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Maybe it should be traducir portugués

191 traducción paralela
Maybe it should be Bruce Vain.
Talvez ele devesse chamar-se Bruce Vaidoso.
- Maybe it should be 70 / 30.
- Ou mesmo 70 / 30.
Well, sir, I've been thinking... maybe it should be shut down.
Bom senhor, estive a pensar... e talvez precise mesmo de ser desligada.
Maybe it should be : boom, boom... then... kaboom. Boom.
Aquele camião, bum!
- so maybe it should be a big deal.
- Devíamos fazer algo porreiro.
If we have to leave the kids with somebody, then you know... maybe it should be your mom.
Se tivermos que deixar os miúdos com alguém, será melhor deixá-los com a tua mãe.
Maybe it should be in black and white.
Talvez devessem ser a preto e branco.
Well, then maybe it should be sooner.
Talvez seja cedo.
- Maybe it should be : The later, the better. - Or better yet, the never, the better.
- Devia ser "mais tarde" ou "nunca".
Maybe it should be.
Talvez devesse ser.
Oh we should throw our own party, like a take-back-the-party party. Well maybe it should be.
- Mas devia ser.
- Maybe it should be.
- Talvez devesse ser.
I said maybe it should be.
Eu disse que talvez devesse ser.
Maybe flying should just be restricted to 35,000 feet, and let it go at that.
Talvez os voos devessem ser limitados aos 35 mil pés, e ponto final.
- Maybe we should ask him to come to the fort. - No, it's gotta be now.
Devíamos pedir que venha ao forte.
I haven't decided yet what should be the best to represent... Whatever it is, the spirit but I would appreciate, maybe you'd talk to me.
Ainda não decidi o que seria melhor para representar... seja o que for, o espírito... mas agradeceria se falasse comigo.
Maybe you should be in it.
Talvez devesses lá estar.
It's not a hanging matter to be young... but it maybe should be a hanging matter for a man of middle age... to try and steal the youth from a young girl.
Não é crime ser-se jovem, mas talvez seja um crime para um homem de meia-idade... tentar roubar a juventude a uma rapariga.
What are you doing now, playing right tackle? Maybe it was a sound that should be there and wasn't.
Talvez houvesse um som que devia lá estar e não estava.
Maybe we oughta be asking ourselves should we even be trying to outrun it.
quem sabe devemos perguntar-nos se devemos ganhar.
Maybe it's not a man you should be looking for.
- Talvez não devas procurar por um homem.
Maybe you should ask Giulia what she thinks. Or should we sort out everything between ourselves, sort it out between men, like things used to be done? Well?
Talvez seja melhor saber o que pensa a Giulia.
You see... it looks to me like you're listening to a lot of people tell you you can't do it, when maybe what you should be doing is listening to yourself say that you can.
Eu já te vi. Sabes... a mim parece-me que o que estás a fazer... é a dar ouvidos a muita gente que te diz que não consegues fazê-lo. O que devias estar a fazer era a ouvir-te a ti próprio... a dizeres que consegues.
Se calhar devia ser você o editor.
And I thought maybe I should tell you the system will be compiling for 18 to 20 minutes, so some of the minor systems, they might go on and off for a while, but it's nothing to worry about.
Pensei que talvez... vos devesse dizer que o sistema estará em compilação... durante 18 a 20 minutos, pelo que os sistemas menores... poderão estar intermitentes, mas não é nada de preocupante.
If we can't be like Gareth and Matthew, then maybe we should just let it go.
Se não pudermos ser como o Gareth e o Mathew, é melhor desistirmos.
Tamara, maybe I'm a traditionalist, but I've always thought it should be ladies before worms.
Tamara, talvez seja tradicionalista, mas sempre achei que deveriam primeiro ser as senhoras antes dos vermes.
I love the law, but maybe I should be teaching it instead of practising it.
Continuo a amar o Direito. Sempre o amarei. Mas talvez deva ensiná-lo em vez de o praticar.
[Camera Shutter Clicks] Come on, Edward, maybe it would be helpful ifyou gave Kitty... one reason why the two ofyou should stay together.
Vá lá, Edward, dê à Kitty uma razão para continuarem juntos.
You know, maybe I should be doing it her way, if it would help you guys.
Sabes, talvez eu deva fazer como ela sugere, se isso vos ajudar malta.
Maybe you should explain to him that the emphasis on physical virginity has been forced upon him by patriarchal culture and it shoudn't be confused with spiritual purity.
Diga-lhe que a ênfase na virgindade física lhe foi imposta pela cultura patriarcal, e não deve ser confundida com pureza espiritual.
It should be for about three pounds or maybe more.
Deve ser de três libras ou mais. - Lamento.
Maybe we should be buried in it.
Talvez devessemos ser enterrados nela.
It should only be maybe 20 minutes.
Só deve demorar 20 minutos.
And I know it can be difficult but maybe you should back into it from somewhere else.
E eu sei que é difícil mas, talvez devas voltar e tentar em mais um ou outro lugar.
Then maybe it's your wedding we should be planning.
Talvez devêssemos planear o seu casamento.
Well, maybe it's just me, but I'm of the opinion that a man should be more concerned about his family's well-being than figuring out a way to get his wife to let him go on a week-long golf retreat to Myrtle Beach.
Talvez seja só eu, mas sou da opinião que um homem deveria pensar mais no bem-estar da família e menos em arranjar forma de a mulher o deixar ir uma semana para uma estância de golfe em Myrtle Beach.
It's my money, so maybe I should be asking you where the money is.
É o meu dinheiro, e se calhar eu devia perguntar-te a ti aonde é que está o dinheiro.
- Maybe I should be more like you when it comes to parenting. No borders.
Talvez devesse ser como tu no que toca à educação.
So, I thought maybe if you and I could have sort of a healthy debate about it, I could come to some sort of reasonable conclusion about how I should be feeling right about now.
Pensei que se falássemos abertamente sobre o assunto, talvez pudesse chegar a uma conclusão razoável... sobre como me estou a sentir neste momento.
I'm thinkin', though, that since I lost a finger and I mean literally lost it'cause of that fuckin'cat - maybe I should be excused from this thing.
Estou a pensar, já que eu perdi um dedo e quero dizer que "perdi mesmo o dedo" por causa da merda daquele gato talvéz pudesse ser dispensado desta coisa.
It's, like, Roxy, and she's dressed as a cucumber, and... Well, maybe I should just be happy that I'm going to London on tour with you guys and keep these thoughts to myself.
A Roxi veste-se de pepino e depois... ou melhor, conformo-me em ir para Londres com vocês e depois venho.
Maybe it should just be us.
Talvez devíamos ser só nós.
I mean it could be.... at the time you not satisfied him enough at home i mean... we all know we have a certain age we all get sad but you know..... maybe you should keep your husband looked up maybe you should castrate your husband..
Disse, Mona? Pode ser, o que dizem na cidade que já não é capaz de o satisfazer Todos sabemos que quando atingimos uma certa idade... Talvez devessem trancar o seu marido ou castrá-lo.
If what's in the Rambaldi box is a danger to you and these keys are the only way to open it, maybe they should be destroyed.
Se o que está na caixa de Rambaldi é um perigo para ti e estas chaves são a única forma de a abrir, talvez devam ser destruídas.
I don't know. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe I should just stay in prison so my family can be free.
Talvez deva ficar na prisão para a minha família ser livre.
Hm. Maybe you should check it out, maybe it'd be good for you.
Talvez devas ir lá ver, talvez fosse bom para ti.
Maybe we should just buy her a stapler... wrap it in brown paper, and just smear some dog poo on it. Think she'd be comfortable with that?
Damos-lhe um agrafador, embrulhado em papel pardo com cocó de cão!
Kelso, Maybe you shouldn't be asking what he did. You should be asking what you did to let it happen.
Kelso, talvez não devas perguntar o que ele fez.
Not that she'll be able to prove it. Maybe I should've told you sooner... but I didn't want to confuse you even more.
Não que ela consiga provar, e se calhar já te devia ter contado,
Maybe they should be alone so they can work it out for themselves.
Talvez devam ficar sozinhos, para resolverem as coisas.

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