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Got a light traducir portugués

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Got a light?
Tens lume?
I've got a light, Mr Cameron.
- Eu tenho fogo, Mr. Cameron.
- Got a light?
- Tem lume?
- You got a light too?
- Queres lume?
Have you got a light?
Tem um isqueiro?
Have you got a light?
Você tem fogo?
You got a light, Stumpy?
Tens lume, Stumpy?
- Excuse me, got a light?
Desculpe, tem lume?
Got a light?
Dá-me lume.
You got a light?
Tem lume?
Have you got a light?
O senhor tem fogo?
- Got a light?
Tem lume?
Got a light, old boy?
Tem lume, menino?
Got a light, friend?
- Tens lume, colega?
Alguém tem lume?
Got a light?
Tem lume?
- Got a light, Grey?
- Tem lume, Grey?
I haven't got a light.
Onde arranjar lume?
You got a light opera company?
Tens uma companhia de operetas?
Have you got a light?
Tens lume?
Have you got a light?
Você teve a luz?
Got a light?
Ciccio, acende o meu cigarro?
You got a light? - Sure. - And a drink?
Tens lume... e uma bebida?
Got a light?
Tem lumes?
Have you got a light?
Tem lume?
Anybody got a light?
Alguém tem lume?
Hey, Old Man, you got a light?
Velho, por acaso tem lume?
Got a light?
E fogo?
Got a light?
Você tem fogo?
I acted on your suggestion... and got in touch with the power and light authorities.
Segui a sua sugestão... e contactei as autoridades da energia e luz.
I think we've got a lot of work to do and you see, while the light is still good
Acho que temos muito trabalho para fazer, enquanto a luz ainda é boa.
Why, it's even got a north light, too.
E até está exposto a norte.
You got a light, Bill?
Tem fogo?
It's got a very good sense of light.
Tem um bom sentido da luz.
Tell them we've got a green light, and get the Italian embassy to clear a path.
Diga-lhes que temos luz verde e peça à embaixada italiana para abrir caminho.
Little Joe, you sure this high altitude ain't got you a little- - little light-headed.
Little Joe, tens a certeza que a altitude não te deixou um pouco tonto?
That powder is a hundre yards from those guns and you got nothing to light that fuse with.
A pólvora está a 100 metros e não podemos acender o pavio.
( Buzzing ) - We got a warning light on our EPS system.
- Luz vermelha no sistema EPS.
Look what they got. There's a light.
Olha só as coisas que arranjaram.
Got a half-hour of light.
Temos meia hora de luz.
My mother was giving a party, so I went up the back stairs into my room, turned out the light, and, uh, I got this funny feeling.
Minha mãe estava dando uma festa, então eu subi pela escada do fundo para o meu quarto, desliguei a luz, e, ah, eu tive aquele sentimento engraçado.
But if you really want a regimental line That is really saying something about interior decor Then you've got to go for the durham light infantry.
Mas, se quiser um regimento da linha que esteja a fazer alguma coisa em decoração de interiores, então, tem de ir para a Infantaria Ligeira de Durham.
You got a flashlight, some light batteries.
Aí tem a lanterna e as pilhas.
I don't really want to, in light of your profession, but you've got a pretty good face.
Eu não queria, devido à sua profissão, mas... você tem um rosto bonito.
We've got to find some light.
Temos de encontrar a luz.
Mr Blue, we got a light!
Plano B ideia tua... e parte deste plano, é que tu, Garber, tragas o dinheiro! Ou matarei outro refém, fui claro?
The light wasn't much good but I got a good look at him and for a moment I really thought it was you.
Estava escuro, mas eu consegui olhar bem para ele, e, por um instante, até pensei que eras tu.
- A lot of good men died there, and a lot of good men got scarred. It's not right to make light of it.
Muitos homens bons caíram nessa batalha e muitos ficaram marcados.
You got into a light!
Você entrou numa luta!
I never have got used to a light board. I can't get used to one. - I'm used to a heavy board.
Nunca me consegui habituar às pranchas leves.
Can't even bring myself to light a cigarette...'cause I keep thinking I got to stay in shape.
Nem consigo acender um cigaro porque penso que devo estar em forma.

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