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Maybe it did traducir portugués

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Yeah, well, maybe it did, maybe it didn't.
Talvez sim, talvez não.
Yeah, well, maybe it did.
Talvez tenha acontecido.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe the burglar used the phone after she did and then wiped it clean?
Ocorreu-lhe alguma vez que o ladrão possa ter utilizado o telefone depois dela e que o tenha limpo depois?
I did say that, sir. But in the light of these new developments, it occurred to me maybe he had an accomplice.
Eu disse isso, mas à luz destes factos novos, ocorreu-me que, talvez ele tivesse um cúmplice.
Did you make it yourself? Maybe I'll make some teeth and whiskers.
Acho que vou colocar dentes e costeletas.
Maybe I did, but I had to do it.
Talvez sim, mas tinha de o fazer.
Maybe you did it, maybe you didn't.
Possivelmente o fez, possivelmente não.
All that cattle lost, maybe you'll tell us who did it.
Perdemos todo o gado, talvez nos possa dizer quem foi.
Maybe it'd be better If he did.
Mas devia.
Uh, well, maybe I did hear about it.
Bem... talvez tenha ouvido qualquer coisa sobre isso.
Maybe it'll turn out we did you a favour, bringing the two of you in here.
Talvez vos tenhamos feito um favor, trazendo-vos para cá.
Look, maybe I don't like what he did or the way he did it, but he'll be back, and you'll be taken care of.
Talvez não me agrade o que ele fez ou como o fez, mas ele volta, e você terá os cuidados necessários.
Maybe he did have some ideas. It doesn't mean that I shared them.
Ele talvez tivesse ideias, mas não era correspondido.
Maybe you did feel bad about the way Ritchie got it.
Talvez te tenhas sentido mal com a morte do Ritchie.
You know, did you ever stop to figure that maybe it takes more energy... to keep running away than it does to stop and fight it out?
Já parou para pensar que se calhar é mais cansativo... continuar a fugir do que parar e combatê-la?
Maybe it was because of that dog. Benny never did like dogs. He killed it, too.
Talvez por causa do cão, o Benny nunca gostou deles, também o matou.
If you don't just know why they did it, Dov... well, maybe that's what's wrong with you.
Se não sabes porque fizeram eles isso, Dov... bem, talvez seja isso o que está errado contigo.
Maybe it never did.
Talvez nunca tenha existido.
You killed him, or I did, maybe it was something neither of us could help or anybody.
Está bem, você o matou, ou fui eu? ou talvez fosse algo que nenhum de nós o pudesse evitar, ou ninguém.
Não sei como, Max, mas você acabou de salvar a Costa Leste e talvez o mundo todo.
Maybe you did not turn the cylinder 3 chambers from the hammer. Or was it 4?
Você estima a sua vida.
Or is it something maybe you just think I did?
Ou talvez seja alguma coisa que tu penses que eu fiz!
Maybe that's why he did it.
Talvez por isso ele o tenha feito.
So I got to thinking... if maybe that's what Sir Roger did with his umbrella, and something dropped into it... that night,
Pus-me a pensar. Se Sir Roger fez isso com o chapéu dele e nessa noite alguma coisa tivesse caído lá para dentro...
Like, maybe, Tony did it himself... to try to get some money out of his trust fund.
Que talvez o próprio Tony o tenha simulado, para tentar levantar algum dinheiro da aplicação financeira.
Like if he did that, maybe it wouldn't rub off.
Se ele não fizesse isso, talvez não tivesse sido morto.
I always figured he would make it. I always figured that, well... maybe he'd be playing around cabarets here and there. But I didn't know he was gonna make it... so worldwide like he did.
Sempre achei que ele conseguiria, sempre achei... que tocaria em cabarés, pensei que o faria, mas nunca a nível mundial.
Did you ever think about the fact that... maybe two people who snap at each other for no reason are doing it to avoid their real feelings?
Já pensaste que duas pessoas que implicam uma com a outra sem razão aparente, o fazem para evitar aquilo que sentem realmente?
And maybe I could find someone to take it to the network the way I did today.
Talvez conseguisse encontrar alguém que a levasse para a estação, ainda hoje.
If you guys at the command center haven't heard of this girl, maybe it's time you did.
Se vocês ainda não ouviram falar desta tipa, talvez esteja na hora de o fazerem.
Or maybe only the daughter did it.
Ou talvez apenas fosse a filha.
Other life forms have done it, your fish, the ardachar, hibernating animals, maybe he did it, too.
Outras formas de vida fizeram-no. O teu peixe, a truta do Árctico, os animais que hibernam... Talvez ele também.
Maybe it's time somebody did something about it.
Talvez já esteja na altura de alguém fazer alguma coisa.
If you didn't see it, maybe your dad did, huh?
Se não o viu, talvez o seu pai o tenha visto.
If you didn't see it, maybe your dad did, huh?
Se tu não viste, pode ser que o teu pai visse?
Doggone it, Harry, I guess maybe it's... how you did it.
Caramba, Harry, acho que foi o modo como o fez.
I may be kidding myself, but I have this crazy notion that if I did find him maybe you could smooth it over so I could see him again.
Posso estar a enganar-me, mas tenho esta ilusão de que se o encontrarem talvez o consigam convencer a voltar a ver-me.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe you're seeing what "you" want to see?
Já alguma vez te ocorreu que talvez estejas a ver aquilo que queres?
Maybe you did it.
Talvez estivesses.
Maybe I know who did it.
Talvez saiba quem o fez.
Now she thinks, maybe he did do it.
Agora ela pensa, talvez ele o tenha feito.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe the rest of us had a plan too?
Alguma vez te ocorreu que nós também tínhamos um plano?
Well, i like to think that maybe In a small way it did.
Bem, gosto de pensar que de uma maneira pequena acabou.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe they believed in what they were doing?
Não lhe passou pela cabeça que eles acreditavam no que faziam?
Maybe I did, but I don't talk about it. I don't have to talk about it.
Se calhar matei e não quero falar disso!
Is it in the tub, maybe? Did she break it off?
Perdeu-o na banheira, ou partiu-o...?
Maybe you know who did it.
Talvez saibas quem foi.
Well, that's... Hey, maybe he did it and went into shock, man.
Talvez o tenha feito, e depois entrou em choque.
All right, so maybe I did erase it.
- Tens razão, talvez a tenha apagado.
Maybe I did it.
Talvez tenha sido eu.
- Maybe I'm glad I did it.
- E talvez esteja feliz por tê-lo feito.

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