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Murder weapon traducir portugués

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They never found the murder weapon, Spencer, you know that.
Nunca encontraram a arma do crime, Spencer.
Ballistics confirmed the gun we found on the dead junkie was the murder weapon used to kill Evan Dunbar and beat up his son, Chris.
A balística confirmou que a arma do drogado morto, foi usada para matar o Evan Dunbar e espancar o filho, Chris.
Ballistics confirmed the gun that McGarrett had in his hand was the murder weapon.
A balística confirmou que a arma na mão de McGarrett foi a usada no crime.
You do know that we found the murder weapon in your hotel room, right?
Sabe que encontramos a arma do crime no seu quarto, não é?
Last night, Spencer was hammering me with questions about the murder weapon.
Ontem à noite, a Spencer bombardeou-me com perguntas sobre a arma do crime.
Okay, so what was the murder weapon, guillotine?
Qual a arma do crime, uma guilhotina?
I mean, it's only a matter of time before we find the suit and the murder weapon.
Depressa vamos encontrar a máscara e a arma do crime.
We've known all along what the murder weapon was.
Sempre soubemos qual tinha sido a arma do crime.
He had the murder weapon on him.
Tinha a arma do homicidio com ele.
At least you still have the murder weapon.
Pelo menos ainda tens a arma do crime. Sim.
Your witness is dead. We plan to present the murder weapon with the defendant's prints on it, your honor.
Planeamos apresentar a arma do crime com as impressões digitais do arguido, Meritíssimo.
Go up against Little T and tell a cop where the murder weapon is?
Uma boa acção de alguém. Ir contra o Little T e dizer a um policia onde está a arma?
Since we can't match ballistics without the bullets, we can't even prove it's the murder weapon.
- Sem balas, não há balística. - Nem há como provar ser a arma.
If you found the murder weapon in my car? Yeah.
Se encontrasse a arma do crime no meu carro, sim.
Is that the murder weapon?
- É a arma do crime?
- Was that the murder weapon?
É a arma do crime?
They either ditched the murder weapon, or there's a third person involved.
Ou eles livraram-se da arma do crime, ou há outra pessoa envolvida.
Now they're denying the homicide, there is no evidence or witness that links them directly to the shooting, we have no murder weapon.
Estão a negar o homicídio, não temos nada que os ligue directamente ao tiroteio, e não temos a arma do crime.
Yes. Well, the gun you had us fish out at the country club was not the murder weapon.
A arma que nos fez ir buscar ao clube, não é a arma do crime.
The particulates in the crevice might be able to help us determine the murder weapon.
As partículas na fenda... talvez nos ajudem a determinar a arma do crime.
We got Interpol involved, but without any hard evidence against the guy- - no murder weapon, no witness- - you know, I don't think they ever took it too seriously.
Envolvemos a Interpol, mas sem nenhuma prova contra ele, sem arma do crime, sem testemunhas... sabe, acho que nem nos levaram muito a sério.
Red and black bag. Could be our murder weapon.
Pode ser a arma do crime.
Now, you know that grass is on every single golf course in Miami, so that's probably from our murder weapon.
Temos esta relva em todos os campo de golfe de Miami então deve ser da arma do crime.
Looks like it could be the murder weapon.
Parece que esta pode ser a arma do crime.
Judging by the shape of the wounds, the murder weapon was most likely a knife.
Pelo formato dos ferimentos, a arma do crime deve ter sido uma faca.
- is our murder weapon.
- é a nossa arma do crime.
Chances are, that's our murder weapon.
Há hipóteses de ser a arma do crime.
Found his prints on the murder weapon.
Encontrámos as suas digitais na arma do crime.
For a murder weapon.
Pela arma do crime.
Same caliber as the murder weapon.
O mesmo calibre da arma do crime.
We found Jake's murder weapon in your Jeep.
Encontrámos a arma do assassínio do Jake no seu Jeep.
And the murder weapon.
Junto com a arma do crime.
Your notes, the murder weapon, an 8-inch kitchen knife which just turned up plunged into the chest of your lead suspect.
As suas anotações, a arma do crime, uma faca de cozinha, que perfurou o tórax do seu principal suspeito.
Same as the murder weapon.
Igual à arma do crime.
Uncle's gun is not the murder weapon, but while I was down there, M.E. wanted me to see something else.
A arma do tio não é a do crime, mas enquanto eu estava lá, o legista quis que eu visse algo.
Is this thing the murder weapon?
- Aparentemente não. Esta coisa é a arma do crime?
Okay, well, that was the lab and the murder weapon came back positive for Maria Ortiz's prints.
O laboratório informou que o exame da arma do crime deu positivo para as impressões digitais de Maria Ortiz.
We have our murder weapon.
Aqui temos a arma do crime.
[Saroyan] So we have our murder weapon.
Então já temos a arma do crime.
Any of those things our murder weapon? These? No.
Alguma destas coisas é a nossa arma do crime?
Might have a line on the murder weapon.
Podemos ter uma pista na arma do crime.
And our murder weapon.
E a nossa arma do crime.
We have the murder weapon, Counselor.
- Temos a arma do crime, Constance.
- He came in with the murder weapon.
Bem, ele apareceu com a arma do crime.
The murder weapon appears to be a garden-variety fence post.
A arma do crime parece ser uma estaca pertencente a uma vedação.
The stake isn't the murder weapon.
A estaca não é a arma do crime. Isto aconteceu depois de ter morrido.
Bones was telling me about a potential murder weapon.
A Bones falou-me de uma potencial arma do crime.
No sign of the murder weapon.
Nem sinal da arma do crime.
Ed Burrows is facing kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder charges.
O Ed Burrows responderá por sequestro, agressão e tentativa de homicídio.
You aren't the only one holding a weapon of mass murder.
Não és o único com uma arma assassina.
HPD turn up a murder weapon yet?
à queima roupa. A polícia encontrou a arma?

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