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And we thought traducir portugués

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And we thought he was gonna boot it over the bar again, but he didn't.
Pensámos que ele a ia mandar por cima da barra, mas não mandou.
We heard the door and we thought... we thought it was him.
Quando ouvimos a porta, pensámos que fosse ele.
On second thought, um, you know, me and my partner here... we need a room.
Pensando melhor, eu e o meu colega precisamos de um quarto.
I thought we were just taking pictures and making money.
Pensei que só estávamos a tirar fotografias e a ganhar dinheiro.
The sad thing is I actually thought we kinda had something, and then two weeks after we start bangin', my club's all over the frickin'news.
É triste por ter pensado que tínhamos alguma coisa, e duas semanas depois de começarmos a fazer sexo, a minha boate tornou-se notícia.
And since we just put eyes on Bradshaw, I thought maybe you could come with me to question him?
E já que localizámos o Bradshaw, pensei que talvez quisesse vir comigo para o questionar?
I thought we were confirmed you'd be here by noon, and it's almost 3 : 00.
Eu pensei que tinha confirmado que estaria aqui ao anoitecer. e é quase três da manhã.
I thought it was a mistake at first, like she confused me with somebody else, but she sat down and we just started talking.
No princípio pensei que tivesse sido um erro, como se me tivesse confundido com outra pessoa, mas ela sentou-se e começamos a conversar.
I naively thought that we had a friendship, your son and I.
Ingenuamente acreditei na amizade do seu filho.
I thought we might try to bury the hatchet once and for all.
Poderíamos esquecer o passado, de uma vez por todas.
I thought we could start with an aperitif and then have lunch.
Pensei que podíamos começar com um apéritif, e depois, almoçar.
I've come across some information and... being as we know each other I thought I should come to you before it gets out.
Deparei-me com certas informações e... Visto que nos conhecemos, pensei trazer-lhas antes de se saberem.
So we thought we'd, um... come and check out the...
Por isso viemos ver as...
I just heard, "Contact," and thought we got contact.
Eu ouvi : "Contacto" e pensei que havia confrontos.
In light of Amanda's difficult childhood, we thought our goal could be a better tomorrow by promoting and protecting the well-being of children today.
Como a Amanda passou por dificuldades na infância, pensámos em algo como : "um amanhã melhor, promovendo e protegendo as crianças de hoje."
Hey, do you remember that time in mama's backyard When we were playing and you thought you were Stevie Ray Vaughan? Whoa, hold - - no.
Lembras-te daquela vez, no jardim da minha mãe, quando estávamos a tocar e pensavas que eras o Stevie Ray Vaughan?
We saw Iris in a shelter, and both of us thought she was really -
Vimos a Iris num abrigo e ambos pensámos que ela era mesmo...
- It's something you were just saying, that's fine, that's cool, we'll move on and not talk about it, but it is something that I've thought a lot about.
Se disseste por dizer, tudo bem. Seguimos em frente e esquecemos.
'And Hammond thought we'd stand a better chance of finding one'if we switched to the side roads.'
E o Hammond achou que teríamos mais hipoteses de encontrarmos um se fôssemos pelas estradas secundárias.
Thought we were gonna have to put you on a suicide watch, take away your shoelaces and bed sheets.
Pensei que tínhamos de te vigiar como um suicida. Tirar-te os atacadores e os lençóis.
We went for a walk and vanished. Who knows what they thought?
Fomos fazer uma caminhada e desaparecemos, quem sabe o que terão pensado.
Well that's what we thought until they came and try to take our world from us.
Bem, isso é o que pensávamos, até eles chegarem e tentar tomar o nosso mundo.
- Shut up, Nick. - It's something you were just saying, that's fine, that's cool, we'll move on and not talk about it, but it is something that I've thought a lot about.
- Foi uma coisa que disseste, tudo bem, na boa, vamos avançar e não voltar a falar disto, mas é uma coisa em que já pensei muito.
And I thought we might as well have it over a nice home-cooked meal.
- E pensei que poderíamos ter uma boa comida caseira.
We just thought we'd come by and see how Peter was doing.
Pensámos em passar por cá e ver como vai o Peter.
I don't know what kind of news this is, but Alfredo was here and he thought we should know that his sponsor just got a new blackmail demand from Charles Milverton.
Não sei que tipo de notícias são estas, mas o Alfredo está cá e pensei que devia saber que o padrinho dele recebeu uma nova chantagem do Milverton.
I thought we had an amazing time, and then that's when she asks for a separation.
Eu pensei que tínhamos tido um bom tempo maravilhoso, É logo à seguir ela pede o divórcio
I thought you and I were on the same side. We are.
Pensava que estávamos do mesmo lado.
I thought I'd take you along and we'd have a great time.
Pensei em levá-la junto e nós íamos divertir-nos.
And here I thought we all had bonded.
E eu a pensar que tínhamos uma ligação.
I've ever done, as a human or a vampire, and I thought that if I was a monster, then we all must be.
a pior coisa que alguma vez fiz, como humana ou como vampira. E eu pensei que se eu fosse um monstro... todos nós teríamos de ser, mas... mas depois fizeste algo tão altruísta...
You know, I thought we agreed you'd shut down the office and get yourself back here.
Concordámos que fecharias o escritório e vinhas para cá. Só o indivíduo da TI está aqui.
I thought you weren't seeing her anymore. We were discussing Ellen's case when the call came in, and then she was kind enough to offer a... a ride. I'm not.
Pensei que já não andavas a vê-la.
I thought you were on a date and I was afraid we were going to mess it up.
Julguei que estavas num encontro e estava com receio de interromper.
I thought we agreed that I was gonna go with you, and I was gonna pick the place.
Concordámos que ia contigo e eu escolhia o lugar.
Well, we're out of toilet paper, and I thought the pages from this rare and valuable comic book would do the job nicely.
Bem, acabou o papel higiénico, e pensei que as páginas desta banda desenhada valiosa seriam perfeitas.
I mean, I-I-I sort of thought that we had something nice going, but if I cannot compete with sandstorms and artifacts, I guess it was time to reevaluate anyway, right?
Achei que tínhamos uma coisa boa entre nós, mas se não posso competir com tempestades de areia e artefactos, acho que era a altura de reavaliar tudo, certo?
I thought you said you were still in... Out of town and that's why we couldn't meet until later?
Pensei que estivesses fora da cidade e que era por isso que não podíamos estar juntos mais logo.
We have eyes and ears everywhere, we have thought of everything.
Temos olhos e ouvidos em todo o lado, temos tudo planeado.
We finished the experiment early, so I thought I'd come home and surprise you.
Terminámos a experiência mais cedo, por isso lembrei-me de vir a casa surpreender-te.
And here we thought there were just three T's.
E pensávamos que havia apenas três Ts.
We thought long and hard about what it's gonna take to make this agency stable.
Pensámos bem sobre o que é preciso para a agência se tornar estável.
We just thought that you might like to spend some time with them and...
Apenas pensavamos se querias passar algum tempo com eles e...
It's a residential treatment facility for girls ages 7-17, and I spoke to these girls and got hooked on'em, and I thought, what if we take a damaged motorcycle, literally parallel to what's happening in their lives,
Conversei com estas meninas e imediatamente e pensei..
W-we thought we'd try and find other people in town who might've had contact with Ali, or... or what?
Achámos que podíamos encontrar outras pessoas da cidade que possam ter estado em contacto com a Ali ou... Ou o quê?
And I'm pretty certain it's'cause we all thought he was gay.
E eu tenho certeza de que é Porque tudo o que achava que ele era gay.
Well, we have some unfinished business to discuss, and I thought it best to do it in person.
Temos alguns assuntos inacabados para discutir e achei que era melhor fazê-lo em pessoa.
She admitted that was a bribe because she never thought we would tie her to those deaths, and now I got her.
Ela admitiu que houve um suborno porque nunca pensou que a fosse associar às mortes. E agora apanhei-a.
I just want everybody to know that a good man is leaving this outfit, a great man, and while we're sad to see that you're moving on a little sooner than we thought you'd be, well, we're blessed to have known you for well, what?
Olhem, só quero que saibam que um homem bom está a deixar este lugar, um grande homem, e ao mesmo tempo que estamos tristes ao ver que está a reformar-se mais cedo do que pensávamos, bem, fomos abençoados por te termos conhecido, durante, quê?
I told him we had to do something, he said he'd handle it, and I thought...
Disse-lhe que precisávamos de fazer alguma coisa. Ele disse que tratava disso, e eu pensei...
We were walking in that direction, and I thought the beacon would be right here.
Estávamos a andar nesta direcção e achei que o sinal luminoso estivesse mesmo aqui.

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