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Maybe it was you traducir portugués

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That maybe, just maybe it was you who ordered that massacre.
Que talvez tenhas sido tu mesmo quem ordenou o massacre.
Bumpy thinks maybe it was you.
O Bumpy pensa que talvez tenhas sido tu.
Who knows, maybe it was you.
Quem sabe, se calhar era você.
Maybe it was you.
Pode ter sido você.
Not while I'm alive, maybe... but someday you'll be able to turn back to the old files... and read this article and be glad it was printed.
Não enquanto eu viva, possivelmente... mas algum dia poderá olhar os velhos arquivos... e ler este artigo e sentir-se contente porque a imprimiu.
But, Rocky, maybe if they thought I was in on it, they'd go easier on you.
Mas, Rocky, talvez se pensassem que participei, fossem brandos contigo.
I was going to ask you and the boys to sing a little more... but maybe you don't feel like it now.
Ia pedir-lhes que cantassem um pouco mais,... mas talvez não tenham vontade.
Maybe it was the way you held your shoulders.
Talvez fossem os seus ombros.
Maybe if you was to tame one, it might make a pretty nice pet.
Talvez, se quizesses domesticar um, podem ser bons para brincar.
Maybe it was simply because I was thinking of you.
Possivelmente simplesmente o fiz porque estava pensando em você.
Maybe you thought it was funny, an old woman taking on a guy like that.
Talvez achasses divertido ver uma velha ser morta por um tipo assim.
You know, Laurie, I I was thinking maybe it's time you and me started goin'steady, huh?
Sabes, Laurie, eu... estava a pensar que talvez estivesse na hora de namorarmos.
Yeah, maybe it could have been different if I was right to you, but...
Pois, podia ter sido diferente se fosse a pessoa certa para ti, mas...
If it was Billy gone to war instead of Alfred... Maybe you'd have learned to pray, Mr Eaton.
Se fosse Billy que tivesse ido para a guerra em vez de Alfred talvez tivesse aprendido a rezar, Mr Eaton.
You killed him, or I did, maybe it was something neither of us could help or anybody.
Está bem, você o matou, ou fui eu? ou talvez fosse algo que nenhum de nós o pudesse evitar, ou ninguém.
Or maybe it was for you.
Ou talvez tenha sido por si.
You think maybe it was because we lived in Florida?
Será que foi porque vivíamos na Florida?
If I was alone, maybe you could have done it.
Se estivesse sózinho, talvez conseguisse.
Maybe you did not turn the cylinder 3 chambers from the hammer. Or was it 4?
Você estima a sua vida.
Maybe you thought it was your own you were smelling.
Talvez julgasse, que era o seu amuleto que cheirava.
Maybe it was sick and you didn't know.
Talvez ele estivesse doente e vc não sabia.
Maybe it was never there. Holmes, I swear to you, I saw it as clear as anything.
Lhe juro, eu o vi.
This is one thing that I was gonna wait a while before we talked about, but maybe we'll talk about it now so you can think about it.
Há uma coisa que eu ia esperar para falar. Mas talvez seja melhor dizer agora para pensarem nisso.
And when you think about it, son maybe it was our fault too in a way.
E, pensando bem nisso sentimo-nos também responsáveis de certo modo.
Maybe what it was is that when you were talking about your husband,
Bom, talvez... Talvez o que disse sobre o seu marido, no avião, me tenha lembrado o Ralph.
Yeah, maybe it was a little rough on you.
Sim, talvez tenha sido um tanto duro para ti.
What are you doing now, playing right tackle? Maybe it was a sound that should be there and wasn't.
Talvez houvesse um som que devia lá estar e não estava.
You thought maybe it was too many ModigIiani!
Achou que talvez fosse "muito Modigliani"!
Maybe it was those guys on the pit crew in St. Louis. Took your book out of the car while you were getting massaged.
Talvez esses putos da frota de Saint Louis roubaram do... carro o livro com a rota enquanto te faziam as massagens.
Maybe for you but it was of some importance to Boykins.
Para si mas teve alguma importância para o Boykins.
One of them, I can't remember who it was, maybe it was Nasty thought, we were trying to get on the Rutles bandwagon, you know...
Um dos rapazes, já não me lembro qual, talvez o Nasty, disse : "Diziam que queríamos entrar no trem, o trem místico dos Rutles"
Snooks was really kind of worried about it, because he - he kept saying that he thought maybe some of you boys would be a bad influence on our girls.
Snooks ficou preocupado, vivia dizendo que talvez... os rapazes fossem influenciar mal as nossas filhas.
Maybe Stella was in on it. When will you get a real air conditioner?
Quando pões um ar condicionado decente, stella?
Maybe it's me, but I tell you, it was here a minute ago. And it was really beautiful.
Talvez seja de mim, mas digo-vos, estava aqui ainda há um minuto... e é realmente lindo.
I was thinking maybe we could make it a wedding trip and have you join us not just as our best friend,
Pensei que, quem sabe, poderíamos considerá-la uma viagem de lua-de-mel... E que tu nos acompanhasses como nosso melhor amigo... ou então, como padrinho de bodas.
Joanna, since this was a federal investigation, maybe you should let the government look into it.
Joanna, visto que esta era uma investigação federal, talvez devesse deixar o governo tratar do assunto. Não.
Joanna, since this was a federal investigation, maybe you should let the government look into it.
Joanna, visto que esta era uma investigação federal, talvez devesse deixar o governo tratar do assunto.
They also drew a blank. Maybe you heard it wrong or maybe he was kidding.
Ou ele ouviu mal, ou ele estava a brincar, quem sabe?
I was going to tell you something, but maybe I shouldn't. It's pretty bad.
la contar-te uma coisa, mas talvez não deva.
Maybe I didn't want to tell you about it...'cause I was a little bit embarrassed about it, all right?
Não quis contar-te porque tive vergonha.
Maybe it was a dream, you know.
Talvez tenha sido um sonho.
I was thinking that maybe you could give it to Hope someday.
Pensei que talvez pudesse dar isto a Hope um dia.
Maybe I was too anxious to turn it all around for you.
Talvez estivesse demasiado ansiosa para que isto resultasse.
When you think of what maybe Gene Roddenberry's vision was, it's about human beings, how they interact.
Quando você pensa sobre o que talvez a visão de Gene Roddenberry fosse, Trata-se de seres humanos, de como eles interagem.
Maybe it was for you.
- Talvez tenha sido por ti.
I was wondering if maybe, you knew something about it.
Eu perguntava-me se... vocês sabem algo sobre isto.
Maybe it was a mistake for you to have asked for me here.
Talvez tivesse sido um erro ter-me mandado para cá.
Okay. I was hoping that you would need some help with your theory, and that maybe we could discuss it... over... over dinner or something.
Se precisares de ajuda para a tua teoria, talvez a pudéssemos discutir durante o jantar ou assim?
I was just gonna work on it with you, but if you're comfortable... great. Well, I just think maybe... you should consider whether or not you can deliver a kiss that kills.
Só acho... que devia confirmar se beijas a matar ou não.
Look, MacGyver, between you and me I think maybe he knew it was time to hang it up.
Olhe, MacGyver, cá para nós penso que talvez fosse altura de ele arrumar as botas.
Maybe it was someone in your crew, or Who's worked for you in the past.
Pode ser algum deles, ou um seu antigo empregado.

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