He says to me traducir portugués
726 traducción paralela
He says to me once, "Vashti, you're empty-headed."
Ele disse-me, tens a cabeça oca, Vashti.
He says to me, "Don't you ever..."
Não voltes a servir...
"Annie," he says to me.
"Annie," disse-me ele.
You'll translate what he says to me.
Traduzirá o que ele me disser.
My brother he says to me :
O meu irmão disse-me :
He gets off his horse, and he says to me,
Ele desmontou-se do cavalo, e disse-me,
He says to me, "You kidding me or are you really stupid?"
Então ele disse-me "És doido ou quê?" E eu disse "O quê?"
He says to me, " You weren't born with much of a brain,
Ele disse-me : " Não nasceste muito esperto,
Now he says to tell you... -
- E pediu-me para te avisar... - De quê?
He says to the waiter, "Waiter, bring me a cup of coffee."
Ele diz ao empregado : "Empregado, traga-me um café."
And he says, "Aren't you ever going to trust me again?"
E ele disse : "Você nunca mais vai confiar em mim, Mary?"
He says, "You never want to see me again and then I can't even go out for air."
"Mary, você não quer me ver, e não posso sair pra respirar!"
He says, "Aren't you going to kill me?"
"Não me vão matar?"
He says I'm to bring her back with me... pronto.
Ele disse que a devo levar comigo... é tudo.
The guv'nor is not one to dally. He made up his mind like a flash. He says...
Como Toad tinha-se enamorado, iluminou-se-lhe a mente e disse-me...
Is that all you need, that he holds your chair for you and he says sir to me?
É tudo o que precisas? Que puxe a tua cadeira e me chame "senhor"?
Tells me to go for my gun, says he could outdraw me.
Disse-me para sacar a arma, que era mais rápido do que eu.
He says that seeing as how you had all them other boyfriends before me seeing as I never even had one single gal friend before you he figures that between the two of us it kind of averages out to things being proper and right.
Ele diz que considerando todos esses namorados antes de mim... e olhando a que eu nunca tive nenhuma namorada antes de ti... acha que entre nós há algum equilíbrio... e hipótese de que tudo resulte.
Ele me disse, meu pai me disse que poderia fugir se quisesse... por isso vá em frente, pode fugir, se quiser, mas... quem tem o nome Kelby sempre tem que ficar, sempre tem que lutar.
"I'm gonna learn God's message to me in the spring," he says.
"Vou ouvir a mensagem que Deus tem para mim, na Primavera", diz ele.
That's when Clint, as he says. just couldn't bear to leave me behind.
Foi quando Clint, como ele disse, não me deixou para trás.
Your Papa says to me, He says, " Samson, you look tired.
O teu Papa, disse-me, " Samson pareces cansado.
If what he says is true, you go back to Sacramento with me, Mr. Wilson.
Se o que ele diz for verdade, voltará para Sacramento comigo, Mr. Wilson.
- Doc. - And he says, "Pat, speak to me, and..."
- E diz ele : "Pat diz alguma coisa, e..."
He says he dropped by to pay his respects to your grandmother. Excuse me.
Ele diz que veio cumprimentar a sua avó.
He sees this fella sittin'on his porch, so he says "Mister,..... could you tell me how I can get back to town?" The fella says "No."
Ele encontra um aldeão sentado num alpendre e diz : "Caro senhor pode dizer-me como posso voltar à cidade?" E o sujeito diz : "Não."
And he never says anything to me.
E ele nunca fala comigo.
there's a hound dog out in Texas he says he belongs to me when he's on the trail I can follow his tail through the land of the wild country he was born to roam the mountains the prairie land so free
He that kills me some six or seven dozen of Scots at a breakfast, washes his hands and says to his wife, "Fie upon this quiet life. I want work!"
Ele mata sete dúzias de escoceses pela manhã... e diz à sua esposa : " Fora esta vida maçante!
And the angry father says that if I fall, he said he sends me to work tomorrow. Hey, the first whiskey,
"Hey, o primeiro uísque,"
If 007 says he saw Derval last night at Shrublands and he was dead, that's enough for me to initiate enquiries.
Se o 007 diz que viu o Derval esta noite em Shrublands e ele estava morto, isso para mim chega para que mande inquirir.
"It makes no difference to me," he says.
" Para mim, são todos iguais-diz.
Now, Mr. Prentice, clearly a most reasonable man says he has no wish to offend me but wants to know if I'm a nut.
Prentice, um homem evidentemente muito sensato, diz que não quer me ofender, mas me pergunta se serei louco.
Well, Larry says he'll never speak to me again unless I grow up.
Bem, Larry disse que nunca mais falava comigo, a menos que eu cresça.
Of course, I'm just letting off steam, and he don't even seem to be listening to me, when all of sudden, he comes out with a big laugh, and he says,
Claro, que eu só falava e falava, e ele nem parecia interessado em ouvir-me, quando de repente ele deu uma grande gargalhada, e disse :
"Let me be," he says to the stormy darkness on this very lake,
"Deixe-me ser," ele disse à escura tempestade neste mesmo lago,
One of Dinsdale's boys gets out. He comes up all nice and friendly-like and says Dinsdale wants to have a talk with me.
E um dos Dinsdale saiu e abordou-me todo simpático e amigável.
One of the rules says I can't ground anyone just because he asks me to.
Um deles impede-me de tirar alguém da escala só porque mo pedem.
He says. "Did you show that quote of mine to Ford?"
Ele me perguntou : "você mostrou aquilo ao John Ford?"
He says. " All right. Lovey's. uh. cutting up there now. You won't have to work for a couple of hours.
ele disse que estava sendo editado e eu não precisaria trabalhar por algumas horas, então poderia ir lá e pedir para que me mostrassem.
The master says in case you have nothing to change into he asked me to bring you these.
O Senhor disse que em caso de não terem nada para mudar ele pediu-me para vos trazer isto.
And his wife says that's all he listens to.
E a mulher dele disse-me que ele não ouve mais nada.
Miss Rokoczy, he says he just can't talk to you till tomorrow. You're gonna have to excuse me.
Vão ter de me dar licença.
He won't give it to me, and he says there's no chance.
Ele não mo dá e diz que não há hipótese. Não há hipótese.
No matter what Sollozzo says, he's going to kill Pop.
Não me interessa o que diz o Sollozzo sobre um acordo. Ele vai matar o pai. Sem dúvida!
That the world Knows who EImyr is... and what he's done and now that EImyr accepts it and says... to the world " Yes, It's me. Now that it's out in the open.
Agora isto está às claras.
A kid comes up to me in a white jacket gives me a Ritz cracker and a chopped liver, he says "Canapés."
Um miúdo de casaco branco aproxima-se, dá-me uma bolacha e fígado cortado e diz "Canapés".
He goes up to the bartender and he says, "Give me 12 bourbon and waters."
Vai ter com o empregado e diz : "Dê-me 12 bourbons e 12 águas."
He says he wants me to help him rule.
Diz que quer que eu o ajude a governar.
My brother told me not to go into this business. Parking lots, he says. I told him he was crazy!
O meu irmão dizia : "No estacionamento está o futuro!" Eu chamei-lhe parvo.
I have my lawyer right here beside me, and he says he'll give you $ 100 provided it leads to something.
O meu advogado está aqui. Ele dá-lhe 100 dólares, se a pista for verdadeira.
he says 1126
he says no 33
he says it's important 32
he says hi 20
he says that 22
he says it's urgent 59
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
he says no 33
he says it's important 32
he says hi 20
he says that 22
he says it's urgent 59
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
he said 3206
he said nothing 22
he said to me 71
he said he would 25
he said he was sorry 19
he saw us 28
he saw 28
he said yes 66
he said no 115
he said it 77
he said nothing 22
he said to me 71
he said he would 25
he said he was sorry 19
he saw us 28
he saw 28
he said yes 66
he said no 115
he said it 77