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I thought that was traducir portugués

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Well, I thought that was the plan.
Bem, pensava que esse era o plano.
So I thought that was very strange, like, you know, where's Barry?
Achei muito estranho. Onde está o Barry?
Oh, I thought that was Charlie Butler from the shoes.
Achei que era o Charlie Butler, dos sapatos.
But I thought that was your job to work that out.
Mas pensava que fazia parte do trabalho, saber isso.
I thought that was your big tipper.
Pensei que era a tua melhor gorjeta.
I thought that was the end of it, but one of them went to the cops.
Pensei que era o fim daquilo. Mas uma delas foi à Polícia.
Devo dizer-te, pensava que ia ser um desastre.
Well, I thought that was because of you.
Pensei que tivesse sido por sua causa.
That moment threw me on a strange road Which in the end led me to this thing that I never thought That it was useful to someone, which was meditation.
Esse momento enviou-me para um caminho estranho e tortuoso que levou-me para a última coisa que eu pensava ser útil a alguém, que foi a meditação.
Sorry. See, I thought the one upside to this whole mess was that I'd never have to spend another moment with this woman.
Desculpa, Veja, pensei que havia cabeça para toda essa confusão que nunca eu ia ter que gastar mais um momento com esta mulher.
And here I always thought that was a figurative expression.
E eu que sempre pensei que fosse uma expressão com sentido figurado.
But it was the music... that played in my head that kept me alive when I thought I was gonna get shot.
Mas foi a música na minha cabeça que me manteve vivo, quando receava ser baleado.
I thought for sure that Daniel was dead.
Tinha a certeza que o Daniel estava morto.
I thought I was the only thing that ever meant anything to you.
Pensei que era a única coisa que significou algo para ti.
I told you that the other day and you probably thought I was seeking votes.
Eu disse-lhe no outro dia provavelmente tenha pensado que eu apenas estava a querer votos.
I thought I was the one that showed up everywhere late.
Pensava que era eu quem chegava sempre atrasada.
Well, I thought it was a little unfair that she's always here and you never get a chance to stay over so I killed her.
Pensei que era injusto que ela estivesse sempre aqui e que tu nunca possas vir, então matei-a.
Well, I wrote on Facebook that I was saving myself for my future husband. But no one thought it was romantic.
Escrevi no Facebook que me estava a guardar para o meu futuro marido, mas ninguém achou romântico.
I had always thought of this car as a symbol for who I was and who I wanted to be, and now, that's exactly why I was going to sell it.
Sempre pensei neste carro como símbolo de quem eu era e de quem queria ser. E, agora, era precisamente por isso que ia vendê-lo.
I had no idea that he was paying attention, but for months, he'd just jump around the house, singing whatever he thought the words were, and usually with no pants on.
Não fazia ideia que ele estava a prestar atenção, mas durante meses, andou aos pulos pela casa, a cantar o que ele julgava ser a letra, e normalmente sem as calças vestidas.
And I guess maybe it was naive, but I thought that together, we could let go of all that baggage.
E acho que talvez tenha sido ingênua, mas, pensava que juntas podíamos deixar o passado difícil para trás.
When you pulled me out of that shark, I thought I was dead.
Quando me tiraste daquele tubarão, pensei que estava morto.
I've always identified with victims and thought that was because I was some white kid from a rich town in upper state New York.
Sempre me identifiquei com as vítimas e pensava que isso era por ser um miúdo branco de uma cidade rica de Nova Iorque.
But I thought that meant he was going to bribe the reporter.
Mas pensei que ele ia subornar o repórter.
I... thought when you got arrested at the house, back when we still had a house, that that was the worst thing you could do to us.
Eu... Pensei que quando foste preso na casa na altura em que ainda tínhamos uma casa, que aquilo era a pior coisa que nos poderias fazer.
I wouldn't have thought it was that much.
Nunca pensei que fosse assim tanto.
Yes, that's right, I mean, we're betting on whether he'll reach 5,000 winners, this is the next enormous land mark, and, of course, when he got to 4,000, we thought it was highly unlikely.
Estamos a apostar sobre se ele vai chegar às 5000 vitórias. Sim, está certo. Este é o próximo enorme marco.
I wouldn't have carried on what I did, only that I thought I was going to ride 300 winners, so that's gone now.
Não teria feito o que fiz, mas pensei que iria atingir os 300 vencedores.
I always thought the greatest thing that happened to me was being born a Rayburn.
Sempre achei que o melhor que me tinha acontecido era ter nascido na família Rayburn.
I thought he said he was prepared for that.
Não tinhas dito que ele estava preparado?
And up to that moment, I bet you the shark thought it was the apex predator.
E, até àquele momento, aposto contigo que o tubarão pensava que ele é que era o predador.
One would assume that their ring is designed to harm the Gods in some way, not help open the door to Olympus, which is why I was surprised to hear that Medea, Queen of Athens, thought it was the key to solving the Lexicon.
Seria de supor que o Anel está de alguma forma, concebido para magoar os deuses, não para ajudar a abrir a porta para o Olimpo, e foi... por isso que fiquei surpreendido ao ouvir que, a Medea, Rainha de Atenas, julgava que era a chave para resolver o Léxico.
I went out and bought... a blue dress that I thought would make me feel the opposite of what I was feeling...
Saí e comprei um vestido azul que pensei que me faria sentir o oposto daquilo que estava a sentir...
When I showed that first batch of pictures to the council meeting, there were people there who thought I was trying to exaggerate.
Quando mostrei as primeiras fotos na reunião da Câmara, houve quem achasse que estava a exagerar.
That's what I thought it was.
É o que eu pensava.
I thought Stephanie was so hilarious that I wanted to incorporate her in whatever I was doing.
ÉS UMA DAS MINHAS PESSOAS PREFERIDAS. Eu achava a Stephanie tão hilariante, que queria incorporá-la no que estava a fazer.
But then I thought about it, and it's not cancer that brought the attention. It was...
Mas, depois, pensei melhor e não foi o cancro que trouxe a atenção.
She thought that I was talking about a prostitute.
Ela pensou que eu estivesse a falar sobre uma prostituta.
I thought I made it clear that leaving was not optional.
Achei que fui claro ao dizer que não tinhas opção.
I... thought that you said that it was flooded.
Eu... pensei que tinhas dito que estava inundado.
I thought that I was stronger.
Achei que era mais forte.
I thought that if we stopped Maseo, we'd stop the killings. But Nyssa was right.
Pensei que parando o Maseo, parávamos os assassinatos, mas a Nyssa tinha razão.
You know, when that boat went down and we thought Sara was dead? I blamed Queen.
Quando aquele barco afundou e pensámos que a Sara estava morta, eu culpei o Queen.
I was so busy pissing acid on that little shit, I didn't give a moment's thought to the fact that you're probably terribly uncomfortable with the whole... whatever it was.
Estava tão ocupada a destilar veneno naquele merdas que não parei um minuto para pensar no facto de que provavelmente te sentias muito desconfortável com tudo, fosse o que fosse.
Pensei que a minha vida tinha acabado naquela noite, mas agora percebi que não.
I told you and only you that Jesse thought Lily was sleeping with a professor, and the next think you know, she's dead. Wait a minute.
Eu disse-te a ti, e só a ti, que o Jesse achava que a Lily estava a dormir com um professor, e depois ela aparece morta.
( WOMAN'S VOICE ) We had ox cheek, was the first meat I'd had in two weeks, so at first I thought it was that.
Primeira refeição em 2 semanas, pensei que dependesse disso.
The only clear thought I had was that I was somehow connected to this thing.
A único pensamento claro que tinha estava de alguma forma, ligado a esta coisa.
First meat I'd had in two weeks, so at first I thought it was that.
Primeira refeição em 2 semanas, pensei que dependesse disso.
I always thought that was a good hook.
Sempre o achei bom.
I thought that one was broken.
Pensei que estava estragado.

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