Never heard of you traducir portugués
933 traducción paralela
I'm afraid I've never heard of you.
Receio nunca ter ouvido falar de si.
- Never heard of you.
- Não conheço.
I never heard of you.
Nunca ouvi falar de ti!
I just left Dr. Tyler, and he never heard of you!
Saí do gabinete do doutor Tyler e ele disse que nunca ouviu falar de si.
I never heard of you.
O teu nome não me diz nada.
Have you never before heard of the king's castle at Worms on the Rhine, nor the kings of Burgundy who reign there?
Já ouvisteis falar alguma vez do castelo de Worms do Reno e... dos reis que nele reinam?
Are you heathen born that you have never heard of Holy Easter? !
Nasceste pagão para nunca teres ouvido falar na Sagrada Páscoa?
- I never heard of it. You wouldn't, Kemp.
- Nunca ouvi falar disso.
You never heard of me cheating anyone, did you?
Já ouviu falar que eu tenha enganado alguém?
But in a month's time, because a man you'd never heard of... killed another man you'd never heard of... in a place you'd never heard of, this country was at war.
Mas em apenas um mês em que um homem que não conheciam matou outro numa cidade que também não conheciam, estalou a guerra. - Mas...
Where were you brought up? Never heard of my great uncle Penruddock... the Cornish Bluebeard?
Onde é que foi criada Nunca ouviu falar do meu Tio-Avô Penruddock
You never heard of tanks that go under the water and fly up-a stairs?
Sim. Tanques aero-navais. Que se movem pela água e pelo ar.
You probably never heard of Shakespeare either.
Mas tu também nunca ouviste falar de Shakespeare.
- Never heard of him. - You never heard of him?
- Nunca o ouvi.
You mean you ain't never heard of Windy Miller?
Nunca ouviram falar do Windy Miller?
Don't tell me you've never heard of Maria Tura?
Não me diga que nunca ouviu falar de Maria Tura?
You see, sir, the other night... Professor Siletsky was addressing us at the camp... and I mentioned the name of Maria Tura and he'd never heard of her.
Sabe, senhor, na outra noite o Professor Siletsky visitou-nos no acampamento, mencionei o nome de Maria Tura e ele não a conhecia.
She can tell you about things that Dr. Frankenstein did that your medical science has never heard of.
Ela pode dizer-lhe coisas que o Dr. Frankenstein fez que a ciência médica nunca ouviu.
Have you never heard of an artist taking a stage name?
Nunca viste alguém com nome artístico?
You never heard of that?
- Nunca ouviu isto?
A place you probably never heard of.
Provavelmente nunca ouviu falar.
You mean to say you've never heard of George Gershwin?
Quer dizer que nunca ouviu falar de George Gershwin?
You never heard of the place where she comes from.
Você nunca ouviu falar do sitio de onde ela veio.
Have you ever heard of Professor Palmer? - Never.
Já ouviu falar do professor Palmer?
I never heard of anyone who didn't eat chicken. Did you, Brandon?
Nunca ouvi falar de ninguém que não comesse galinha.
You're hiring a-peoples has never been a-heard of.
Que contrata pessoas das quais ninguém ouviu falar.
- You've never heard of me? Huh? - No.
- Nunca ouviu falar de mim, claro?
You never heard of Floyd Collins?
Nunca ouviste falar no Floyd Collins?
Yesterday, you never even heard of Leo.
Ontem, nunca você tinha ouvido falar no Leo.
We want to convict him of every known crime in the books, All of which he's committed and some even you, even I, never heard of.
Quero saber todos os seus crimes, mesmo aqueles nem tu nem eu conhecemos!
Never! You mean you've never before heard of a wrong being righted.
Nunca viste um erro a ser corrigido?
You mean you've never heard of the Vulture?
Nunca ouviu falar do Abutre?
You must be a blockhead, never to have heard of the most famous boulevard in the world!
Avenida da Reforma! Deves ser um herege! Nunca ouviste falar da mais famosa avenida do mundo?
Perhaps you have also never heard of the American FBI?
Talvez também nunca tenha ouvido falar do FBI?
Oh. But I told you, Inspector, I've never heard of the man.
Mas eu já Ihe disse, nunca ouvi falar do sujeito.
Then are you willing to state that in your entire experience, 13 years and seven months of handling and testing firearms, you never heard of such an accident taking place?
Então, está disposto a declarar que, com toda a sua experiência, de 13 anos e sete meses a manusear e testar armas de fogo, você nunca ouviu falar de que tal acidente ocorresse?
I mean the small stuff, you know, people you never heard of.
Refiro-me a coisas mais insignificantes, pessoas em quem ninguém ouviu falar.
And I tell you, the day Rome falls there will be a shout of freedom such as the world has never heard before.
No dia em que Roma cair haverá um grito de liberdade como o mundo jamais ouviu!
I've never seen a man who didn't get sick to his stomack when he heard the kind of sentence you'll draw.
Não sei de homem que não se tivesse sentido mal ao ouvir a pena que terá.
You never heard of it. You'll learn fast! They'll keep you in the line
Lá vais aprender depressa e aprendes a marchar num instante.
Have you never heard of a book code?
Nunca ouviu falar de código de livro?
And he'd known some hurts that you ain't never even heard of.
E ele passou por coisas que você nunca ouviu falar!
You never heard of the woman you keep in a $ 50-a-day suite of rooms at the Regal Palms Hotel?
Nunca ouviu falar da mulher que mantém numa suite de $ 50 por dia no hotel Regal Palms?
Just give me 10 percent of the fortune you spend on this woman you never heard of.
Dê-me só 1 0 por cento da fortuna que gasta
Now, don't tell me you've never heard of the marvellous Madam Mim?
Nunca ouviste falar da fantástica Madame Min?
You've obviously never heard of cobalt chlorium G.
Vê-se que nunca ouviu falar do cloro de cobalto G.
2 years ago you'd never heard of cholesterol. Now it's a big thing!
Há dois anos, nem sabias o que era o colesterol.
- You've never heard of him?
Nunca ouviu falar dele? Não.
I never heard of you.
Nunca ouvi falar de vocês.
And it can just happen that you never saw or heard of them.
E pode simplesmente acontecer de nunca os ter ouvido falar deles.
These men are coming here with weapons you've never even heard of.
Estes homens vêm para cá com armas de que nunca ouviste falar.
never heard of it 218
never heard of him 254
never heard of her 68
never heard of them 36
of yours 40
of you 197
nevermind 135
never 5371
neverland 25
nevermore 28
never heard of him 254
never heard of her 68
never heard of them 36
of yours 40
of you 197
nevermind 135
never 5371
neverland 25
nevermore 28
never have i ever 20
never give up 61
never mind 4455
never better 242
never gets old 35
nevertheless 622
never forget 64
never ever 49
never married 49
never you mind 74
never give up 61
never mind 4455
never better 242
never gets old 35
nevertheless 622
never forget 64
never ever 49
never married 49
never you mind 74