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So were we traducir portugués

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Most of The numbers that he called were dumped right after the shooting, So we didn't get anything.
A maioria dos números que ele ligou estão mudos depois do tiroteio, não conseguimos nada.
So we ran a toxicology screen... and we were able to find a massive amount of ketamine in his system.
Então fizemos uma análise toxicológica e encontramos uma enorme quantidade de cetamina no seu sistema.
We were so lucky to have you take care of us. Right, Barbie?
Temos tanta sorte por te termos a tomar conta de nós, não é, Barbie?
Guys, we were all so tired. There's no way to prove which one of you fell asleep first.
Malta, estávamos todos tão cansados que é impossível provar qual dos dois se deixou dormir primeiro.
All right, so we know that Son, Miller and Dawn Hatfield were planning an attack on Hickam Air Force Base.
Certo, então, sabemos que o Son, o Miller e a Dawn Hatfield planeavam atacar a Base da Força Aérea em Hickam.
d We were so in phase d
Então, não estou.
I guess we were so focused on your leg, we didn't notice.
Acho que nos focamos tanto na sua perna que não notamos.
The essence was the same. It was my continent, we were so close.
A base era a mesma, era o mesmo continente, sentia-me tão próximo...!
I am so sick of lying. I thought we were moving past all this.
Estou tão farta de mentir, pensei que estávamos a ultrapassar isto.
Yeah, and even when we started dating, people were after him, so-so I hid him, and I couldn't tell you about that.
Sim, e quando começámos a namorar, as pessoas estavam atrás dele, por isso escondi-o, e não te pude contar sobre isso.
Er, his friend he were going to, he's got a sore throat, so we... got blown out at the last minute.
Vai ser online, o que é justo, mas vão precisar de histórias. Voltamos a candidatar-nos. Precisam de exatamente metade, por isso...
So if you and Sloan Sabbith were in a relationship, there's a chance we'd have to move one of you to a different bureau.
Então se tu e a Sloan Sabbith têm uma relação, existe a hipótese de nós termos que mudar um de vocês para um departamento diferente.
Just so we know what we're talking about, if you were a doctor and we were the patient, what's your prognosis?
Só para que se saiba do que estamos a falar, se você fosse médico e nós os pacientes, qual seria o seu prognóstico?
So we went to Costa, one of the managers at Hoagie Haven, with pictures of the four female psych majors living at Cuyler Hall and asked him if any were regular customers.
Então viemos pelo Centro Médico Costa, falámos com um dos gerentes da Hoagie Haven, com fotografias das quatro estudantes finalistas em psicologia a viver em Cuyler Hall e perguntámos-lhe se alguma delas era cliente habitual.
God, we were so young when we started dating.
Deus, nos eramos tao jovens quando comecamos a namorar.
We felt for sure we were gonna have to sweep your office for prints, but it turned out the FBI database had your digits on file from a drug bust in college, so that was a nice surprise.
Pensámos que tínhamos de achar as suas digitais na sala, mas o FBI tinha as suas digitais no banco de dados, por uma apreensão de drogas. Foi uma adorável surpresa.
The wind blew it off target, but we were able to get a corner of Strauss'apartment, so we have images of you and Strauss entering the apartment two nights ago, and of you exiting his apartment by yourself.
O vento mudou-a de posição, mas vimos o apart.. Temos imagens suas e do Mark a entrar lá há duas noites, e você a deixar o apart. sozinha.
We were in the neighborhood, so we thought we'd say hello.
Estávamos nas redondezas, então, resolvemos vir cumprimentar.
And they were the greatest fighters of all time in my sport, so we're even.
E eles são os melhores lutadores de todos tempos no meu desporto. - Então, estamos quites.
No, no, we were at a ball in the Winter Palace, and it was so hot.
Não. Estávamos num baile no Palácio de Inverno e estava muito calor.
So how does Mona know that we were in New York?
Como é que a Mona sabe que estivemos em Nova Iorque?
Okay. Well, we confirmed that Hertzberg and Wilkerson and Blunt were all in L.A. the night of the murder. So...
Confirmámos que o Hertzberg, o Wilkerson, e o Blunt estavam em LA, naquela noite.
We had a lead on some guns, so me and my partner were pretty far out.
Tivemos uma pista sobre umas armas e afastámo-nos bastante daqui.
So, we've had a couple of releases from prison in the area over the last few weeks, and I was wondering if any of these names were familiar to you.
- Pois. Tivemos alguns reclusos a sair da prisão, nesta zona, nas últimas semanas, e gostaria de saber se algum dos nomes lhe é familiar.
You said we were going to the mall, and now I'm going to get in so much trouble.
Disseste que íamos ao centro comercial, e agora vou ter problemas.
I knew sex trafficking was a top priority for the chief, so we put word out that we were looking for leads.
Eu sabia que o tráfico sexual era prioridade para o chefe, então divulgámos que procurávamos pistas.
We were drinking a lot, and some of the girls wanted coke, so I called Rebecca. She was your dealer?
Bebemos muito, uma das miúdas queria cocaína, então, liguei para a Rebecca.
Matty and I had been * * * around each other since the essay misunderstanding, so maybe it was time to be on more solid ground, even if we were hanging by a cable 8 million feet in the air.
Eu e o Matty andávamos estranhos desde o mal-entendido da composição, por isso, talvez estivesse na altura de acalmar os ânimos, mesmo que estivéssemos presos a um cabo, a 2500m de altura.
So, we got a report that the Rocket Bowl parking lot is where the guns were changing hands.
Então, recebemos info que o parque de estacionamento do Rocket Bowl era o local usado para a entrega das armas.
So, as we were writing ideas, we knew we were gonna bring back the balls.
E, quando estávamos a escrever ideias, sabíamos que íamos trazê-los de volta.
So, we were going to film this very simple matching shot of me making a U-turn.
Nós íamos filmar um simples plano condizente comigo a fazer uma inversão de marcha.
We shoot this whole strip club thing and the stripper guys were so cool, they were so funny, and just had great spirit.
Filmámos todo o clube de "striptease" e os "strippers" foram porreiros, eram muito engraçados e tinham um excelente espírito.
So we duly went to the meeting, and when we got there, of course, there were- - I don't know- - 600, 700 people, something like that.
Por isso, fomos até à reunião e quando lá chegámos estavam cerca de 600, 700 pessoas, ou algo parecido.
We were so overstretched that we decided we'd get somebody in just to pursue the families, and that's when Marjorie came in.
Estávamos tão sobrecarregados, que decidimos contratar outra pessoa apenas para acompanhar as famílias. É aí que entra a Marjorie.
So we watched it together and we just had our arms wrapped round each other, and we were just crying, staring at the... at his little computer screen, watching Mike O'Brien make his apology.
Por isso vimo-lo juntos, estávamos os dois abraçados e a chorar enquanto olhávamos para o ecrã de computador a ouvir o Mike O'Brien a fazer o seu pedido de desculpas.
The police were always looking for you, trying to kick you out of the park and so we became outlaws I had my part, I have been arrested, all of that...
Tive os meus problemas, fui detido.
- We were fighting that? - So was he.
- Estávamos a combater isso?
We're not friends. Wait. So, you screwed frank while you were still seeing kan?
Espera, dormiste com o Frank enquanto estavas com o Kan?
'Cause, remember, we were blinded to that, so we had to, um, unblind ourselves.
Porque ignorámos isso e agora tivemos de tomar isso em consideração.
Sometimes I think about life before the invasion when we were back in Boston sitting in my room, reading a book and I feel so happy, I can't stop smiling.
Às vezes, penso na vida antes da invasão. Estou em Boston, sentado no meu quarto, a ler um livro. Sinto-me tão feliz que não posso parar de sorrir.
I mean, we were stationary. I was making call after call, so I feel like the shooter waited for me to notice, and then he shot across my head rather than through it.
Quer dizer, estávamos parados, estava a fazer chamadas atrás de chamadas, então acho que o atirador esperou que eu reparasse, e depois atirou próximo da minha cabeça, em vez de através dela.
- I'm good, thank you. So, we were...
- Estou bem, obrigado, então, estávamos...
Okay, quick story. When your father and I were dating, we broke up several times, but the makeup sex was always so...
Uma história rápida : quando eu namorava com o teu pai, acabamos várias vezes, mas o sexo de reconciliação era...
I don't know if you've been paying attention around here, but we need to wrap this thing up, so I need to know if whatever you and Logan were up to can force him to end this thing with Mike once and for all.
Não sei se andas a prestar atenção, mas temos de acabar com isto, e preciso de saber se sabes de alguma maneira de fazermos o Logan acabar com isto de uma vez por todas.
We were always so close.
Tínhamos sido sempre muito próximas.
She was trying to get us shut down, and so we were fighting.
Queria que cancelássemos a peça e discutimos.
Couple years ago, we were shooting in Bangkok, he got his hands on a controlled substance, so I had to come down on him.
Há alguns anos atrás, estávamos a filmar em Banguecoque, ele colocou as mãos numa substância controlada, então tinha que estar em cima dele.
- you were so good, we got to do it again.
- foste tão bom, temos que fazer de novo
Okay, and I'm gonna need a list of all of their names so we can determine where they were at 5 : 00 P.M.
Está bem e vou precisar de uma de todos os nomes, assim, podemos determinar onde é que eles estavam às 17h00.
So I had a look, and we were lucky.
Por isso fui verificar, e tivemos sorte.
Certainly, in... if you looked 20, 30 years back, there were so many things that have been found, and so many other things we know now.
Certamente... se recuar 20, 30 anos, haviam tantas coisas que ainda não se tinham descoberto e muitas outras coisas que sabemos agora.

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