Door neighbour traducir portugués
55 traducción paralela
Gonna be our next-door neighbour.
Vai ser nosso vizinho do lado.
Allow me to introduce my next-door neighbour.
Deixa-me apresentar o meu vizinho do lado.
Their next-door neighbour was Mrs April Simnel.
A sua vizinha do lado era a Mrs. April Simnel.
"Well, I'll ask my next-door neighbour."
"Bem, vou convidar a minha vizinha."
Charley, this is our next-door neighbour...
Charley, este é o vizinho aqui do lado...
He really believes his next-door neighbour is a vampire... and he's planning to kill him.
Ele realmente acredita que o vizinho é um vampiro... e está a planear matá-lo.
I'm your next-door neighbour, and I thought you should know that through some acoustical oddness - I can hear all your patients quite clearly. - Really?
Olhe que há aqui um fenómeno acústico estranho e ouve-se tudo o que os seus doentes dizem.
I want you to take Scotti to my next-door neighbour and stay with him.
Quero que leve o Scotti para o meu vizinho do lado e fique com ele.
This is my new next-door neighbour, Diane.
Esta é a minha nova vizinha do lado, a Diane.
- Your next-door neighbour.
- O seu vizinho do lado.
Yeah. I'm the next-door neighbour.
Sou o vizinho do lado.
The next door neighbour? She's next door.
Chegaram à conclusão que é amor?
What is wrong with you? - That's our next-door neighbour, Jim.
Aquele é o nosso vizinho Jim.
- I was Amanda's next-door neighbour.
Eu era a vizinha da Amanda ". Não perguntes.
Remember that next-door neighbour of mine? The apartment that always smells like potatoes?
Lembras-te da minha vizinha do lado, do apartamento que cheira sempre a batatas?
Mulder, this is nothing more than a tool used by a lovelorn Romeo who just happens to be your next-door neighbour.
Mulder, isto não passa de um instrumento, usado por um Romeu apaixonado que é também o teu vizinho do lado.
Whether next of kin or next-door neighbour Happily, we pool our labour to give our town a new face
Podem ser parentes e vizinhos Esforçam-se todos juntinhos
It's my next-door neighbour.
É o meu vizinho.
My next-door neighbour's got a Great Dane and she's trying to get him... She's putting peanut butter all over her snoochy and stuff like that.
A minha vizinha tem um grand-danois, põe marmelada no coelho e essas coisas.
Now I'm assuming that he never got around to it because two hours ago... his next-door neighbour took a slug in the shoulder
Agora assumo que nunca o fez porque há cerca de duas horas o seu vizinho do lado levou com uma bala no ombro.
Kelly, this is Buddy, our next-door neighbour.
Kelly, este é o Buddy, o nosso vizinho.
They shoot me, they beat up Tony, and now they drive our next-door neighbour to his death.
Eles balearam-me, bateram no Tony, e agora levaram o nosso vizinho do lado à morte.
When you were small, our next door neighbour had a dog, a golden retriever, remember?
Quando eras miúda, o nosso vizinho tinha um golden retriever. Lembras-te? Vagamente.
My next door neighbour.
A minha vizinha do lado.
I'm her next-door neighbour.
Eu sou o seu vizinho do lado.
Her next-door neighbour?
O seu vizinho do lado?
Next-door neighbour?
Vizinho do lado?
Seriously, the next-door neighbour, the guy with the, you know, forehead?
A sério, o vizinho da porta do lado, o tipo com, vocês sabem, testa?
And Elliot, the next-door neighbour.
- E o Elliot, o vizinho.
The next-door neighbour Elliot, I spoke to him the other day. - What the fuck?
O Elliot, o vizinho, falei com ele no outro dia.
Give me the mask or I kill your next door neighbour.
Da-me a máscara ou matarei a tua vizinha do lado.
I'm talking about your real next door neighbour.
Estou falando do teu verdadeiro vizinho ao lado.
- Next-door neighbour's pug.
- O cão do vizinho do lado.
No, it's her next-door neighbour.
Não, sou o vizinho do lado.
Exorcised the next door neighbour's cat.
Exorcizou o gato da vizinha da porta ao lado.
Does Mum and the next-door neighbour.
Matou a mãe e o vizinho do lado.
Yes, it is,'cause she's my next-door neighbour.
Sim, é, porque ela é minha vizinha.
- Our next-door neighbour.
- O nosso vizinho do lado.
The day daddy went away, I found a coin on the floor. The door was bolted, so we got a neighbour to break it down for us.
Quando meu pai partiu, eu encontrei uma moeda no chão... a porta estava trancada, chamámos um vizinho para a arrombar.
- What neighbour? - Next door.
Como posso contactá-los?
We all go next door to the neighbour... and you perform some kind of vampire test on him... to pronounce him human.
Vamos todos à casa do vizinho... e faz uma espécie de ritual, um teste para vampiros... para o proclamar humano.
But he... he is our next window neighbour, because we don't have a door in that end of the house.
Mas ele... E o vizinho da janela ao lado, porque nos nao temos uma porta naquele lado da casa.
You've been very helpful. And my next-door-neighbour?
Do vizinho daqui não me pergunta nada?
"... your ass will be seen by your neighbour next door ".
"... seu asno será visto por seu neighbour próxima porta. "
I spoke to a neighbour and she talked about them as if they were the Joneses living next door all these years.
Abordei uma vizinha e ela falou-me deles como se fossem um casal normal com anos de casados.
This is typical neighbour speak for "the bloodbath next door tanked our property values."
Típica fala de vizinho para o "banho de sangue que manchou nossos valores."
- My neighbour? Next door?
- O meu vizinho do lado?
Next door, just the neighbour.
Vivo aqui ao lado, sou apenas uma vizinha.
Neighbour rang in to say two people the spit of Edwards and his wife had moved in next door.
Um vizinho disse que duas pessoas iguaizinhas ao Edwards e à mulher mudaram-se para a casa do lado.
Neighbour was walking the dog last night, saw the front door wide open.
O vizinho foi passear o cão ontem e viu a porta aberta.
And yet, like, you don't come to your door and talk to a neighbour, cos if you broke the speaking rule, you were struck or beaten by the guards.
Mas não podemos ir à porta falar com o vizinho porque, se violarmos a regra da conversação, somos esbofeteados ou espancados pelos guardas.
neighbour 65
neighbours 37
door opens 1163
door closes 936
door was open 50
door slams 187
door open 23
door closed 19
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
neighbours 37
door opens 1163
door closes 936
door was open 50
door slams 187
door open 23
door closed 19
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
door shuts 99
door neighbor 57
door opening 118
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door squeaks 18
door to door 18
door creaks 69
door creaking 24
door buzzes 59
door neighbor 57
door opening 118
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door squeaks 18
door to door 18
door creaks 69
door creaking 24
door buzzes 59