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As it were traducir portugués

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I mean, heh, as it were.
Por assim dizer.
You thought he was going to propose, to cement, as it were, the union between your two families.
Achava que ele ia pedi-la em casamento, para cimentar, por assim dizer, a união entre as duas famílias.
A nom de guerre, as it were.
É um nome de guerra.
Mom will deal with the charges and then you can... you can get back to whatever life you were leading with whatever Russian stripper you were leading it with.
A mãe vai lidar com as acusações e depois, tu podes... Tu podes voltar para a vida que estavas levando com strippers russas e tudo o resto.
Were you to donate a gravestone for the common defense, I believe it would inspire the other families to see the light.
Se vocês doassem uma lápide pela defesa comum, acredito que isso ia inspirar as outras famílias para que vissem a luz.
It would appear as if drug money were being funneled into Future Forward's accounts.
Parece que o dinheiro das drogas era canalizado em contas da "Futuro Adiante".
Then every night when it came to bed time there was always the same discovery - we were one sleeping bag short.
E todas as noites quando chegava a hora de dormir havia sempre a mesma descoberta, faltava um saco de dormir.
I know, when I followed up on it, they said the recordings were blank.
Eu sei, quando dei seguimento, disseram que as gravações estavam em branco.
Yeah, and when she told us the recordings were erased, she acted like she had no idea who did it.
E quando disse que as gravações tinham sido apagadas, agiu como se não soubesse quem o tinha feito.
As for the specs, we were experimenting with the 286, but in the end, it would only cost your customers an arm and a leg, so we're going with an eight megahertz 8086.
Quanto às especificações, fizemos umas experiências com o 286, mas, no final de contas, só custaria aos vossos clientes um braço e uma perna, por isso, optaremos por um 8086 de 8 megahertz.
Okay. It's exactly as we were hoping.
Pronto, a situação está exactamente como esperaríamos que estivesse.
If wormholes were created in the earliest stages of the universe, is it possible, as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest, that celestial beings have already used them to travel to Earth in the distant past?
Se os túneis de minhoca foram formados nos estágios iniciais do Universo, será possível, tal como alguns teóricos dos antigos astronautas sugerem, que seres celestiais já os usaram para viajar para a Terra, no passado distante?
While no one knows exactly who the inhabitants of Paquimé were, it is believed that their descendants may be the indigenous people of the region, known as the Tarahumara.
Por enquanto, ninguém sabe quem foram os habitantes de Paquimé, acredita-se que os seus descendentes possam ser os povos indígenas da região, conhecidos como Tarahumara.
Considering the similar doorways and legends of otherworldly beings at Paquimé and Amaru Muru, is it possible these ancient sites were built by extraterrestrials as stargates?
Tendo em atenção os portais similares e as lendas de seres de outro mundo, em Paquimé e Amaru Muru, será possível que esses locais antigos fossem construídos por extraterrestres, como portais estelares?
It was as if the people were simply beamed out of it.
Era como se as pessoas se tivessem evaporado.
And when your bosses still thought it was someone inside the company, you were able to deflect suspicion, because you were the one in charge of finding him.
E quando os seus patrões ainda pensavam que era alguém de dentro da empresa, conseguiu desviar as suspeitas, porque era quem estava encarregada de o encontrar.
If it came out that you were an exec at a big drug company, it would've looked like any rival study you'd debunked was motivated by greed.
Se ficasse a saber-se que era uma executiva de uma grande empresa farmacêutica, ia parecer que as denuncias que fez sobre os estudos rivais eram motivadas pela ganância.
So I looked at it again, and interspersed amongst the ancient Hebrew letters were Greek letters... 14 Greek letters... and also the weight terms were Egyptian.
Assim, reanalizei tudo e intercalados com as antigas letras hebraicas estavam letras gregas... 14 letras gregas... e os termos de peso eram egípcios.
And the purpose of it was to find relics and evidence, and possibly weapons from these very advanced Aryan gods who the Nazi's believed they were directly descended from.
E o objectivo era encontrarem relíquias e indícios, possivelmente as armas muito avnaçadas dos deuses arianos, de quem os nazis acreditavam descender directamente.
Based on the estimated time of death and when the victims were last seen alive, it appears as though the first victim, Melvin Lewis, was held for a couple of months.
Tem por base o tempo estimado das mortes e quando as vítimas foram vistas vivas pela última vez, parece que a primeira vítima, Melvin Lewis, foi mantido refém durante dois meses.
And it was the gates of Mars'temple that were opened or closed depending upon whether there was a war going on.
E eram as portas do templo de Marte que estavam abertas ou fechadas, consoante havia uma guerra em curso ou não.
Like the clay balls, the walls were also covered in gold flecks, so if the cavern illuminated it with a torch during a ceremony, the cavern would have shimmered with a thousand points of light, resembling the cosmos.
À semelhança das bolas, as paredes também estavam cobertas por manchas douradas, por isso, se a caverna fosse iluminada com uma tocha durante uma cerimónia, iria refulgir com milhares de pontos de luz, à semelhança do cosmos.
Is it possible that the Anunnaki gods in our ancient origin stories were actually extraterrestrial beings and that they created the structures that some believe they see on Mars?
Será possível que os deuses Anunnaki, das nossas antigas histórias da criação fossem, na verdade, seres extraterrestres que criaram as construções que parecem ser avistadas em Marte?
In his book, Life and Death on Mars, Dr. John Brandenburg says that because Mars has limited volcanic and tectonic activity, it's an open question as to how these mountains were formed.
No seu livro, "Vida e Morte em Marte", o Dr. John Brandenburg diz que, devido a Marte ter reduzida actividade vulcânica e tectónica, permanece por esclarecer como se formaram aquelas montanhas.
And the implications of such an announcement, if it were made, would be potentially devastating to the human race.
E as consequências de tal anúncio, se for feito, seria potencialmente devastador para a raça humana.
I know it's a tough ask, but you know the conditions that these victims were facing.
Eu sei que é difícil pedir, mas conheces as condições a que estão submetidos.
As if it were your destiny and not something you wrested from a man you dared to call friend!
Como se fosse o teu destino e não algo que arrancaste de um homem que atreveste-te a chamar de amigo!
So, it would mean something if you were to tell me that your intentions are honorable.
Isso já seria alguma coisa se me dissesse se as suas intenções são honrosas.
By the time we got where it hit the water, the people were already dead.
Quando chegamos ao local onde ele caiu, as pessoas já estavam mortas.
NARRATOR : Is it possible that the UFOs spotted at Malmstrom Air Force Base in 1967 were the same entities that many Native
Será possível que o OVNI avistado na Base de Malmstrom, em 1967, foram as mesmas entidades a que muitas tribos nativo americanos se referem como seres das estrelas?
President Monroe and all of the other politicians had left the capital, and at that time, the British forces were finding it basically a deserted city.
O Presidente Monroe e todos os outros políticos abandonaram a capital, e as forças britânicas encontraram, basicamente, uma cidade deserta.
'Cause that place that you were at tonight, it was filled with married men that are bored with their wives.
Porque esse lugar onde tu foste hoje estava cheio de homens casados entediados com as esposas.
And as soon as you went over a bridge or through a tunnel and left the city... you were in America, essentially, and it was a different world.
E assim que passávamos a ponte ou o túnel e deixávamos a cidade... JOE GERBER CO-MANAGER, TWISTED SISTER estávamos na América, basicamente, e era um mundo diferente.
and the industry know-it-alls, who were into the cool scene, were chuckling that,
e os profissionais da indústria, que conheciam as cenas fixes, estavam a rir-se porque...
And they were gonna have the biggest bands in Long Island play every Tuesday night for a month. We rented a plane and flew it over Jones Beach
E eles iam ter as maiores bandas de Long Island a tocar todas as terças à noite durante um mês.
We were so far in the back, people were on top of the buildings to watch the show. It was a zoo.
Estávamos tão atrás que as pessoas estavam no topo dos prédios para ver o espetáculo.
The bands in this particular market were making so much money that it was very difficult for them to even try to branch out, say go to California, go to L.A. There was no point- - they'd go to L.A.
As bandas neste mercado específico estavam a fazer tanto dinheiro que era muito difícil para elas tentarem sair dali e ir para a Califórnia, ou para LA.
And they might be three songs that were actually released. With me as often or not it was a demo tape.
E podem ser músicas que realmente foram publicadas.
- Mostly, people were wondering whether it was a serious effort or just a P.R. stunt for your president.
As pessoas estão a perguntar-se se é um esforço verdadeiro ou se é só um capricho do Presidente.
Dad thought it was better if... people thought we were dead.
O pai achava que era melhor se... as pessoas pensassem que estávamos mortos.
Someone's loved one was passing away, and you were hogging all the limelight, making it all about you.
Faleceu uma pessoa querida a alguém, e tu estavas a monopolizar as luzes da ribalta, e a tornar tudo sobre ti.
My girls were just keeping it fair.
As minhas miúdas só queriam algo justo.
You know, as content as you were in that city, it wasn't real.
Sabes que o que sentiste nessa cidade era falso, certo?
Has to do with the crusades and a bunch of knights who were grimms who found something that they thought no one else should have, so they buried it in the black forest and made a bunch of keys that had a map
É uma longa história. Tem a ver com as cruzadas e um grupo de cavaleiros que eram Grimms e que encontraram algo que acharam que mais ninguém deveria ter, por isso enterraram na floresta negra e fizeram várias chaves que tinham um mapa que supostamente leva ao local.
While you're thinking, it would really reduce my anxiety level down to a four if you weren't staring at me as though you were trying to eat me.
Enquanto estiveres a pensar, realmente iria diminuir o meu nível de ansiedade para 4 se não me estivesses a olhar fixamente como se me estivesses a tentar comer.
It was as if Sadie's insults and threats were being phoned in from a distant planet.
Parecia que os insultos da Sadie vinham de um planeta distante.
When the war began here and all the troops Gaddafi's subtracted [from Benghazi] was... overcame a feeling of freedom, as if you were flying. Something seemed to open in a, it was like fresh air.
Quando a guerra começou aqui e o exército de Gaddafi saíra todo [de Benghazi ]... a liberdade... [ era como] sentires o corpo a voar... o cheiro a algo a abrir-se dentro de ti... uma lufada de ar fresco.
The poor bastards survived a world war, only to find out it never really ended, and they were all expected to take their own lives.
Conseguiram sobreviver a uma guerra mundial, depois ficam presos numa que não tem fim, e finalmente acabam com as suas próprias vidas.
Well, both victims were hunters, but the way they were killed, it looks like the unsub was hunting them.
As vítimas eram caçadores, mas, a forma como morreram, parece que o suspeito os estava a caçar.
It's almost like they were splashed on, as if he was cooking with it or something.
É como se tivessem sido salpicados, como se ele estivesse cozinhando com isto.
The others were all locked in the hold as it sank.
As outras estavam todas presas no porão enquanto afundava.

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