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And you took it traducir portugués

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You opened me up and you took it out!
Abriu-me e tirou-mo!
You wanted something and you took it,
Não quer, Dean? Queria alguma coisa e tirou-a.
You wanted something and you took it, didn't you, dean? Didn't.
- Queria uma coisa e roubou-a, não foi?
And you took it?
E tu aceitaste?
And you... and you took it.
E tu roubaste-ma.
And it took a long time. [ITN] Just to get this right you were actually working today on an exercise that envision virtually this scenario?
A ata contém uma discussão de uma clássica operação de falsa bandeira donde Bush tentou levar Saddam à guerra utilizando um avião das Nações Unidas.
[Charlie] I've done a lot of research and it's not just me, it's the people that have come before me, the experts, the engineers and the physicists, and the scientists, and the scholars that raised a lot of this things. And I took a look at their research and said : yeah, it didn't add up, a lot of it doesn't add up, and there are these questions, you know, there's two areas : there's building 7, and there's the 5 frames from the Pentagon.
Agora, os arquivos da CNN aparecem mostrando um policial dizendo para jornalistas e civis para se afastarem do WTC7, que o edifício iria explodir
Look, Stewie, you stood up before God and all your toys and you took an oath to stick it out when things got tough.
Olha, Stewie, ficaste em pé diante de Deus... e de todos os teus brinquedos e fizeste um juramento... para aguentar quando as coisas ficarem difíceis.
I was mad at Dexter, and I took it out on you.
Estava zangada com o Dexter e descarreguei em ti.
You broke my heart, you broke my bones, and I took it so those kids wouldn't have to.
Partiste-me o coração. Partiste-me os ossos e aceitei tudo, para os miúdos não terem de sofrer.
You know, it would be impossible, as a citizen, to be up and informed on every single topic, because it took us thousands of hours of research in order to be informed enough to ask the right questions here.
Seria impossível, enquanto cidadão, estar informado sobre todos os temas, porque levou-nos horas de pesquisa para estar suficientemente informado para fazer as pergunta certas.
I want to believe everything you're telling me, Brett, but there's something I don't understand. If this Garza guy was murdered last night and this investigation took place overnight, how could you know about it?
Se esse Garza foi morto a noite passada, se esse Garza foi morto a noite passada, como podes tu saber disso?
Now, I know in the past all it took was a compliment for you and me to hit the futon, but I told you things have changed.
Eu sei que no passado bastava um elogio para irmos para o futon. Mas, já te disse que as coisas mudaram.
Abby ran the urine sample you took, and it was clean.
Abby analisou a amostra de urina que você levou, e estava limpa.
Excuse me, you were the one who was constantly horny. And you sure took advantage of it.
Com licença, mas eras tu que estavas constantemente excitada!
You know, it took every ounce of strength your mother has to come in here and ask me to take you back.
Sabes, a tua mãe esforçou-se muito para vir cá pedir-me para te pôr de volta na equipa.
Can you respect the time it took me to collect that and at least call it trace?
Voce pode respeitar o tempo que eu levei para juntar isso e no minimo chama isto de achado?
You know, I mean, maybe if we took separate cars and then we pretended it was like an accident.
Talvez se formos em carros separados e fingirmos que foi por acaso.
But Ted figured out that you put up the site, and he beat your ass. And then you took it to the next level.
Mas o Ted descobriu que você criou o "site", deu-lhe uma tareia e depois você foi ainda mais longe.
You know, I took the money from the sale, and I bought a sailboat. And I named it after my ex-wife, and I sank it.
Sabe, peguei no dinheiro dessa venda, comprei um veleiro, dei-lhe o nome da minha ex-mulher e afundei-o.
But we took care of it all, and you should have a full recovery.
Mas tratámos de tudo, e deve recuperar totalmente.
I respect the courage it took to come here and tell me the truth, but frankly, son, you're still a coward in my book.
Jeremy, respeito a coragem que tiveste para me vires dizer a verdade, mas, sinceramente, filho, para mim, ainda és cobarde.
You took something beautiful like Jessica's vagina and you made it just a place to put a foot.
Pegaste em algo belo, como a vagina da Jessica e tornaste-a um lugar para pôr um pé.
Lieutenant, I took a picture and I need you to help me with it.
Tenente, tirei uma fotografia e preciso que me ajude.
Good. So it's my fault that you dumped me for no reason and then took up with La Femme Nikita.
Pois, a culpa é minha de teres acabado comigo sem razão nenhuma e de te teres metido com uma louca.
When you reached out for me and took my hand, it was the first time I didn't feel alone.
Quando chegaste ao pé de mim e pegaste na minha mão, foi a primeira vez que não me senti sozinha.
I need to get my hands on what you took and give it back to some people who will do some very bad things if I don't.
Preciso de deitar as mãos ao que tiraste e devolvê-lo a umas pessoas que farão coisas terríveis, se eu não o devolver.
You stole money from my house and then you took it to your lab to analyze.
Roubaste dinheiro da minha casa e levaste-o para o teu laboratório para ser analisado.
Nevertheless, the Commissioner feels and I agree, it might be best if you took some time off. A holiday.
De qualquer maneira, o comissário pensa, e eu concordo... que era melhor tirar uns dias de folga... umas férias?
You took my life that I placed in your hands to help me carry it safely to the grave and you laid it on every bedside table you could find while you pursued whatever it was you were pursuing all those years.
Depositei-a nas tuas mãos para a levares em segurança para o túmulo e tu pousaste-a em cada mesinha de cabeceira que encontraste, enquanto perseguiste o que quer que perseguias estes anos todos.
I told you, I told myself, when I started this job, that I took it to help people, and I haven't done that.
Quando aceitei o emprego, disse que o fazia para ajudar pessoas e não o fiz.
Now, you either tell me where you took it Or you're going to end up in the hospital And after that you're going to end up in jail.
Agora, escolhe entre dizer para onde levaste o carro ou vais para o hospital e depois vais parar à cadeia.
And for those of you who don't know, I actually took flying lessons a week ago, and even though it's totally illegal, I'm gonna fly us out of here.
Para os que não sabem, tive umas lições de voo, há umas semanas e apesar de ser totalmente ilegal, vou levar-vos.
Hey, I wanted to tell you I heard that you took your name off the NRDC building and had it replaced with Anonymous.
Ouvi dizer que tiraste o teu nome do edifício da NRDC e que foi substituído por "Anónimo".
I took it to mean that you're gay and you want me.
Entendi que és gay e me queres.
And then... you took it all away.
E depois tiraste-me tudo.
Look, I took over an hour getting ready for you and, you know, you barely saw it. And now my hair is a wreck and my makeup is all smeared and...
Demorei mais de uma hora a arranjar-me para ti, mal reparaste, agora o meu cabelo está um desastre.
It is the same reason Allison took Kim's research from you and gave it to Nathan Stark.
Foi a que levou a Allison a tirar-te a investigação da Kim e dá-la ao Nathan.
You took the jacket. And I looked for it for two weeks. Read it.
Levaste o blusão e procurei-o durante duas semanas.
It took bloody 10 years to complete our spaceship, and now look what you've done!
Levous 10 malditos anos terminar nossa nave espacial, e agora olha o que fizeste!
It took me to come to you, and you don't even want me here!
Custou chegar até ti, e nem sequer me queres cá!
I would consider it a favor if you took the job. And the money's not bad.
Consideraria um favor se aceitasses o trabalho e o dinheiro vale a pena.
You just took over, Alex, and... I think it's completely wrong to make such a huge change in the way things are done.
Acabas de tomar poder, Alex e... e acho que está completamente errado... fazer uma mudança tão radical na forma como se tem feito as coisas.
You know, we saw an opportunity to give our son Elijah a better life and... we took it.
Vimos uma oportunidade de dar ao nosso filho uma vida melhor, e aproveitámo-la.
The thing is this... this vision, it was like... I think it's something that happened to the ghost... gabriel's mother... and I, you know, at first, I thought it maybe was the moment that they took her to the hospital, but that wasn't right.
O facto é que esta... esta visão, era como... acho que foi alguma coisa que aconteceu com o fantasma... a mãe do Gabriel... e eu, sabes, no início, achei que fosse o momento que a tinham
How fucking stupid can you get? When he cut himself up with a kitchen knife, and, you know, he said he was pissed. And when he took his first overdose, you think you'd have stopped and sorted it out.
Quando se cortou com a faca de cozinha e disse que estava farto e quando tomou seu primeira overdose pensaria que se deteria e resolveria.
And when you took it from him, his luck went from - -
E quando pegou dele, a sorte dele foi pro...
Foi também quanto tempo levaste a matar e esfolar o cachorro quente?
Others may pay hundreds for you but I had you when all it took was half a lager and a couple of Marlboro Lights.
Outros podem pagar centenas por ti mas eu tive-te quando meia caneca de cerveja e dois Marlboro Lights chegavam.
You gave me happiness, and then you took it away.
Deu-me a felicidade e, depois, tirou-ma.
If you keep proclaiming it it's as if you took out a white flag and called out'help, there is something wrong with me.'
Se você insiste em proclamá-la é como se você tivesse hasteado uma bandeira branca aclamando "Socorro, há algo errado comigo."

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