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Following orders traducir portugués

562 traducción paralela
- I was merely following orders- - - You're at attention, Mr. Cohill.
- Em sentido, Sr. Cohill.
"... you will carry out the following orders :
Os guerreiros levarão a cabo as ordens do comandante.
And you're following orders by going for a walk?
E a cumpre passeando?
We are following orders.
Estamos cumprindo ordens.
We're following orders.
Cumprimos uma ordem.
- He's been following orders so far.
- Ele tem seguido as ordens.
We're following orders.
Só seguimos ordens.
Mr Spock, you are still capable of following orders?
Sr. Spock, ainda é capaz de seguir ordens?
We're following orders and nobody will be killed!
Sigam as nossas ordens, e ninguém será morto!
Demonstrate your capabilities by following orders.
Demonstra as tuas capacidades cumprindo as tuas ordens.
I... was just following orders.
Eu... só obedeço a ordens.
I'm following orders :
Sigo ordens.
Just as Morant was following orders.
E Morant estava seguindo ordens!
Following orders, Commander?
Segue ordens, comandante?
I was only following orders.
Eu só estava obedecendo ordens.
You have trouble following orders... like your friends, Mr. Main and Mr. Hazard?
Ou tem dificuldade em seguir ordens... como os seus amigos, o sr. Main e o sr. Hazard?
- No, you fool, we're following orders
- Não, palerma, seguimos ordens.
I can't get used to following orders.
Eu não me consegui habituar a seguir ordens.
- Following orders. - Following orders.
- Cumprias ordens.
- I'm sorry. I'm just following orders.
Sinto muito, só faço o que me mandaram...
I'm embarrassed to say I was just following orders.
- E...? - Nada, foi tudo apagado!
Yeah, here comes the speech about how he's just doing his job by following orders.
- Oiça... Vai dizer-nos agora, que só faz o trabalho dele e cumpre ordens...
Let me tell you about another group of hate mongers that were following orders.
Conto-vos de uma outra maquinaria que só cumpria ordens. - Qual?
I'm only following orders.
Estou apenas a seguir ordens.
That he's following orders from alien voices in his head?
Ele cumpre ordens de vozes extraterrestres que ouve na cabeça dele?
I was following orders.
Eu estava a cumprir ordens.
- We're only following orders.
- Só cumprimos ordens.
But don't drop the bomb because you're following orders!
Se me acham louco. Mas não deitem as bombas, só porque estão a cumprir ordens!
I'm sorry, Sire. I'm just following orders. You used to follow my orders.
Podemos derrubar este palácio, e voltar a cultivar os campos, e criar algo do que possamos orgulhar-nos.
[Besides disobeying the Mayor's orders, Cagnola... ] [... refused to obey his priest's exhortations. ] [ This was something Peppone refused to swallow. ] [ Now even more that half the town was mobilized... ] [... and work was to begin the following week.]
O facto de Cagnola além de desobedecer ao Presidente... desobedecer também aos pedidos do pároco... era algo que Peppone não estava disposto a aceitar... ainda mais quando uma parte da aldeia já estava mobilizada... e as obras deviam começar na próxima semana.
Cole was following out your orders of driving Parrish out of the valley.
O Cole estava a seguir as tuas ordens de tirar o Parrish do vale.
I'm just following orders.
Que se passa consigo?
Major Herren was following your orders to the letter.
O Major Herren seguiu a tuas ordens à letra.
But I've been following your orders...
Mas segui as suas recomendações :
- I was only following your orders.
- Só estava a cumprir as suas ordens.
It was by her order that someone stole your ax and tried to kill the chief. The horde of wolves and the rats were also following her orders to wipe out all human beings on the face of the Earth!
O machado que tu perdeste, o ataque ao chefe, os ratos e os lobos... foram todos trazidos pela Hilda, para destruir a humanidade.
I'm following your orders, captain. Queen to Queen's Level 3.
Sigo as suas ordens, Capitão.
Mr. Rechampot is following my orders in an attempt to ensure your safety.
O sr. Rechampot fez o que lhe tinha ordenado para assegurar a vossa segurança.
- And just whose orders were you following?
E estás a obedecer às ordens de quem?
But they were following Morant's orders.
Mas eles estavam seguindo as ordens de Morant!
on the orders of the colonel and in the guise of a woman of the streets, i have been following a peasant in the hopes of tracing the missing paintings.
Por ordens do Coronel, e sob o disfarce de mulher da rua, ando a seguir um camponês para descobrir os quadros desaparecidos.
i have been following your orders to stay close to lieutenant gruber and the colonel, to gather information regarding the plot to blow up hitler.
Tenho andado a seguir as suas ordens para me aproximar do Tenente Gruber e do Coronel para recolher informações sobre o plano para fazer explodir o Hitler.
W-W-We were only following'orders!
Estávamos apenas a cumprir ordens!
But the orders don't say you can beat people up I was just following orders!
Eu apenas cumpri ordens.
You still following your dad's orders?
- Continuas a seguir as ordens do teu pai?
- Just following your orders, George.
- Só sigo as tuas ordens, George.
I'm only following his orders.
Eu só estou a cumprir ordens.
You were just following orders.
Estava apenas a seguir ordens.
The crew was just following my orders.
A tripulação estava apenas a seguir as minhas ordens.
They were following my orders. I take full responsibility.
Seguiam minhas ordens, é minha culpa.
It's about following'orders.
Tem a ver com o cumprimento de ordens.

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