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His leg traducir portugués

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Who shoots himself in his leg with his own gun
Que acerta nele com a sua própria arma
If someone stood up in a crowd and raised his voice up way out loud And waved his arm and shook his leg you'd notice him
Se num grupo alguém levantasse e de repente gritasse você o notaria.
- Then one of the guy gets his leg taken off. - Oh, wow!
E depois, arrancam-lhe a perna.
Victim had chronic lead poisoning from a bullet that was left in his leg.
A vítima sofria de envenenamento de chumbo crónico provocado por uma bala alojada na perna.
Yeah. And, according to the tox report, the bullet in his leg wasn't degraded enough to account for the amount of lead in his body.
Segundo o relatório, a bala não estava degradada a ponto de largar tanto chumbo no corpo dele.
So Tom has a scar on his leg.
Muito bem, o Tom tem uma cicatriz na perna.
Looks like it was just his leg.
Parece que foi só a perna.
Stabilise his leg!
Estabiliza a perna dela!
D'Argo's hurt his leg, his head, and burnt his hand, but he'll survive.
D ´ Argo feriu a perna, a cabeça, e queimou a mão... mas ele sobreviverá.
Crawled all the way up his leg, and it stank.
Subiu-lhe pela perna a cima, e cheirava mal.
The doctor had to cut his leg off to save his life.
Porque o Médico teve de lhe cortar a perna, para salvar-lhe a vida.
Broke his leg.
Partiu a perna.
He got his leg fucked up, that sucks.
O ferraram-te a perna, e é terrível.
Anyone gets between those two is just gonna end up with a hose full of piss running down his leg.
Quem se meter entre aqueles dois vai acabar com uma mangueira cheia de mijo a escorrer-lhe pela perna.
I should have aimed at his arm or his leg.
Devia ter-lhe apontado para o braço ou para a perna.
And there's like this house of elderly people and he... He pull down his pants, he shot a firecracker through his leg at them.
E, havia uma casa duns velhotes, ele baixou as calças e mandou-lhes um peidão.
This was his leg that was hanging out.
Esta é a perna dele arrancada.
! - I got his leg!
- Agarrei-lhe uma perna!
Look, most of the damage was restricted to his leg.
A maioria dos danos foram sofridos na perna.
Where is his leg?
Onde está a perna dele?
- Stuffed up his leg real bad?
- E machucou muito a perna?
He jumped from the second floor and broke his leg
Saltou do primeiro andar e partiu uma perna.
- His leg's pinking up. - Thank you very much.
- A perna está a recuperar a cor.
- Ray's gonna report... his leg-breaking payoff money was stolen?
Achas que o Ray vai dizer à polícia que lhe roubaram o dinheiro sujo?
A tiger attacked him and he lost his leg.
Um tigre atacou-o e ele perdeu uma perna.
The one who lost his leg to a tiger?
O que perdeu uma perna para um tigre.
Hope he trips and breaks his leg.
Espero que tropece e parta uma perna.
Huey got his leg braces that day.
Dick, estou aqui! Huey tinha acabado de colocar pernas ortopédicas.
You stick it in his arm, his leg. Doesn't matter where.
Espetas no braço, na perna, não importa onde.
Of course, he ended up using a public restroom in New Delhi and they had to cut off his leg.
Claro, que acabou por usar uma casa-de-banho pública em Nova Deli e tiveram que lhe amputar a perna.
We found a guy's leg near a beach where he was playing Frisbee with his dog.
Encontrámos a perna de um tipo na praia onde brincava com o cão.
And one of the fibers on his pants leg is a wool commonly used in industrial carpets.
As calças tinham uma lã utilizada em alcatifas industriais.
That's where his left leg was injured.
Foi ali que magoou a perna esquerda.
His name was Seymour. He was once intimate with the leg of a wandering saxophonist.
Chamava-se Vermais, já foi íntimo da perna de um saxofonista errante.
Opening his left leg.
Mexe ligeiramente o teu braço esquerdo.
I'll try to remember that... when I have to unfasten his jaw from my leg!
Claro. Vou tentar lembrar-me disso quando tiver que tirar a mandíbula da minha perna!
Did you take his hand off your leg?
Tiras-te a mão dele da tua perna?
She was also his mama's caregiver, with the one leg.
Ela também cuidou da mãe dele É aquela com uma perna
I think it's better to break a man's leg than his heart.
É melhor quebrar a perna de um homem do que o seu coração.
He can't digest his food till he pulls your leg
Podias ter evitado isso pelo menos hoje. É o aniversário dela. Agora vai sossegá-la.
Maybe it would start with his arm around your shoulder or on your leg and gradually move it up, touching private parts.
Talvez ele começasse com o braço dele à volta do teu ombro ou na tua perna e gradualmente ir subindo, tocando partes privadas.
His left leg is swollen.
A perna esquerda dele estava inchada.
I'd be finishing up med school and putting a cast on Billy's leg'cause he broke it on his bicycle. But instead,
Se não fossem eles, eu estaria a acabar o curso de Medicina e a por gesso na perna do Billy porque ele a partiu a andar de bicicleta.
In my opinion, no. His claims are specific but he doesn't have a leg of proof to stand on.
As suas reivindicações são específicas, mas não tem nada que as sustente.
And then we were fooling around and he started to put his hand up my leg and I kept slapping it away.
Depois, estávamos na brincadeira, ele começou a pôr-me a mão na perna e eu não parava de lhe bater.
Haffley would amputate his own leg before...
O Haffley amputaria a própria perna
Little Big Roy with his wooden leg.
O Little Big Roy com a sua perna de pau.
It means if Daddy breaks a leg, then you do his part for him.
Quer dizer que se o papá partir uma perna, tens que fazer a parte dele.
He has a bad gimp in his right leg and three copper teeth.
Coxeia da perna direita e tem três dentes de cobre.
His wife's leg?
-... e não apareçeu. - Foi buscar a perna da sua mulher...
I'm afraid his right leg should be amputated.
Penso que a perna direita terá de ser amputada.

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