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And we were traducir portugués

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At the end of the summer, Kosher weighed probably 200 pounds, and we were going back to 89th and Park Avenue, and I didn't know what to do.
No final do verão, o Kosher já pesava uns 90 quilos, íamos voltar para o cruzamento da 89th com Park Avenue e eu não sabia o que fazer.
The wind picked up and we were pushed right into the dock.
Uma rajada de vento empurrou-nos contra o cais.
You weren't there when we took Roscoe out for the day, and we were a family again.
Não estavas lá quando saímos com o Roscoe, como uma família novamente.
And we were wondering if you guys would like to join us.
E estamos a pensar se vocês querem juntar-se a nós.
So if we had another practice run and we were in the cadaver lab and you had all the time in the world, where would you start?
Então, se nós tivéssemos outro ensaio e estívessemos no laboratório com o cadáver e tivesses todo o tempo do mundo, onde começarias?
You know, like, we woke up this morning, and we were not here.
Acordamos esta manhã, e não estávamos a falar disso.
I was dreaming that we were at our wedding and Mr. Sammy Davis Jr. was singing.
Estava a sonhar que o Sammy Davis Jr. estava a cantar no nosso casamento.
And, Barton, we were hoping that you would stand as our witness.
E, Barton, esperavamos que fosses nosso padrinho.
We were all so touched when you said you were proud to be a wife and mother.
Ficamos todas tão emocionadas quando disse que tinha orgulho em ser esposa e mãe.
The suspect we were playing hide and seek with, he faked me out.
O suspeito com que estivemos a brincar às escondidas, ele enganou-me.
[Michael] We had a lot of time together while the pigs were grilling, and... I- - I asked him,
Passámos muito tempo juntos, enquanto os porcos estavam a assar, e eu perguntei-lhe :
We were spending the summer on Martha's Vineyard, and I fed Kosher, and fed Kosher, and fed Kosher.
Estávamos a passar o verão em Martha's Vineyard e eu dei comida e mais comida ao Kosher.
When we were growing up, it was required for girls to go into the kitchen and help the mother, so that when they get married and when they have their own family, it is not very difficult for them to feed their husbands.
Quando eu era nova, as raparigas eram obrigadas a ir para a cozinha ajudar a mãe, para que quando casassem e tivessem a própria família, não tivessem dificuldade em alimentar os maridos.
You know, I had thought we were the cooking animal, and that we're the only ones.
Pensava que éramos o animal da cozinha e que éramos os únicos.
Masaccio painted these famous frescoes, telling the story of how we were expelled from Paradise and why.
Contudo, alguns dizem que o ganho no controlo do processo tem um senão, a perda dos sabores complexos que se obtêm com micróbios selvagens.
Remember earlier in the film we were looking at baby Jesuses in art and why they are so ugly?
O que vimos é que foram os microrganismos que desenvolveram a casca.
When we were your age, we made some of our favorite memories in these woods and we're sure you will too.
Quando tínhamos a vossa idade, algumas das nossas memórias foram nestes bosques e o mesmo vai acontecer convosco.
We've got a reputation to uphold and there was no way we were gonna leave this place without contributing the most awesome camp gift ever!
Nós tenho uma reputação a manter e é óbvio que nós não vamos sair daqui sem contribuir com o melhor presente de sempre!
I mean, we knew the females were out there, obviously, and as with any species they're different.
Sabíamos que as fêmeas estavam lá fora, claro, e, tal como noutras espécies, elas são diferentes.
What if we did a lottery and you were left behind?
E se fazemos um sorteio e ficar para trás?
We were in this big old house in Dorset. There was a billiard table and Kam used to win - -
Podem pôr a escrita em dia numa outra altura?
They said we'd be allowed to return at the end of the war but we were lied to and betrayed.
Mas mentiram-nos e traíram-nos. Desde então, mora em Great Auburn?
Carter, at one point we were tracking killers, and now...
Carter, antes estávamos atrás de assassinos, agora...
So, I think when they needed a temp voice for Scratte at the beginning of production, they were like, "we'll just bring Karen in," which is, for me, a lot of fun, when you can come into the booth and they're like, "okay, you're falling down a cliff."
Acho que quando precisaram de uma voz para a Scratte, no início da produção, pensaram : "Vamos trazer a Karen" e eu acho muito divertido entrar na cabine e eles dizerem :
You remember playing hide-and-seek when we were kids?
Lembras-te quando brincávamos às escondidas em miúdos?
No matter where we traveled, you were always going on and on about how much you missed this musty old house.
Não importa onde viajamos, você estava sempre em curso e sobre sobre o quanto você perdeu esta antiga casa de mofo.
Monsignor Mulregan said that if we told they'd show the photos to our parents and tell them what dirty whores we all were.
O Monsenhor Mulregan disse que se contássemos mostraria as fotos aos nossos pais e diria à eles as vadias sujas que éramos. Meus pais eram bons católicos.
The weapons and ammo that we found in the abandoned building were stolen from Fort Rucker three months ago.
As armas e munição encontradas no edifício abandonado foram roubadas de Fort Rucker há três meses.
But we were given a mandate to put Ricardo Pena behind bars, as quickly as possible and as long as possible.
Mas recebemos um mandado para prender o Ricardo Pena, o quanto antes e pelo maior tempo possível.
Yeah, so we dug a little deeper, and it turns out that both Babish and Zorn were drugged.
- Então, investigámos mais a fundo e acontece que o Babish e o Zorn foram drogados.
But, um, we were talking, and...
Mas estávamos a falar, e...
Well, we were on our afternoon jog and who would message me on KnowBers...
Estávamos na corrida da tarde e adivinhe quem me mandou uma mensagem pelo Sabezinhos...
We met when we were five years old, and right up through to our teenage years, we made quite the pair.
Conhecemo-nos aos cinco anos e, até à adolescência, fazíamos uma equipa e peras.
The little girl who, when we were just five-years-old in art camp, started talking to me because she saw I was scared and helped me make Mr. Rags.
Aquela menina de apenas cinco anos que, no campo de férias, começou a falar comigo porque viu que eu estava assustada e que me ajudou a fazer o Mr. Rags.
Ruth, Mike and I were... supposed to be married today, but we weren't.
Ruth, eu o Mike íamos casar-nos hoje. Mas não casámos.
At the time, you said that looking for him would be a dead end, that we should focus on the end buyer, and you were right.
Na altura disseste que encontrá-lo era um beco sem saída, e devíamos focar-nos no comprador final, e tinhas razão.
We were all high, and Chino had this brand-new car, and this guy challenged him to a race.
Estávamos pedrados e o Chino tinha um carro novo e este tipo desafiou-o a correr.
We got the same address from three different sources and there were only two people here guarding Hank.
Conseguimos a mesma morada de três fontes diferentes e só estavam aqui duas pessoas a vigiá-lo.
And one day you come, and I look really bad, seriously bad, terrible. I'm unhinged, I've lost weight, like when we were studying, remember?
E um dia vens e vês-me mal, mas mesmo mal, num estado terrível.
And the times we were in hotels on business trips and you knock on my door asking to screw me.
Sempre que estamos em hotéis, em viagens de trabalho, bates à minha porta e pedes para me foder.
But if the battle were recorded, the insurgents would've posted it, and we would've heard about it.
Mas se a batalha foi gravada, os terroristas iam colocá-la no ar, e ficávamos a saber disso.
But if your intelligence agencies were keeping tabs on the local mafia, and they, in turn, happened to know of Al Bouri's whereabouts, well... we'd like to be read in on that information.
Mas se as vossas agências de inteligência mantiverem o controle sobre a máfia local, e que, por sua vez, ficou a saber do paradeiro do Al Bouri, bem... Gostávamos de ter conhecimento dessa informação.
We were just paid for a smash-and-grab job.
Apenas fomos pagos para ir buscar uma coisa.
Clothes were stripped and we don't have any dental matches.
Não tinha roupas e não temos a ficha dentária.
Unfortunately, in surgery, we discovered your daughter's injuries were more catastrophic than we realized and her brain function has virtually ceased.
Infelizmente, na cirurgia, descobrimos que os ferimentos eram mais catastróficos do que prevíamos, e o funcionamento cerebral praticamente cessou.
We were sleeping. I was sleeping, and then the screaming.
Estávamos a dormir, ela começou a gritar...
She suffered a serious complication, but we were able to control it in time, and she should make a full recovery.
Ela teve sérias complicações, mas conseguimos controlá-las a tempo, e ela deve recuperar completamente...
- and I don't know if things have changed in the last couple years, but when we were together, you weren't exactly into marriage so much.
E eu não sei se as coisas mudaram nos últimos anos, mas quando estávamos juntos, tu não estavas muito interessada em casar
And by the way, those five North Korean agents we took down, they were on the dog's chip.
Já agora, estes cinco agentes Norte Coreanos que apanhamos estavam referenciados no "Chip de cães".
We heard there were some sexy scientists working hard all weekend. Yeah, so we brought you some lunch and we are gonna go look for'em.
Ouvimos dizer que há uns cientistas sexys a trabalhar no duro durante o fim de semana, então resolvemos trazer-vos o almoço e ir à procura deles.
When they show up, we'll hear whatever their dumb story is about where they were, we'll pretend to believe them, and just when they think they got away with it, you jump out.
Quando eles aparecerem, vamos ouvir que história estúpida eles nos contam acerca de onde estiveram, vamos fingir que acreditamos, e quando eles pensarem que engolimos essa história, tu apareces.

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