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But let's get to the really bad news, which is that we found blood on your boat.
Mas, vamos avançar para as péssimas notícias, que é o facto de termos encontrado sangue no seu barco.
Did some tests, found out that it belonged to, Sam Harrison.
Fizemos alguns testes e estes revelaram ser do Sam Harrison.
Took a couple hours, but we finally found a 16-footer off the coast.
Demorou algumas horas, mas... finalmente encontramos um tubarão de 5 metros ao largo da costa.
You may have found the crime scene.
Podes ter encontrado a cena do crime.
Hey, hey, I just found a farm where they let you chop down your own tree.
Acabei de encontrar uma quinta onde te deixam cortar a própria árvore.
Hey, I found superhero baby wipes, the perfect way to clean up crime... and tushies.
Encontrei toalhitas para bebé de super-heróis, a maneira perfeita de limpar o crime... e rabinhos.
We need a hero, and I already found one.
Precisamos de um herói e já encontrei um.
I mean, we never even found Agrabah.
Nem sequer encontrámos Agrabah.
Well, then... perhaps Agrabah has found its hero at last.
Talvez Agrabah tenha finalmente encontrado o herói dele.
I am so happy you found love, and I'm glad Adam feels comfortable enough to spend the night here.
Fico tão feliz por teres encontrado o amor e que o Adam se sinta confortável em dormir aqui.
We understand the plane has been found by satellite.
Sabemos que o avião foi encontrado por satélite.
We've found something.
Encontramos uma coisa.
You found a local?
- Encontrou um habitante?
They found us!
We found MK.
- Encontrámos a M.K.
I found MK. She broke into my loft.
Eu encontrei a M.K. Ela entrou no meu armazém.
We've found the branch- -
Encontrámos um ramo...
Overwhelming portions of the allegations made on the ARD program have been found by the Independent Commission to be true.
Partes esmagadoras das alegações feitas no programa da ARD foram declaradas verídicas pela Comissão Independente.
They're trying to make a case, and they found out he was in LA.
PRODUTOR É óbvio que tentam sustentar a acusação e souberam que ele estava em LA.
If there were evidence brought forward that showed that a country or WADA lab had found a way to break into the collection bottles, what do you think that would say about the entire testing system?
Se apresentassem provas que mostrassem que um país ou um laboratório da AMA tinha descoberto uma forma de abrir os frascos de recolha, o que acha que isso diria de todo o sistema de teste?
Of rowers, of swimmers... where Grigory had found the positive.
Sobre remadores, sobre nadadores onde o Grigory tinha encontrado o positivo.
With Curiosity, what was amazing was that the first drill hole we drilled we found evidence of past water on Mars and that that water was kind of relatively fresh and could have supported certain types of life as we know them on Earth.
SONDA DE MARTE CURIOSITY Com a Curiosity, foi espantoso ver que no primeiro buraco que fizemos, descobrimos provas de água passada e que a água era relativamente potável e podia ter apoiado certos tipos de vida que conhecemos na Terra.
That we had found everything there is to find?
Que tínhamos encontrado tudo o que havia a encontrar?
Heard you found some sort of tracker on Kelly's car and that car thieves were responsible for this.
Ouvi dizer que encontrou algum tipo de localizador no carro do Kelly e que os ladrões de carro são os responsáveis por isso.
Found these in the lining of her bag.
Encontrei isto no forro da bolsa dela.
He's 39 years old. HPD found his abandoned car along Halawa Drive.
Tem 39 anos, a Polícia encontrou o carro abandonado dele em Halawa Drive.
When they inspected his vehicle, they found the fuel gauge at empty.
Quando inspeccionaram o veículo, viram que o depósito estava vazio.
What's up is I just found a smoking gun.
Então... acho que acabei de encontrar a nossa arma do crime.
I found them in the top drawer of Paul Burnett's desk.
Encontrei-os na gaveta de cima da secretária do Paul Burnett.
And you get to work the next day, you found out Mitch has been killed, but you don't... you don't think to tell the cops about that phone call?
E você vai trabalhar no dia seguinte, descobre que o Mitch foi morto mas... nunca pensou em falar à Polícia sobre essa chamada?
The stock manager told him that another salesman had sold it to somebody else, and when Mitch found out, he went through the roof.
O gerente de "stocks" disse-lhe que outro vendedor o tinha vendido a outra pessoa e, quando o Mitch descobriu, - enlouqueceu.
I-I figured Mitch would be pissed when he found out, but I was wrong.
Pensei que Mitch ficaria lixado quando descobrisse, mas... estava enganado.
They found a secret safe with close to a million dollars cash inside.
Encontraram um cofre secreto com quase um milhão de dólares em dinheiro lá dentro.
I mean, judging by the mountain of cash we found at Mitch's house, I'd say business has been good.
A avaliar pela enorme quantidade de dinheiro que encontramos em casa do Mitch, diria que os negócios têm corrido bem.
But we found the car and the bodies you left with it.
Mas... encontramos o carro e os corpos que deixou lá.
I found a great listing.
E encontrei um muito bom.
They found it to be empty.
Estava vazia.
And I found myself cutoff by cheyennes, the most bloodthirsty savages you ever had the displeasure to meet.
E encontrei-me cercado por Cheyennes, os selvagens mais sanguinários, que alguém já teve o desprazer de encontrar.
- I see ya found'em.
Vejo que as encontraste.
And she found a box of the old ones, and they sent them free of charge. They're exactly the right kind.
Ela encontrou uma caixa com as antigas, enviaram-nas sem portes e são as que eu queria.
Researchers found that only nine percent of adults with autism are married, not because they lack the desire, but because they don't know how to do it.
Descobriu-se que apenas 9 % de adultos autistas são casados. Não por não o quererem, mas por não saberem como.
We found it!
You're right, this would only really be equivalent if Ess was a girl, and you found pussy, you know, interesting in a sometimes - you-like-Thai-food kinda way, and now it's all Thai food forever till you die.
Tens razão. Só seria equivalente se o Ess fosse uma rapariga e achasses que rata é interessante como comida tailandesa, só que agora é comida tailandesa para sempre, até morrer.
How you found me, I suppose.
Terá sido assim que me encontrou.
♪ Just like 2,000 years ago When Mary found her mate ♪
Tal como há dois mil anos Quando Maria encontrou o seu amado
Yes. We found it was beneficial to add some real-world obstacles into the VR.
Sim, descobrimos que era benéfico criar obstáculos do mundo real na RV.
Looks like I just found my way in.
Parece que descobri como entrar.
♪ He'd trade the world For the good thing he's found ♪ [telephones ringing]
Ele trocaria o mundo Pela preciosidade que encontrou
Henry had it all those years ago when he found me and told me I'm the Savior.
O Henry tinha-o quando me encontrou e me disse que era a Salvadora.
We found it.
You found something.
Encontraste algo.
foundation 27
founder 40
found it 395
found him 88
found something 80
found you 54
found them 38
founded 19
found the body 16
found one 30
founder 40
found it 395
found him 88
found something 80
found you 54
found them 38
founded 19
found the body 16
found one 30