubesse, se podia ir.
And it seemed to me she knew more about the world than anyone.
E parecia-me que ela sabia mais sobre o mundo que ninguém.
And she also knew if a rhino sees a flame... he'll instinctively try to put it out.
E ela também sabia que, se um rinoceronte vê chamas tenta instintivamente apagá-las.
Malheureusement, Monsieur Donald Ross expressed his suspicions in the presence of Lady Edgware. And it was at once that she knew that he also had to be silenced.
Malheureusement, exprimiu as suas suspeitas na presença dela e ela soube logo que também ele tinha de ser silenciado.
I knew she wouldn't give up, she couldn't stand it and that she'd be in contact sometime.
Sabia que não ia se render, que não se deixaria estar, sabia que algum dia voltaria.
I thought it was the most elegant thing i'd ever seen, And i'm sure if your grandmother knew How important this was to you, she would want you to have it.
Achei que era a coisa mais elegante que alguma vez tinha visto e tenho a certeza de que, se a tua avó soubesse como isto é importante para ti, ela ia querer que eu to desse.
I knew it was stupid and I shouldn't have done it but she bought me all these CDs and said I had a cute haircut.
Sei que fui estúpida e que não o devia de ter feito mas ela comprou-me muitos CD's e elogiou o meu cabelo.
She knew a thing or two about fairy magic and how to fight it.
Ela sabia uma coisa ou duas sobre magia e como lutar contra isto.

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