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Las vegas police traducir portugués

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The Las Vegas police.
A polícia de Las Vegas.
Son, the Las Vegas Police Department... is one of the finest in the country.
Filho, a Policía de Las Vegas... é uma das melhores do país.
Las Vegas Police.
Polícia Las Vegas.
I just got this from the Las Vegas Police Department.
Acabei de receber isto da polícia de Las Vegas.
- We're with the Las Vegas Police Department.
Somos do Departamento de Polícia de Las Vegas.
Roger. Request Las Vegas Police.
- Solicito Polícia de Las Vegas.
Mr. Hendler, we're criminalists from the Las Vegas Police Department.
Sr. Hendler, somos criminalistas do Departamento de Polícia de Las vegas.
Las Vegas Police Department.
Departamento de Polícia de Las Vegas.
I'd like to thank you, Sheriff, Las Vegas Police.
Quero agradecer-lhe, Xerife, e à Policia de Las Vegas.
- I'm Detective Jim Brass- - Las Vegas Police Department.
Sou o detective Jim Brass, da polícia de Las Vegas.
I'm a forensics scientist with the Las Vegas Police Department.
Sou um cientista forense da Polícia de Las Vegas.
I'm Detective Jim Brass from Las Vegas Police.
Sou o detective Jim Brass, da Polícia de Las Vegas.
Deliver it at the CSI Division, Las Vegas Police Department... the one out on North Trop Boulevard.
Entregue na divisão de csi, Departamento Polícia de Las Vegas que fica no Norte Trop Boulevard.
Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police.
Sou Jim Brass, da Polícia de Las Vegas.
At this time, the Las Vegas Police Department has in custody one Howard Delhomme, whom we believe to be responsible for the disappearance of Julie Waters.
Nesta altura, o Dep. de Polícia de Las Vegas tem detido um tal de Howard Delhomme... que acreditamos ser responsável pelo desaparecimento de Julie Waters.
Mr. and Mrs. Klinefeld, Las Vegas police.
Sr. e Sra. Klinefeld, Polícia de Las Vegas.
This is detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police Department.
Fala o Detective Jim Brass da Polícia de Las Vegas.
Las Vegas police.
Polícia de Las Vegas!
I'm detective Brass, Las Vegas police.
Sou o Detective Brass, polícia de Las Vegas.
I'm Detective Brass, Las Vegas Police.
Detective Brass, da Polícia de Las Vegas.
Sir, stop what you're doing. We have a search and seizure warrant for any and all diamonds. Las Vegas Police.
Pare o que está fazendo.
Uh, we have an invitation from the Las Vegas police department.
Temos um convite da Polícia de Las Vegas.
Open up! Las Vegas police!
Polícia de Las Vegas!
Las Vegas police, sir. Hey.
- Polícia de Las Vegas, senhor.
Las Vegas Police.
We know you work hard, so, in an effort to be nice, we've provided some lunch, some burgers and stuff, compliments of the Las Vegas police department. Okay, let's form two lines now.
Sabemos que o vosso trabalho é duro, então num esforço para sermos simpáticos providenciámos um almoço, hambúrgueres... com os cumprimentos do Departamento de Polícia de Las Vegas.
Las Vegas Police.
Polícia de Las Vegas!
Las Vegas Police...
Polícia de Las Vegas
Las Vegas Police!
Polícia de Las Vegas!
Globo Gym's making mincemeat of the Las Vegas Police Department.
O Global Gym defronta o Dep. de Polícia de Las Vegas.
Sportsmanship be darned. Globo Gym hands the Las Vegas Police a 187, and they're going to the finals.
O Global derrota a Polícia de Las Vegas a 187,... e passa à final.
Las Vegas police.
Polícia de Las Vegas.
Las Vegas Police, drop it or we shoot.
- Polícia de Las Vegas.
I'm Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police.
Sou o Jim Brass, policia de Las Vegas.
I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police.
Sou o detective Jim Brass, da polícia de Las Vegas.
Las vegas police. You Seth landers?
- Está bem, polícia de Las Vegas.
Kevin Greer, Las Vegas Police.
Kevin Greer, Las Vegas Police.
I'm with the Las Vegas Police Department, and this is pretty important.
Isto é muito importante.
I'm the night shift supervisor for the Las Vegas Police Department's Crime Lab.
Sou o supervisor do turno nocturno do Laboratório Criminal do Departamento da Polícia de Lás Vejas.
- Las Vegas Police.
Polícia de Las Vegas.
Mr. Magli, detective jim brass, las vegas police.
Sr. Magli, detective Jim Brass, da polícia de Las Vegas.
I'm Detective Jim Brass, Las Vegas Police.
Sou o detective Jim Brass, Polícia de Las Vegas.
Call the Vegas police and send two squad cars one for a decoy, the other to take her to the airport.
Podia pedir dois carros à polícia de Las Vegas. Eu ia num para despistar, e o outro levava-a ao aeroporto.
Las Vegas Fun Police.
Polícia fingida de Las Vegas.
Too many people might recognise it, especially the Vegas police.
Muita gente o podia reconhecer, sobretudo a polícia de Las Vegas.
Las Vegas Police.
Polícia de Las Vegas.
L.V. Police department.
Dep. de Polícia de Las Vegas.
Las Vegas Police.
Queremos falar consigo.
Las Vegas Police!
Polícia de Las Vegas.
Mr. Willard, Las Vegas, Police.
Mr. Willard, Policia de Las vegas.
You need to call the Chief of Police in Las Vegas.
Tem de ligar ao chefe da polícia de Las Vegas.

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