Quite recently traducir portugués
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It seems she has quite recently and suddenly begun to entertain. Informal, gay little gatherings.
Agora, McFadden estava-me a falar sobre uma senhora independente uma certa Condessa Staviska.
Come to think of it, I did see him quite recently, but not to speak to. - Oh?
Pensando bem, vi-o recentemente, mas não lhe falei.
Yes, no doubt at all he was here. Quite recently too.
Não há nenhuma dúvida, esteve aquí há pouco tempo.
I completed it only quite recently.
Acabei-a recentemente.
And then quite recently, the Kenyan minister for agric. and fish, fell nearly 12 miles, during a Nairobi debate in parliament ; although this hasn't been ratified yet.
Depois, o ministro queniano da Agricultura e das Pescas caiu quase 19 km, durante um debate no Parlamento de Nairobi, embora não tenha sido confirmado.
Until suddenly, quite recently, they disappeared.
Até que de repente, mesmo recentemente, desapareceram.
This door's been opened quite recently, Miss Bunner.
Foi utilizada recentemente.
I've only just learned quite recently
Aprendi uma coisa ou duas recentemente.
Just how extreme hasn't been appreciated until quite recently.
Um extremo que não havia sido apreciado até recentemente.
I just mention that until quite recently my wife was a successful stockbroker.
Respondo que a minha mulher era uma corretora de sucesso.
She came over from Russia, quite recently.
Veio da Rússia há pouco tempo.
Sir, quite recently you were kind enough to suggest that I go on a little holiday trip around the country.
Senhor, muito recentemente teve a amabilidade de me sugerir que fizesse uma pequena viagem pelo campo.
Why, quite recently, I acquired these Lobi crystals from a very strange creature called a Morn.
Porque, recentemente, adquiri estes cristais de uma criatura muito estranha chamada um Morn.
Quite recently.
Há muito pouco tempo.
Quite recently.
Until quite recently gentlemen, I believed myself to be an ape.
Até muito recentemente eu acreditei... ser um macaco.
[Man] And you've actually seen these paintings quite recently.
MUSEU DE ARTE E viu estes quadros recentemente?
Quite recently.
Uma vez, hà pouco tempo.
Jane, i was wondering, um, have you been religious all your life, or is it something that's happened to you quite recently?
Jane, sempre se interessou pela religião, ou é um interesse recente?
until quite recently the deep coral reef was the big dark boy on the map of life but each new discovery leads us to the new connection
Até muito recentemente, o recife de coral profundo era o grande rapaz escuro no mapa da vida. Mas cada nova descoberta leva-nos a novas ligações.
Somebody did betray your parents but it was somebody who, until quite recently, I believed to be dead!
Alguém traiu os teus pais alguém que, até recentemente, eu acreditava estar morto!
Quite recently I was stabbed right here...
Bastante recentemente eu fui apunhalado aqui mesmo...
- quite recently, to tell you the truth.
- há muito pouco tempo, para dizer a verdade.
Now, that was... that was... quite recently.
Isso foi... bem recente.
Quite recently. I can't remember where.
Recentemente, não me lembro onde.
And judging by the margins of the fractures, the thoracic area was opened quite recently.
E a julgar pelas margens da fractura, a área torácica foi aberta recentemente.
Quite recently.
Muito recentemente.
She lived here with me until quite recently.
Ela morava aqui comigo até... muito recentemente.
Some of them I've done quite recently, and others were done several years ago, so there's a real spread.
Fiz alguns deles recentemente e outros foram feitos há muitos anos, por isso, abrangem bastante.
And until quite recently I was kept alive by this glass heart.
E, até muito recentemente, fui mantido vivo por esse coração de vidro.
- Quite recently, in fact.
- Recentemente.
Quite by chance recently I've come to learn a little more about your cousin Rachel.
Por acaso, recentemente, soube mais coisas sobre a tua prima Raquel.
Just recently, one of our rays was used for quite another purpose.
Recentemente, um dos raios foi usado com outro propósito.
Often the recently dead are quite rattled by the experience.
Muitas vezes, os recém-mortos ficam confusos com a experiência.
Just recently, she has told them "no!", and quite right too.
Ultimamente, tem-lhes recusado dinheiro e com toda a razão.
Recently, Shane, things not being quite normal.
Se ainda não percebeste, ultimamente as coisas têm estado fora do normal.
only recently have robots evolved a slight where they can walk and that's with the help of computers and giroscopes and quite a bit of programming
Só recentemente os robots desenvolveram um pouco onde conseguem caminhar e isso é com a ajuda de computadores e giroscópios e um bom bocado de programação
We were told there'd been quite a few of them recently.
Disseram-nos que houve alguns ultimamente.
Recently graduated Cambridge, gourmet cook, plays polo and rugby, and is known as quite a ladies'man.
Licenciou-se em Cambridge, é um bom cozinheiro, joga pólo e rugby e tem fama de engatatão.
Now, we've all been stimulated by the stock market recently... not quite as stimulated as these two financial lovebirds here.
Todos nós fomos estimulados pelo mercado de ações recentemente. Não tão estimulados quanto estes dois passarinhos das finanças.
Monica amended her will quite often, as recently as last week.
Monica alterava o testamento muitas vezes, a mais recente, a semana passada.
'Cause in spite of all the hassles, things have been quite good recently.
Porque apesar de todos os problemas, as coisas têm corrido bem ultimamente.
Well, perhaps I got more excited than I should have, but I recently found out that Betty Applewhite is quite the poker player. And so I have invited her to join our weekly game.
Se calhar, entusiasmei-me, mas descobri que a Betty é boa jogadora de póquer e convidei-a para o nosso jogo.
Up until very recently, this lab was entirely underwater, quite possibly for over 10,000 years.
Olhe, até recentemente este laboratório estava inteiramente sob água, possivelmente por 10.000 anos.
I recently measured myself and I'm quite large.
Medi-me, recentemente, e sou bastante grande.
A little business deal didn't quite go to plan recently.
O negócio não funcionou conforme esperado recentemente.
I've recently discovered the waltz and I am quite in love with it.
Descobri a valsa recentemente e estou apaixonadíssima por ela.
I know we've only recently met and my word doesn't count for much, but if you could see your way to letting me go, I'm quite certain I can work out an accommodation with Mr. Rothstein.
Sei que nos conhecemos recentemente e a minha palavra não conta muito, mas se me pudesse libertar, tenho praticamente a certeza que consigo um encontro com o Sr Rothstein.
This is excellent. I've been to Four Weddings and a Funeral recently, and I've not had, gosh, quite such a substantial brew.
Estive em Quatro Casamentos e um Funeral recentemente e não tinha tomado uma mistura tão substancial.
So that continued for quite a while, but recently, something changed.
Aquilo durou algum tempo, mas recentemente algo mudou.
It has recently and quite suddenly been designated a Chicago landmark.
É algo recente, e de repente fui designado como um marco em Chicago.
recently 385
recently divorced 22
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite often 32
quite a few 36
quite literally 47
recently divorced 22
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite often 32
quite a few 36
quite literally 47
quite a bit 64
quite good 34
quite nice 19
quite a lot 58
quite sure 96
quite right 315
quite so 150
quite a while 18
quite a sight 16
quite all right 51
quite good 34
quite nice 19
quite a lot 58
quite sure 96
quite right 315
quite so 150
quite a while 18
quite a sight 16
quite all right 51