Weapons down traducir portugués
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Anyone with weapons down and surrendering, and respect us leaders will not be executed
Eles que se entregam e tratam-nos como líderes para sobreviver
Better throw your weapons down.
É melhor largarem as armas.
Put your weapons down.
Larguem as armas.
Why don't you all put those weapons down before this thing goes too far.
Guardem as armas antes que aconteça algo irremediável.
Lay your weapons down!
Ponham as armas no chão!
Put those weapons down.
Abaixem as armas.
And then strike him down with unlovelier but more appropriate weapons.
Armas, quais armas?
You hunted down retreating warriors and took their weapons.
Perseguiram guerreiros em retirada e ficaram com as suas armas.
Throw down your weapons!
Larguem as armas!
Throw down your weapons.
Larguem as armas.
This company is down to one rifle platoon and half of a weapons platoon and what you see here is my headquarters.
Esta empresa tem um pelotão de rifle e metade de um pelotão de armas E o que você vê aqui é minha sede.
Put down your weapons or we will kill the rest of you.
Abaixe suas armas ou mataremos o resto de vocês.
Lay down your weapons and swords.
Baixem as suas armas e espadas!
Put down your weapons and save your lives.
Larguem as armas poupá-los-ei.
Put down your weapons.
Larguem as armas.
Put down your weapons and stand up.
Deponham as armas e mostrem-se.
- Put down your weapons!
- Largai vossas armas!
Rebellious subjects, enemies to peace, throw your mistempered weapons to the ground... Down with your weapons. Down, I say.
Vassalos rebeldes, inimigos da paz, largai vossas armas destemperadas no solo... e ouvi a sentença de vosso irado Príncipe.
Benvolio, beat down their weapons.
Obriguemo-los a baixar as armas.
Now we will put down our weapons.
Agora deixaremos as nossas armas.
Diverse columns, some of them with ten or twenty a thousand men, they put down the weapons and they marched, without having received orders, headed for the officers, in the direction of the German lines.
Diversas colunas, algumas delas com dez ou vinte mil homens, depunham as armas e marchavam, sem terem recebido ordens, encabeçadas pelos oficiais, na direção das linhas alemãs.
Put down your weapons.
Baixem as armas.
We say there were nuclear weapons on the plane when it went down.
Vamos dizer que haviam armas nucleares no avião quando caiu.
Put down your weapons or we'll open fire!
Desçam suas armas ou abriremos fogo!
Which means our weapons are useless, and we have no alternative but to go back down there and try to rescue Spock without them.
Ou seja, nossas armas sao inúteis... e nao temos alternativa além de voltar lá embaixo... e tentar resgatar Spock sem elas.
The lieutenant went down, made an agreement with the responsible German officer e came back stops saying in them that we had one hour to disassemble. e to destroy our weapons. or to dig holes stops to embed what we wanted e to prepare us to go down the mount inside of one hour.
O tenente desceu, fez um acordo com o oficial alemão responsável e voltou para nos dizer que tínhamos uma hora para desmontar... e destruir as nossas armas... ou cavar buracos para enterrar o que quiséssemos e preparar-nos para descer o monte dentro de uma hora.
The majority of the men of the three Russian armies it was forced to put down the weapons.
A maioria dos homens dos três exércitos russos foi forçada a depor as armas.
All of you, throw down your weapons.
Todos, soltem as armas.
Put down your weapons.
Baixem suas armas.
John, tell everybody to put down their weapons, or I'll kill Alan.
John, manda todos largar as armas, senão mato o Alan.
Throw down your weapons and come out peacefully.
Abandona todas as tuas armas e sai cá para fora calmamente.
Let down your weapons!
Baixem as vossas armas!
Put down you weapons and surrender before I count to three.
Larguem as vossas armas e rendam-se antes que eu conte até três!
Before things get out of hand, put down your weapons and open the gates. You hear me?
Antes que as coisas se descontrolem, baixem as armas e abram o portão, ouviram?
- Put down your weapons or we'll use force.
- Baixem as armas ou usaremos a força.
Otherwise step forward, lay down your weapons, walk out.
De outro modo, dêem um passo em frente, Pousem a arma e saiam.
- Those who don't want this to happen, at dawn throw down your weapons and run to the nearest National Guardsman.
- Aqueles que não querem que isto aconteça, de manhã, baixem as armas e corram para o Guarda Nacional mais próximo.
You are surrounded! Throw down your weapons and put your hands over your heads!
Larguem as armas e ponham as mãos na cabeça!
Throw down your weapons and put your hands on your head... or I'll turn you all into burning bushes!
Ponham as armas no chão e as mãos na cabeça ou serão transformados em arbustos em chamas!
Cease firing and throw down your weapons.
Cessem fogo e larguem as armas.
I repeat, cease firing and throw down your weapons.
Repito. Cessem fogo e larguem as armas.
I'm commanding you under direct orders of the United States Army... to put down your weapons and place yourself into my custody!
E não gosto de me disfarçar quando está calor. Hannibal Smith! Em nome do Exército dos Estados Unidos... ordeno que deponhas as armas agora mesmo... e te entregues aos meus homens!
Lay down your weapons and take two steps back with your hands up!
Larguem as armas e dêem dois passos para trás com as mãos no ar!
Throw down your weapons, put up your hands and come out of this cave.
Larguem as armas, ponham as mãos para cima e saiam da gruta.
This is Bison Leader to the combined military forces of Presidente Martien offering you a rare opportunity to lay down your weapons and join the Bison Troops of San Marcos.
Fala o lider Bison às forças militares combinadas do Presidente Martien a oferecer a rara oportunidade para baixarem as vossas armas e de se juntarem as tropas Bison de San Marcos.
Put down your weapons and put your hands on your heads.
Larguem as armas e coloquem as mãos na cabeça.
Then throw down your weapons and you will be well treated.
Então entreguem as vossas armas e prometo que serão bem tratados.
As a remnant of their victory, the armour and weapons have been handed down through the ages, regarded as symbols of power and much sought after.
Como lembranças da sua vitória, a armadura e armas foram passadas através dos séculos, vistas como símbolos do poder e muito procuradas.
Throw down your weapons and pledge yourselves to me or you will join her.
Atirem as vossas armas e entreguem-se a mim ou unir-se-ão a ela.
Throw down your weapons or you die.
Atirem as vossas armas, ou morrerão...!
Throw down your weapons, place your hands on your heads!
Larguem as vossas armas e coloquem as mãos na cabeça.
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down the hall 119
down on your knees 79
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down the hall 119
down on your knees 79
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down there 402
down on the floor 28
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down there 402
down on the floor 28
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down to business 31
down here 450
downing street 23
down on the ground 130
down now 22
down in one 23
down to 41
down in front 26
down here 450
downing street 23
down on the ground 130
down now 22
down in one 23
down to 41
down in front 26