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She could have traducir portugués

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She couldn't stand being alone, So she lied to those other ghosts so she could have friends.
Ela não suportaria ficar sozinha, por isso mentiu aos outros fantasmas para poder ter amigos.
Turns out she loves Owen and thought she came here to be all, you know, Teddy and Owen, but there's me, and now she's pained and threatening to leave, so I told her she could have him.
Acontece que ela ama o Owen e pensava que vinha para cá e era tudo Teddy e Owen, mas estou cá eu e está a sofrer e ameaça ir-se embora, e eu disse-lhe para ficar com ele.
So he asked his lover if she could have her big, powerful daddy do her a favor.
Como tal, pediu à amante para pedir um favor ao seu poderoso papá.
There's no way she could have done this.
Ela jamais faria algo assim.
There no possible way she could have survived!
Não há como ter sobrevivido!
If you had diagnosed it earlier, she could have avoided getting her ovaries taken out.
Se a tivesse diagnosticado mais cedo, poderia ter-se evitado que lhe retirassem os ovários.
Well, she could have aspirated on her own vomit.
Bem, pode ter aspirado o próprio vómito.
She could have been unconscious for a while.
Pode ter estado inconsciente por um bocado.
She could have us running in circles until we're old and gray.
Ela pode fazer-nos correr em círculos até estarmos velhos e acabados.
There's no way she could have known
Não há como Ela ter suspeitado
It's not like she could have just passed it up.
Ela não poderia ter deixado passar.
She could have taken the baby.
Ela pode ter levado a bebé.
- She could have fought this.
- Ela poderia ter contestado.
I mean, she could have been something.
Ela podia ter aproveitado.
She could have traveled the world, Been with fascinating men.
Podia ter viajado pelo mundo, estado com homens fascinantes.
She could have accomplished things.
Ela podia ter feito coisas.
There's a bulletin board at the Casillas'vitamin factory, where employees post pictures. She could have taken it from there.
Há um quadro de anúncios na fábrica dos Casillas onde os funcionários põem fotografias.
She could have died.
- Ela poderia ter morrido.
Well, she could have interrupted an intruder breaking into the house.
Ela pode ter sido surpreendida por um intruso a tentar assaltar a casa dela.
Shore patrol says there's no way she could have made it across, that the currents are impossible this time of year.
A guarda costeira diz que não há forma de ter conseguido atravessar, que as correntes são impossíveis nesta altura do ano.
Can you think of something that, uh, we might have missed... you know, um, someone else she could have gone to for help, someplace she could be hiding out, a friend, anything?
Consegues pensar em algo que... nos possa ter escapado... Sabes, alguém a quem ela possa ter ido procurar ajuda. Algum sítio onde se possa ter escondido, um amigo, alguma coisa?
Under normal circumstances, not exposed to the pool's filtration system, she could have lived another 30 years.
Em circunstâncias normais, sem estar exposta ao sistema de filtração da piscina, ela poderia ter vivido mais 30 anos.
But she could have the camera and the computer in her car.
Mas ela pode ter a máquina fotográfica e o computador no seu carro.
Something she could have set in motion days, perhaps even weeks ago.
Algo que ela possa ter iniciado há dias, ou talvez até mesmo semanas.
( Kayla ) Yeah, when she was drunk and crying abouthow she could have been this or that
- É, quando estava bêbada e a chorar. - Como poderia ter sido isto, ou aquilo.
And then there was that whole thing about new life. Yeah, and could she have been any more generic?
A Sarah e eu estamos convencidas de que o Kevin não virá ao jantar.
{ \ pos ( 192,220 ) } And could she have been any more generic?
- Sim. Podia ter sido mais genérica?
If I stayed, she said I could have you.
Se eu ficasse, ela disse que eu podia ficar contigo.
How could she have taken stephen?
Como pode ter ela levado o Stephen?
What possible reason could I have? Well, he promised you his daughter, you took him at his word, and she ran off with another guy.
Bem, ele prometeu-lhe a sua filha, faziam um acordo, e ela foge com outro tipo.
Well, you know, we can't be sure because she was at Brian's several times, so this could have happened in the days before.
Não temos a certeza porque ela esteve várias vezes em casa do Brian, por isso isto pode ter acontecido antes.
So I started wondering, what other secret could there be that she would have to keep from me.
Por isso comecei a pensar, que outro segredo podia ela esconder de mim?
We have a psychic connection, and the dream is the only way she could possibly communicate with me.
Nós temos uma ligação psiquica e ela só se pode comunicar comigo pelo sonho. Encontrei a direcção da Judy neste mapa.
How could she have confessed Kahlan?
Como é que ela conseguiu confessar a Kahlan?
I mean, how could she have known you'd be anchoring alone?
Quero dizer, como ela sabia que ias apresentar sozinha?
- Ah, yes. We got the young lady's letter, but the trouble is, she didn't have any experience of hard work that I could tell, so...
- Sim, recebemos a carta da jovem, mas ela não tinha nenhuma experiência óbvia de trabalho.
She could still have descendants living in town.
Pode ter descendentes na vila.
Right, then you could have told me that she was out of my league - and saved my mom the trouble.
Certo, assim ter-me-ia dito que ela é boa de mais para mim e poupava trabalho à minha mãe.
How else could she have ended up here... With a man she despised?
De que outra forma poderia ela ter acabado aqui... com um homem que desprezava?
But how could Cherie have stolen a rifle From one of Mr. Beebe's clients Months before she even met him?
Mas como Cherie poderia ter roubado uma carabina... a um dos clientes do Sr. Beebe... meses antes mesmo de o conhecer?
If she could kill you, she'd have done it by now.
Se ela te pudesse matar, já o teria feito.
Who would have thought she could reproduce?
Quem acreditaria que poderia reproduzir?
She was off shift for the next two days, so I figured if I could distract her and get the hell out of her office, our plan still might have a chance.
Ela ia estar de folga nos dois dias seguintes, por isso, se conseguisse distraí-la e sair do gabinete dela, o plano ainda poderia resultar.
If she couldn't have him, well, then, no one could.
Se ela não podia ficar com ele, mais ninguém ficaria.
They could no longer work together side by side, and she didn't want to have to quit her job.
Eles já não podiam trabalhar lado a lado e ela não queria demitir-se do emprego.
You know, she could have stayed with us.
- Sabe, ela podia ter ficado connosco.
Yes, I could put my mind into a hideous body And show Leela she's not attracted to me, But it would have to be a really, really disgusting body.
Sim, poderia pôr a minha mente num corpo horrível e mostrar à Leela que ela não está atraída pôr mim, mas teria de ser um corpo realmente, realmente nojento.
She was struck at least nine times with so much force and velocity that each blow on its own could have been fatal.
Acertaram-lhe pelo menos 9 vezes com tanta força e velocidade que cada pancada por si mesma podia ter sido fatal.
She didn't have any family that could take care of them?
Ela não tem nenhuma família que possa tomar conta deles?
She could have been killed,
- Caroline...
So she could have it out with Toby.
A Ali queria-nos do outro lado da rua para poder discutir com o Toby.

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