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I thought that maybe traducir portugués

863 traducción paralela
I thought that maybe Buffalo Bill's millions might have something to do- -
Achei que os milhões do Búfalo Bill pudessem ter algo a ver com...
And the way it looks now, he won't be able to take off for another 24 hours. he can't possibly get a train so I thought that maybe you'd be able to think of a way for him to get out.
Mas como as coisas estão agora, não levantam voo até daqui a 24 horas... não há bilhetes para o combóio, portanto pensei que podias pensar numa forma dele saír daqui.
I thought that maybe....
Pensei que talvez...
But, I thought that maybe someone!
Mesmo assim, eu pensava, haveria, talvez uma pessoa,
Then I thought that maybe Michael might help and I rang him up.
Então, pensei que talvez o Michael pudesse ajudar e liguei-lhe.
- I thought that maybe...
- Pensei que talvez...
I thought that maybe you'd feel funny.
Pensei, que podesses achar um pouco estranho.
There's a wonderful trio of jazz players playing across the - The street and I thought that maybe you and I could go over there and we'd dance a little bit.
Há um fantástico trio de músicos de jazz a tocar no outro lado da rua e pensei que talvez pudéssemos ir até lá dançar um pouco.
Well I thought that maybe that smooth boy — What's his name?
Quem é ele? Como se chama?
- Really? And being young as you are, and with a vein for the arts... I thought that maybe you could help.
E como vocês são jovens, e, um pouco, artistas eu pensei que vocês poderiam ajudar.
And I thought that maybe he noticed you planting those phone bugs... and he bought you off.
Pensei que talvez ele a tivesse visto a colocar os aparelhos e a tivesse subornado.
He gave me your name. So I thought that maybe you could give me a... a rush job, like you gave him because he told me he had one delivered just like that today.
Ele deu-me o seu nome e pensei que me pudesse apressar o trabalho.
So, you see, I thought that maybe by now you'd have come up with somebody that you think wants to harm you. Because, sir, that's what this thing looks like, more and more.
Pensei que, entretanto, se tivesse lembrado de alguém que achasse capaz de lhe fazer mal, porque é isso que está a parecer cada vez mais.
He gave me your name. So I thought that maybe you could give me a--a rush job, like you gave him because he told me he had one delivered just like that today.
Ele deu-me o seu nome e pensei que me pudesse apressar o trabalho.
I thought maybe you could give me a line on some of the guys that you spoke to. You know, the most likely suspects.
Pensei que me pudesse dar uma luz sobre os tipos com quem falou, tipo, os mais suspeitos.
I thought maybe you'd like to be up here away from all those people down there, being that the victim was your friend and partner.
Pensava que gostaria de estar aqui longe daquelas pessoas todas lá em baixo, sendo que a vítima era seu amigo e companheiro.
I can see that. I thought maybe you'd like this in your bed, sir.
Estou a ver. pensei que talvez quisesse isto na cama.
I thought maybe you were angry at my repeating what that awful....
Julguei que pudesses estar zangada por eu repetir aquele terrível...
Why, no, Harvey. I thought maybe you'd like to keep that.
Não, Harvey, pensei que quisesses ficar com isso.
I just thought that maybe you didn't like them.
Só pensei que talvez não gostasse.
I have kind of a problem that I thought maybe you could help me with.
Tenho um problema e pensei que talvez me possa ajudar.
I saw your car piled into that tree down there, and I thought maybe you...
Vi o teu carro espetado contra aquela árvore ali em baixo, e pensei que talvez tu...
I thought maybe it might... ease your mind some about that gold... - if you knew somethin'about me.
Para que se sinta mais tranquilo em relação ao ouro, vai gostar de saber uma coisa sobre mim.
I been givin'that deal of ours a little thought, and, uh - I figured maybe with you laid up here and all... you're gettin kind of worried about it.
Estive a pensar no nosso acordo... e calculo que por estar retido na cama, se sente preocupado.
I just thought that maybe I...
- A esse mesmo.
Well, I thought maybe if I didn't look too good, it would help things along when you ask Mr. Littlefield for that raise tonight.
Bem, pensei que talvez se eu não estiver muito bem, ajudaria as coisas quando você pedir ao Sr. Littlefield para o aumentar esta noite.
So I just thought that maybe you'd like to come down tonight and have some dinner and see the show...
Então eu só pensei que talvez você gostásse de vir esta noite e jantar e ver o show...
And thought maybe that you could meet my good friend Rick Todd, who I believe is one of the better painters.
"Então pensei que deveria conhecer o meu amigo Rick Todd..."
Well, I thought maybe you wanted to see him. That's if you can see.
pensei que você gostaria de lhe ver.
Maybe I was wrong when I thought you were so yellow that you'd draw first. Maybe you really were waiting for me.
talvez me enganasse ao pensar que serias cobarde ao ponto de sacar primeiro, talvez estejas à minha espera.
I thought that if you knew they weren't coming till sundown, maybe you've got business in Bright City or something.
Pensei que se soubesses que eles não iriam entrar até ao pôr-do-sol, talvez tivesses assuntos para tratar em Bright City ou algo do género.
Because maybe I would've thought... That the partnership had something to do with your new-found... If somewhat unwholesome interest in our marriage.
Porque talvez eu pensasse que a sociedade tinha algo que ver com o teu recente, um pouco doentio, interesse no nosso casamento.
I just thought that... maybe the next thing he wanted, he ought to get.
Só achei que... talvez a próxima coisa que ele quisesse, deveria conseguir.
Well, that's why I thought maybe you could talk to him, Ward.
Bem, é por isso que acho que poderias falar com ele, Ward.
I know you gotta deliver that extra coffee, but I thought maybe we'd chew the...
Talvez tenha de levar um café extra, mas podíamos...
In the morning I found this stream and I thought maybe I could clean that wound.
Foi quando pude ver a ferida. Não faça isso.
I wouldn't have left that game for anything because I thought maybe, finally, at last my luck had changed.
E não largaria aquele jogo por nada porque pensei que talvez, por fim, a minha sorte tinha mudado.
I just thought that maybe we could go to Mesa Verde.
Pensei apenas que talvez... pudéssemos ir... a Mesa Verde.
It's just that things are happening so fast, sir, and I thought maybe you'd wanna be brought up to date.
As coisas têm acontecido tão depressa, pensei que quisesse ficar ao corrente.
I thought, maybe before I leave... we could agree that... seeing other people while I'm away can't possibly hurt, you know?
Achei que, talvez antes de eu partir... poderíamos concordar em... ver outras pessoas enquanto estou fora. Isso não seria ruim.
I just thought maybe you could help me, that's all.
Pensei que talvez pudesse ajudar-me.
I thought maybe he had a cauldron of acid or something... that he was gonna drop me in.
Pensei que queria deitar-me num barril... de ácido.
Because I thought maybe that's why you two were getting together. Oh, no, no.
Porque achei que era por isso que se tinham encontrado.
I thought that was maybe because he had something on them.
Pensei que fosse por ele ter algo contra elas.
I thought maybe we could work something out that we could do together.
Por isso pensei que podíamos arranjar qualquer coisa que pudéssemos fazer juntos.
Well, I just thought that... that maybe you might want to do something to try and make it up to her.
Por isso, pensei que... que talvez quisesse fazer algo para tentar compensá-la.
I thought maybe he had something up here that might help us.
Pensei que iria encontrar aqui algo que poderia nos ajudar.
Well, I thought that you could maybe be my second at Thunder Road.
Podias ser meu ajudante na Thunder Road?
Well, I just thought that it's Sunday out and maybe if you could get away, we could go for a walk or...
É só que é domingo e se tu pudesses sair daí íamos passear ou...
I just thought that maybe for once I'd found myself a real man.
Pensei que, para variar, tinha encontrado um homem a sério.
You never thought that maybe I'd like to sleep with you?
Nunca pensaste que quisesse dormir contigo?

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