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As i was saying traducir portugués

857 traducción paralela
As I was saying, there's some mighty beautiful country around here. The trees are lovely.
Como eu dizia, há por aqui paisagens lindas.
As I was saying, Lucy, marriage is a beautiful thing.
Como estava a dizer, o casamento é algo maravilhoso.
As I was saying, gentlemen...
Como estava a dizer, senhores...
Ah, yes, Skinny, as I was saying to the Duchess only yesterday- -
Ah, sim, Skinny, como estava a dizer à Duquesa no outro dia- -
As I was saying, sir, Custer's the type that wins brawls, not battles.
Como dizia, senhor, o Custer é do tipo de ganhar rixas e não batalhas.
As I was saying, I got off the bus and I suddenly remembered that Vin was due down from Oxford tomorrow.
Como estava a dizer, saí da camioneta e lembrei-me que o Vin chega amanhã de Oxford.
As I was saying, I've been in the theatre a number of years and...
Como ia a dizer, estou no teatro há muitos anos e...
- As I was saying, I've been in the theatre...
- Como dizia, estou no teatro...
As I was saying, we'd hate to see the policies lapse. Of course, we give them 30 days.
Como dizia antes, não gostaríamos de ver as apólices a caducarem.
As I was saying, it was a shame to throw her out.
Estava dizendo que era uma pena despejá-la.
Well, as I was saying, Mr Novak, there is an element of risk involved.
Bem, como estava a dizer, Mr. Novak, há um elemento de risco envolvido.
As I was saying, you ought to be more sunburned.
Como lhe dizia, deveria estar mais queimado.
- As I was saying...
- Como estava a dizer...
As I was saying, Miss Tyler, you were brought here for a special purpose... and you failed completely.
Como eu lhe dizia, Srta. Tyler, mandei-a vir para aqui com um propósito especial e você falhou completamente.
- As I was saying...
- Como eu cantar...
As I was saying, I came to show you that with a lot of hard work, you can triumph.
Como estava dizendo, só vim para oferecer o umilde triunfo feito de esforço e do meu trabalho...
As I was saying, I hope the mountain brute didn't frighten you.
Como estava a dizer, senhora. Espero que o montanhês rude não a tenha assustado.
As I was saying...
Pois é como lhes digo.
As I was saying, no matter where you go you always find a man who reminds you of a welcher.
Como eu dizia,... Vá para onde for, encontra sempre o homem que lhe lembra um caloteiro.
Oh, well. But as I was saying...
Bom, mas como eu estava a dizer...
As I was saying fortunately, those two men did not get very far.
Como estava a dizer, felizmente aqueles dois homens não foram longe.
So as I was saying- -
- Como estava a dizer...
As I was saying, Andy, life here is simple. Not much like your America.
Como eu ia dizendo, a vida aqui é simples.
- No. - Well, as I was saying, Jervis, I'll just be buzzing along.
Como ia dizendo, vou andando.
As I was saying, a mastodon is a kind of elephant
Como eu estava dizendo, um mastodonte é uma espécie de elefante.
As I was saying, my dear friend, I think we are doing so much for the theater, but too little for the fine arts.
Como eu dizia, meu caro amigo... estamos a fazer muito pelo teatro e pouco pelas artes plásticas.
Well, as I was saying, I was quite happy farming my bit of land down in Buckinghamshire when these United Nations fellows started worrying me.
Como eu ia dizendo, fiquei feliz por ter um pedaço de terra no Buckinghamshire.
Well, as I was saying,
Bem, como estava dizendo...
As I was saying to her only last night...
Como disse a ela ontem à noite...
And your wife, as I was saying, she's nice.
E a sua esposa, como eu disse, é amável.
I shall be back following, as I was saying...
Voltarei já de seguida... como estava a dizer...
As I was saying... - Dante Cruciani?
Dante Cruciani!
Now, as I was saying, I would like you to do me a favor. I have secured a piece of lace.
Como eu dizia, quero que me faça um favor. Consegui um pedaço de renda.
As I was saying, Ben, this town is sure worked up about all this.
Estava eu a dizer, Ben, que esta cidade anda toda alvoraçada com este assunto.
As I was saying, I says to him, "If you think I'm going to cart goods which I know nothing about, you've got another thing coming."
Eu disse : "Se acredita que carrego coisas... de que não sei nada, fico imaginando."
As I was saying, when someone pushes you around and keeps pushing you around, soon you're not gonna be around to get pushed around.
Como eu dizia, quando alguém nos maltrata e está sempre a maltratar-nos, em breve, não estaremos por perto para sermos maltratados.
But as I was saying I'm from the Clybourne Park Improvement Association and we had it brought to our attention at the last meeting that you people, or at least your mother has bought a piece of residential property at 4...
Como dizia sou da Associaçäo Clybourne Park. Ficamos sabendo, na última reuniäo que vocês... que a sua mäe...
As I was saying, this is no easy case
Obrigado, me parece que terá que atuar com rapidez.
Just a moment. Well, as I was saying, we're divided into houses.
Como estava a dizer, estamos divididos em casas.
Now, as I was saying...
Como lhes dizia...
As I was saying I hear you can dive better than Moreno can.
Como ia a dizer, soube que mergulhas melhor do que o Moreno.
Yes, well, as I was saying, Hilts, we have maps of Germany - general maps, that is.
Sim, bem, como estava a dizer, Hilts temos mapas da Alemanha, mapas gerais, quer dizer.
Well, I was just reporting what people were saying.
Bem, eu estava apenas relatando o que as pessoas estavam dizendo.
I'm not saying, as others do, that I was against it from the start. Not at all.
Não vou, como outros, dizer que fui contra desde o início.
Just the other day I was saying to uncle Simão, as long as you don't get in front of the carts it won't work.
Olha, ainda o outro dia disse ao tio Simão, enquanto tu não te puseres à frente das carroças, aquilo não anda.
Merci, Joseph. I was just saying, Louisa, things might be a great deal worse.
Apenas disse, Louisa, que as coisas poderiam ser muito piores.
Mr. Wallace was just saying it's remarkable that Benny's sisters should have eyes... I mean, blue eyes.
O Sr. Wallace dizia ha pouco que era notavel que as irmas do Benny Haynes tivessem olhos... lsto e, olhos azuis...
I was saying seven o'clock would be a reasonable time...
Dizia eu que as 19h me parece uma hora razoável.
I don't know I had everything all packed, then Carlos yelled the stage was ready and I heard somebody saying they weren't going.
Não sei Já tinha as malas feitas, apareceu o Carlos a dizer que iam partir e ouvi alguém dizer que não ia.
What was I saying?
Que estavas dizendo, Fefe? - As pêras.
I was saying they've all gone back to carrying guns again.
Falamos sobre as armas.

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