And so were you traducir portugués
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- Your diary. So you read it and all this time you were looking for the necklace, too.
Então, leu-o e ficou à procura do colar durante todo este tempo.
So, Lee, you did plumbing work at both these houses and both were hit by home-invasion robbers soon after.
Fez trabalhos de canalização nestas casas, Lee, e ambas foram assaltadas pouco tempo depois.
Your bras don't fit, and your mood's moodier than usual, so when were you gonna tell me?
O teu sutiã está apertado, e o teu humor está a pior mais do que o habitual, então... Quando é que me vais contar?
So I had you followed, and there you were, breaking bread with a human!
Por isso mandei-te seguir e lá estavas tu a jantar com uma humana!
I said, "And a couple of them were so sad." You know.
" E algumas são tão tristes, sabe,
Yes, I know you like me one step ahead, so, there were no calls near time of disappearance, and the rest is gonna take a little longer to crack.
Sei que gostas de mim um paço à frente. Não há telefonemas perto da hora do desaparecimento, e o resto vai levar mais algum tempo para averiguar.
You were the only one there during the altercation between Ethan and Derek. So whatever you say right now will either help him, or put him behind bars.
Só lá estavas tu quando o Ethan e o Derek discutiram, por isso o que quer que digas agora, pode ajudá-lo ou pô-lo atrás das grades.
So - - so, Bob, you and your son weren't really hunting the other day, were you?
Então... Bob... tu e o teu filho não estavam a caçar naquele dia, pois não?
You are a fresh pair of eyes. You're not involved in the sordid politics of this place, and so I would be really curious to see what you might come up with if you were to... dig around a little bit.
Você é nova, não está envolvida na política sórdida deste lugar por isso ficaria muito curioso em ver o que consegue obter se estiver disposta...
How so? Well, they were asking me a lot of questions about you, and the night that Derek was killed.
Fizeram-me muitas perguntas sobre ti e sobre a noite em que mataram o Derek.
So... I'm gonna tell you that not only do I have physical evidence that you and Pia were in the minivan last night... I just need to go home.
Portanto, vou contar-lhe que não só tenho provas físicas, como posso garantir que a Denise e a Pia estiveram no interior do monovolume.
So, you didn't bother to mention to Detective Flack that you were with Jessica and Harlan the night she was killed.
Não te incomodaste em informar o detective Flack que estavas com a Jessica e o Harlan na noite em que ela morreu.
I was pretty surprised to see that you were on my schedule and a little disappointed to see that things weren't working out so well with you and Skyler.
Fiquei admirada por te ver na minha agenda e um pouco desiludida por ver que as coisas não vão bem contigo e com a Skyler.
Because it is just 5 by 9, the prisoners were able to spread their arms and touch the walls, so you can imagine that escape was forefront in most of their minds.
Porque são apenas 1,5 m por 3 m, e os prisioneiros conseguiam estender os braços e tocar nas paredes. Por isso, podem imaginar que a fuga estava sempre presente nos seus pensamentos.
We're such poor opposites, with them being secretive and us hating secrets and them being so inclusive and us being, you know, anybody can say they're anonymous and most importantly, how fucking self-important they were.
Somos opostos tão pobres, com eles cheios de segredos e odiamos isso, eles sendo tão contidos, e nós, sabe, qualquer um podia dizer que era um de nós, e mais importante, o quanto eles achavam ser.
You were horn... so your dad and I could share complete happiness.
Tu nasceste... para eu e o teu pai podermos partilhar felicidade completa
I cracked the door open and peeked in and I was so angry with you that I imagined you were suffocating her
Estava tão zangada contigo que imaginei que a estavas a sufocar.
So, did D know anything about when and how you were coming to the building to deliver the package to Alicia?
O D sabia de alguma coisa sobre quando e como você ia ao prédio entregar o pacote à Alicia? Não.
I was new here, and I felt guilty about leaving Wilfred alone all day, and you were so sweet and eager to help, so I liked you...
Era nova aqui, e sentia-me culpada por deixar o Wilfred sozinho o dia todo. Eras tão querido e estavas desejoso para ajudar-me, portanto eu...
Checked into a hotel so your wife and daughter wouldn't know you were here?
Ficou num hotel para que a sua esposa e filha não soubessem onde estava?
So, if you play ball with us, you're nice, you help us, we tell the D.A. you were cooperative, and then maybe, you spend your jail time cleaning up, watching TV, getting an education.
Por isso se colaborares, fores porreiro e nos ajudares, dizemos ao Procurador-Geral que foste cooperante, e talvez passes o tempo na cadeia a limpar, a ver televisão e a instruíres-te.
So what were you and Mr. Barrol fighting about?
Então porque estava a lutar com o Sr. Barrol?
It was your capacity for feeling that made William and Walter so sure that you were the perfect candidate for the trials.
Foi a tua capacidade de sentir que deixou o William e o Walter tão certos de seres a candidata perfeita para os testes.
Victoria warned me you were a little tricky, so I did some digging, and I know you leaked those photos of Daniel to the press.
A Victoria avisou-me de que era manhosa, por isso investiguei, e sei que vazou aquelas fotos do Daniel.
You were complaining, you know, earlier, about how your clothes haven't been fitting you, and you don't feel right about yourself, so I just thought that, uh, you know...
Estavas a reclamar, hoje de manhã... sobre como as tuas roupas não te estão a servir e não te sentias bem contigo, por isso pensei que... Sabes...
Outfits like Alastor don't leave loose ends, so Grossman and Giannone were taken out and you faked your death because you thought you were next.
A Alastor não vai deixar pontas soltas, o Grossman e o Giannone foram levados. Fingiste estar morto porque eras o próximo.
Ted ate all of the spring rolls. Barney, that woman you were talking to, our neighbor Geraldine, some guy slept with her and didn't call her, so she hunted him down and cut off a certain part of his anatomy with a cheese knife.
Barney, a mulher com quem estavas a falar, nossa vizinha Geraldine, um gajo dormiu com ela e não ligou, então ela caçou-o até cortar uma certa parte da anatomia dele com uma faca.
Barney, that woman you were talking to, our neighbor Geraldine, some guy slept with her and didn't call her, so she hunted him down and cut off a certain part of his anatomy with a cheese knife.
Sabes aquela mulher com quem estavas a falar, a nossa vizinhas Geraldine? Um tipo dormiu com ela, não lhe telefonou e ela encontrou-o e cortou-lhe uma certa parte da anatomia com uma faca de queijo.
So you were in here between 10 and midnight?
Então, esteve aqui entre as 22h e a meia-noite?
And maybe while you were curled in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster, I was preparing for the so-called gift your big, bad Alpha promised me, and what did I get?
E talvez quando tu estavas enrolado no canto a ter uma crise existencial sobre estares a transformar-te num monstro. Eu estava a preparar-me para o tão prometido presente do teu grande e mau Alfa. E o que é que eu recebo?
I talk to the spirits of... we know that many of you here were mistreated and abused... and so therefore angry in the afterlife.
Estou a falar com os espíritos do... Sabemos que aqui muitos foram maltratados e abusados. E portanto podem estar irritados na pós-vida.
So, Elliott tells me you never saw the bullet coming, and that you were getting ready to paint.
Elliott disse-me que você não viu a bala a chegar, e que estava a preparar-se para pintar.
So the real killer strikes again, and you don't admit you were wrong and release my dad?
O verdadeiro assassino ataca de novo e não admitem o erro e libertam o meu pai?
And by the way, I'm so sorry both you and Dr. Brennan were wrong about the victim's age.
A propósito, sinto muito por você e a Dra. Brennan estarem erradas sobre a idade da vítima.
And when we were 22 and we kept each other up all night, studying for Greson's final so neither of us failed and then we came home after and made love - - that was the day I knew I wanted to marry you.
E quando tínhamos 22 anos, ficamos acordados toda a noite a estudar para a prova final, para não reprovarmos... Fomos para casa depois e fizemos amor... Aquele foi o dia que soube que queria casar-me contigo.
I realized they- - they only seem that way because we were so close up against them, and--and--and they were blocking me from seeing how much I love you,
E eles impediam-me de ver o quanto eu te amo.
So you have to wonder, what's going on here, and were these angels some kind of extraterrestrials in special space suits or with fields around them, and they were investigating the Soviet space station?
Assim, temos de questionar o que se está a passar, se esses anjos seriam algum tipo de extraterrestres, com fatos espaciais ou com campos de energia à sua volta, que estavam a investigar a estação espacial soviética?
And Megan, I didn't tell you about Willow because the moment we had was so beautiful and intense, that for a second I thought we were the only people on the planet.
Megan, eu não te falei na Willow, porque o momento que tivemos foi tão bonito e intenso que por um instante pensei que éramos os únicos à face da Terra.
So I was coming to tell you that Lauren called, and she wanted to know if you were okay.
Eu vinha dizer-te que a Lauren ligou, queria saber se estavas bem.
It's good, like, there was pictures of this jacket, all over the web and people were talking about it because it looked kind of cool and I know so many investors that remember that jacket so that was actually a good thing for us to, you know, to get the
É bom, assim como, havia fotos desta jaqueta, em toda a web e as pessoas estavam falando sobre isso, porque parecia bem legal e eu sei que muitos investidores que lembram aquela jaqueta assim que foi realmente uma coisa boa para nós, você sabe, para obter o
Up there, you let us stand and move around and we were going like 550. So I thought maybe we could apply logic and see where that took us.
Lá em cima, deixam-nos levantar-nos, andar e vamos 880 km / h, portanto, podíamos aplicar a lógica e ver aonde isso nos leva.
This was a fix-up that you never wanted and it went too far, and now I have to let you off the hook because you're so nice that we'd be searching for preschools before I realized that you were just being polite.
Foi um arranjinho que nunca quiseste, foi longe de mais e, agora, tenho de te libertar, porque és tão simpático que andaríamos à procura de creches antes que eu percebesse que estavas só a ser bem-educado.
So you were the most prim and proper dancer to ever hit the history of the Gold Cup?
Então você foi a stripper mais pura e correta de toda a história da Gold Cup?
Yeah,'cause he just broke up with his boyfriend, so, you know, we were just trying to take him out and get his mind off things.
Sim, porque ele tinha acabado com o namorado dele, e nós estavamos a tentar sair com ele para o tentar distrair.
You know, we were so young, and it was so unfair.
E éramos tão jovens e foi tão injusto.
You and urur family were going through so much, and I didn't help.
O senhor e a sua família passaram por muita coisa e eu não ajudei.
We were going really fast, and so we don't really - didn't have much time for reflection at that particular time, you know?
Nós estávamos a andar muito rápido, e por isso realmente não não tínhamos muito tempo para reflectir naquele momento em particular, sabe?
So as soon as you heard they were doing opposition research, you ran over to Tiffany and bought the ring?
Então, quando soube que iam fazer uma investigação hostil, correu para a Tiffany e comprou o anel?
You were sitting right over there, and you said that Kyle was so excited because he had sold his car to a couple who lives in Galveston.
Estavas sentado mesmo ali, e disseste que o Kyle estava muito satisfeito porque tinha vendido o carro a um casal que vivia em Galveston.
But I'm glad that you heard, because, you know, things with Beau are moving so quickly, and I just felt like eventually we were going to either see you, or...
Mas fico feliz que saibas, porque sabes, as coisas com o Beau estão a ir muito depressa, e imaginei que, eventualmente, íamos dar contigo ou...
Yeah. So I guess that 9-1-1 call we got last night from your stevedore, saying that you were getting attacked by a guy in a green hood and a bow and arrow... I guess...
Sim, então chamada de urgência que recebemos a noite passada do seu estivador, a dizer que você estava a ser atacado por um tipo de capuz verde, arco e flecha deixe adivinhar,
and so it begins 55
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and so on and so forth 34
and something else 47
and so are we 42
and so have you 26
and so on and so on 22
and so do you 187
and so 1582
and soul 16
and so are you 214
and so on and so forth 34
and something else 47
and so are we 42
and so have you 26
and so on and so on 22
and so do you 187
and so was i 23
and so will i 38
and so should you 49
and so it was 18
and somehow 99
and so on 257
and so i 33
and so far 102
and so did you 29
and so do we 31
and so will i 38
and so should you 49
and so it was 18
and somehow 99
and so on 257
and so i 33
and so far 102
and so did you 29
and so do we 31
and soon 235
and so did i 52
and sometimes 297
and so it is 20
and so do i 174
and so am i 177
and sooner or later 54
and so is she 17
and so i did 24
and so what 55
and so did i 52
and sometimes 297
and so it is 20
and so do i 174
and so am i 177
and sooner or later 54
and so is she 17
and so i did 24
and so what 55