Show them to me traducir portugués
202 traducción paralela
Show them to me once more and I'll bash them in.
Mostra-os mais uma vez, e os colocarei para dentro.
Josh, I want you to do me a favour - don't show them to me.
Josh, faz-me um favor, não mas mostres.
- You must show them to me later.
- Depois, mostras-mas.
Show them to me..
Just show them to me first.
Mostre-me só as fotos primeiro.
You must show them to me one day
Tens que mostrar-me, um dia.
Can you show them to me?
Pode mostrar-mos?
Well, would you show them to me, please?
Importa-se de mos mostrar, por favor?
Show them to me.
Show them to me, too.
Mostrem-mos a mim também.
- Do you want to show them to me?
- Depois mostras-mas? - Claro.
- Show them to me.
He was so ashamed of the pictures, he wouldn't even show them to me.
Tinha tanta vergonha das fotos que não mas quis mostrar.
The home movies are fascinating, Scorpy, but why show them to me?
Os vídeos caseiros são fascinantes. Scorpy, mas por que mostrá-los a mim?
I told them to stay in line. Yeah? Show me your passport.
- Disse-lhes para se porem na fila.
Remind me to show you the rest of them sometime.
- Mostro-lhe o resto um dia destes.
I read it this way. If I was a young hotblood like Red Shirt, anxious to show off in front of them Cheyenne Dog Soldiers, I'd be down at every one of them council fires tonight telling them that I was the one that made the medicine that brought back the buffalo.
Mas acho que se eu fosse novo e vivaço como o Red-Shirt, ansioso por me exibir perante os soldados Cheyenne, ia ao conselho deles esta noite e convencia-os de que eu é que trouxera os búfalos de volta.
And the Army was the best stopper I know, with me to show them a few tricks.
E o Exército era a melhor alternativa para isso, comigo para mostrar-lhes alguns truques.
I promise to defend them and to show them favor... even as I defend and show favor to those that were ever loyal to me.
Prometo lhes defender e lhes conceder meu favor da mesma forma que aos que me guardaram lealdade.
I travelled with them from village to village, from town to town, I joined their show and did everything, but for one thing that I was not allowed to do :
Viajei com ele de povoado em povoado, de cidade em cidade. Me juntei ao show, fiz de tudo, mas havia algo que eu era proibido de fazer :
I'm going to show them there.
Eles que me aguardem!
Let me show them to you.
Deixe-me mostrar-Ihos.
When you want to see the receipts, you tell me : "I want to see the receipts", and I'll show them to you.
Quando quiseres ver as contas dizes-me : "Quero ver as contas", e eu apresento-tas.
But you'll certainly believe these names if you'll permit me to show them to you.
Mas de certeza que vai acreditar nos nomes se mos deixar mostrar.
I got your captain and his friends down here. You wanna see them alive, you'll send me down a hundred of these fancy heaters you got, and some troops to show me how to use them.
Se quiseres vê-los vivos outra vez, vais-me mandar 100 destes canhões porreiros e tropas para mostrar-me como é que se usam.
i'm going to show you three numbers and i want you to tell me if you see any similarity between them.
Vou mostrar-lhe três números, diga se notar alguma semelhança.
I'm going to show you some slides and you're going to tell me what you think about them.
Vou mostrar-te alguns diapositivos e vais-me dizer o que pensas deles.
You better put out that wildfire... before they sell enough tickets to pay the rent on the fairgrounds... and keep me from taking that show away from them.
É melhor acabar com essa rapidez, antes que vendam bilhetes suficientes para pagar a renda dos descampados, impedindo-me de me apropriar desse espectáculo.
Don't show them to your motorcyclist... it's not because you know me that you know men...
Não as mostres ao teu motociclista... Não é por me conheceres que conheces os homens
Me and my boys are going to show them what being in the Army is all about.
Eu e os meus rapazes vamos mostrar-lhes como é estar no Exército.
My cousin in Florida asked me to show them a good time.
O meu primo da Flórida pediu-me que os divertisse.
I'll have them show it to me.
Vou pedir-lhes que mo mostrem.
- Let me show them to you.
- Deixe-me eu mostrar.
I mean normally I wouldn't show them to anyone,'cos they're just embarrassing daubs really, but you know, ah, they give me pleasure.
Quer dizer... normalmente não os mostraria a ninguém, porque na realidade são só uns rabiscos, mas sabe, ah, dão-me prazer.
I'll show them that they can't rob me of my right to exist!
Vou mostrar-lhes que não me podem tirar o direito à existência!
- Show them to me.
You, you want to show me them tit...?
Queres mostrar-me as te? Isso são tetas.
I reckon this here proclamation ought to show some of them white folks... that we are just like them.
Parece-me que esta proclamação deve mostrar a alguns brancos que somos iguais a eles.
So, why don't you show me what you plan to do about... them?
Porque não me mostram o que tencionam fazer com eles?
Sometimes they show me awful things people have done and I try. to tell them why they did it.
Às vezes mostram-me coisas horríveis que as pessoas fazem. e eu tento dizer-lhes porque as fizeram.
I didn't buy those puppets from you two years ago, and I'm not going to buy them today, so show me your best... and show me now.
Eu não comprei essas marionetas á dois anos atrás, e não as vou comprar hoje. então mostra-me o teu melhor... e mostra-me agora!
Bring them to me, and I will show them how to enter the underground tunnels.
Trá-los até mim, e eu irei mostrar-lhes como entrar nos túneis subterrâneos.
Jake told me I should try to get to know them better- - show them that I'm a good guy.
O Jake disse-me que devia dar-me mais com eles e mostrar-lhes que sou boa pessoa.
But you have to show me them.
Mas terão de mas mostrar!
And then I decided to declare myself and show them how much they loved me.
Foi então que decidi declarar-me e revelar-lhes quanto me amavam.
They want me to show them another way.
Eles querem que eu lhes mostre outro caminho.
They'll ask me show them how I walk, sit, sing, laugh. And I'll have to do all that.
Me pedirão que lhes mostre como caminho, como me sento, canto, rio... e eu terei que fazer tudo isso.
Show me where you found them and I will give it to you.
Mostre-me onde os encontrou e eu dou-lhos.
They're expecting me... I mean, you, to show them around.
Estão esperando que eu... ou melhor... que você os receba.
Will you show them to me?
Poderia me mostrar?
Me and Hyde are going to sell them after the show.
Eu e o Hyde vamos vende-las depois do concerto.
show them 92
show them in 19
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
show me the money 40
show me your face 32
show me 1170
show it to me 113
show them in 19
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
show me the money 40
show me your face 32
show me 1170
show it to me 113
show me what you got 106
show yourself 289
show us 126
show me something 32
show no mercy 20
show time 64
show me your hands 307
show me what you've got 24
show off 35
show me how 19
show yourself 289
show us 126
show me something 32
show no mercy 20
show time 64
show me your hands 307
show me what you've got 24
show off 35
show me how 19