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It got me thinking traducir portugués

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I was out buying some peroxide today - and there was this clerk who looks just like you and it got me thinking... hi, Rudy, this is Nadine.
Saí para comprar água oxigenada e dei com um empregado parecido contigo e fiquei a pensar... Olá, Rudy, é a Nadine.
I don't mean to complain but with Sally and Tommy getting hitched tomorrow, it got me thinking.
Não me estou a queixar, mas, tu sabes... a Sally e o Tommy casam-se amanhã, e eu pus-me a pensar.
Zeller, looking at those pictures again, man, it got me thinking.
Zeller, voltando a ver estas fotografias, fiquei a pensar...
It got me thinking of you.
- E comecei a pensar em ti.
And it got me thinking of us how two years ago we started off hot and heavy.
E isso fez-me pensar em nós.... Como há dois anos começámos cheios de paixão.
It got me thinking about your daughter, and what she taught.
Fez-me pensar na sua filha e no que ela ensinava.
I was, uh, home watching The Exorcist, and it got me thinking about you.
Estava em casa a ver "O Exorcista" e o filme fez-me pensar em ti.
Which really made me crazy, because it got me thinking... like, if I was, you know, getting the boys ready... to put them on the bus, and Donna would say... "Oh, I'm going down there, you know. I'll just take them."
Quando preparava os miúdos para irem para a escola no autocarro e aparecia a Donna e dizia, "Fica no meu caminho, eu Ievo-os", punha-me a pensar...
It got me thinking.
Pôs-me a pensar.
Listen, I know you've been working on that ending... which is exciting because it got me thinking.
Ouve, eu sei que tens estado a trabalhar naquele final... o que é excitante porque me pôs a pensar.
Anyway, it got me thinking a lot about the two things, about being an anthropologist and...
Isso me deu muito o que pensar. Sobre os dois : sobre o fato de ser etnólogo e o fato de...
- Fuck the dog. All that time I was resting, it got me thinking. It got good to me, too.
Enquanto estava a descansar, pus-me a pensar.
It got me thinking and it is kind of like committing to her.
E fez-me pensar... é como uma oficialização para com ela. - E então?
It got me thinking.
Aquilo me fez pensar.
And it got me thinking, maybe I should get married.
E eu comecei a pensar que também devia casar.
It got me thinking, Gunther.
E pôs a pensar, Gunther.
It got me thinking.
Fez-me pensar.
That's bad. It's got me jittery just thinking about it.
Só de pensar, fico nervosa.
But when I found out you was gone... I got to thinking you was going to him... and I couldn't stand it.
Mas quando descobri que tinhas fugido... comecei a pensar que tinhas ido ter com ele... e foi-me impossível de suportar.
I got to thinking how nice it would be if the bloke you was after was the same bloke I wanted off my back.
Pensei em como seria simpático se o tipo que andas a perseguir... fosse o mesmo tipo de quem me quero livrar.
So I got to thinking... if maybe that's what Sir Roger did with his umbrella, and something dropped into it... that night,
Pus-me a pensar. Se Sir Roger fez isso com o chapéu dele e nessa noite alguma coisa tivesse caído lá para dentro...
- It got me to thinking that maybe you knew more about Boykins than you told them.
- Fiquei a pensar que talvez saiba mais sobre o Boykins do que lhes disse.
I've got a sticky feeling inside me just thinking of it.
Fico com uma sensação esquisita só de pensar nisso.
You got me aroused just thinking about it.
Só de pensar nisso fico de pau feito.
I tell you, this election business, it's really got me thinking.
Esta coisa das eleições deixou-me a pensar.
You've got to be thinking that something is wrong with it... or you wouldn't be telling me now.
Deves ter pensado que há algo errado com isso... ou não terias me contado agora.
And speaking of doing it, that got me thinking about Erika.
O por falar em fazer alguma coisa, fiquei a pensar na Erika.
You know, Karl, I got to thinking about it last night, and it's just not Christian of me not to let you have a key.
Karl, estive a pensar ontem à noite, e não é dever de um bom Cristão deixar-te aqui trancado.
And it really got me thinking :
Isso fez-me pensar.
Believe me, I could do a top-five-things about her that drive me crazy... but it's just your garden-variety women, you know, schizo stuff... and that's the kind of thinking that got me here.
Podia fazer uma lista das 5 coisas que mais me irritam nela, mas tudo isso não passa da típica pancada esquizofrénica feminina e foi esse tipo de pensamento que me lixou.
You know, the Lord got me to thinking the other day that maybe it's time that I stopped preaching
Sabem, no outro dia pensei que talvez fosse hora de parar de pecar
Got to give me some way to disguise that coverage. Let's start thinking about it.
Arranja-me um modo de disfarçar aquela cobertura.
It was Paris that set me off. It suddenly got me thinking.
Foi Paris que me chamou a atenção, e comecei a pensar.
I was just thinking that since they just got engaged it would be nice if they have privacy.
Lembrei-me, já que eles ficaram noivos... ... seria bom terem privacidade.
Uh, me and the cobbers, we've been chewing it over, and, uh, we got thinking.
Eu e os meus amigos temos falado e pensado.
I saw that picture yesterday, and it got me to thinking of a follow-up.
Vi a fotografia ontem e pensei num seguimento.
Now, me, I'm thinking, wouldn't it be better if you just reached into your pocket, got the keys, and showed me around that back room - the one with all the locks.
Mas, eu estou a pensar, que seria melhor se tu tirasses as chaves do teu bolso, e me mostrasses o quarto ali atrás - - aquele cheio de cadeados.
You've really got to see it to believe it... and it kind of got me thinking.
Tu tens mesmo de vê-lo para acreditares.
Later that night, I got to thinking about fate, the concept that we're not responsible for the course of our lives, that it's all predestined, written in the stars.
Mais tarde, pus-me a pensar no destino, a ideia de que não somos responsáveis pelo curso das nossas vidas, que está tudo predestinado, escrito nas estrelas.
You know, how he's immature and how he's irresponsible and it's just really got me thinking- -
Como ele é imaturo e irresponsável. E deixou-me a pensar...
you and I were doin'something a few weeks ago. and it got me to thinking- - whatever.
Nós os dois fizemos uma coisa há umas semanas, e pus-me a pensar...
Yeah, it's that kind of thinking that got me into this in the first place.
Foi por pensar assim que me meti nesta alhada.
I've never seen you sick before, and it just got me thinking.
Nunca te vi doente antes, e isso fez-me pensar.
- It's got me thinking, is all.
- Deixou-me a pensar, só isso.
Well, I got a hard-on, and I was looking at it and I was thinking about jerking off...
Estava com tesão e a olhar para aquilo, - e estava a pensar em masturbar-me... - Avança.
I've been thinking about it... the way we met, the way he followed me here, the way he got a job at my school.
Eu tenho pensado sobre isso... a maneira como nos encontramos, a forma como me seguiu até aqui... a forma como ele arranjou um emprego na minha escola.
Well, it certainly got me thinking. That's for sure.
Bem, mas deu-me que pensar.
You know, what happened to Nick... it just got me thinking.
Sabes, o que aconteceu ao Nick... Deixou-me a pensar.
It fucks me up thinking Bill's missus... got to handle something that cocksucker touched.
Dói-me que a mulher do Bill... vá mexer em algo onde o cabrão também mexeu.
And Vince, I was thinking, that 70-inch plasma you got me, it's a little too big for my room.
Vince, estive a pensar. Aquele plasma de 70 polegadas que me arranjaste é muito grande para o meu quarto.
I'll tell you what, as soon as I'm done, I'm gonna have chocolate milk. - You guys got me thinking about it.
Mas logo que me despache, vou tomar leite com chocolate porque deixaram-me com água na boca.

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