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Stall him traducir portugués

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Stall him until the extra's out.
Só quero entretê-lo até que saia o número extra.
Get the kid off the lot while I stall him.
Leva o miúdo daqui enquanto eu os entretenho.
You just stall him.
- Tente ganhar tempo.
Stall him a few minutes.
Aguente-o mais uns minutos.
When you get to the lobby, ask him to buy cigarettes, stall him for 15 minutes.
Quando chegar à entrada, peça-lhe para comprar cigarros, empate-o 15 minutos.
If he comes again, stall him so I can get a look at him.
Se ele voltar, empata-o para o poder ver.
Rosco is on his way over to your place right now, so stall him.
O Rosco está a ir para tua casa agora mesmo, portanto empata-o.
I'll stall him. I'll stall him.
Vou empatá-lo.
Get back to the sub fast. I'll stall him.
Volte para o submarino, depressa.
Just stall him, babe.
Empata-o, querida.
Just stall him.
I think I might be able to stall him. Grumbledook, your time has come!
Acho que o posso demorar.
Maybe you can stall him.
Talvez possas empata-lo
Think we could stall him for a while?
Temos de decidir já?
Go back and stall him while we figure something out.
Volte para lá e empate o tempo enquanto pensamos nalguma coisa.
Stall him.
Listen, why don't I see if I can stall him a bit?
Ouçam, e se eu fosse ver se o consigo empatar um pouco?
- I'll stall him.
- Eu empato-o.
Stall him! I can't!
- Trate de entretê-lo!
Get back to the D.A. And stall him.
Procure o promotor e impeça-o.
- Wait a minute, stall him with what?
- Espere, impedi-lo como?
We gotta stall him for a little time.
Temos de empatar algum tempo.
I imagine I could stall him till Sunday noon.
Acho que consigo empatá-lo até ao meio-dia de domingo.
Stall him.
You just keep working. If he asks anything, just stall him.
Se ele perguntar alguma coisa, engane-o.
Stall Him?
Come on, Deebo, stall him out.
Tem lá calma, Deebo.
Superman, I'm gonna stall him.
Super-Homem, vou atrasá-lo.
They'll stall him until someone comes for him but they won't hang on all day.
Vão empatá-lo até alguém ir buscá-lo, mas não o aguentarão o dia inteiro.
Stall him!
- O quê? Empata-o.
- No, we have to stall him.
- Não, temos que o empatar.
Stall him, tell him there's a systems malfunction or something.
Enrole-o! Diga que há um defeito ou coisa assim
Keep playing, I'll try to stall him.
Jogue, vou tentar empatá-lo. Nina?
Just stall him.
Empata-o apenas.
No, Amy! The last time that he was in a... we can't just throw him in a stall right now.
A ultima vez que ele estava em um... nos nao podemos apenas joga-lo em uma barraca agora.
Well then, stall him.
Tie him up to the stall there.
Amarrem-no à grade.
The sheriff's got them on him. - Don't stall me.
O xerife é que as tem.
Why are you holding him here in this stall?
- Por que o tens aqui?
Look, if you clean this stall up in here real good... and you get it fit for him, I could let you have it.
Olha, se limpares bem o estábulo. e o adaptares para ele, podia deixar-te tê-lo.
We'll look, try to stall okay and I'll see if I can find him
Tenta ganhar tempo, eu vou ver se o encontro.
Put him in the stall :
Ponham-no no estábulo.
See the stall over there with the gas fire, try him.
Vê ali aquela banca com o aquecedor a gás?
So you're gonna have to stall him.
Vais ter de o empatar.
One minute he's in his stall - the next, neither hide nor hair of him.
Um minuto está na sua cocheira - no próximo, nem sombra dele.
I want you to stall the paperwork,'cause I bumped into a Metro guy working gangs. I want to talk to him before I interview this kid, all right?
Ouve, empata o processo, porque dei de caras com um tipo da Polícia infiltrado no gangue, e quero falar com ele antes de interrogar este miúdo, certo?
- Stall her and I'll see if I can find him. - Roger.
- Vê se a entreténs, que eu procuro-o.
Go around him, stupid! - Did she stall again, Dad?
- Passa esse, azelha!
Take him back, to the stall.
Leva-o para a cavalariça.
- Stall him.
Grabs a paper towel, scoops him up sets him on the floor in the corner of the stall.
Tira um bocado de papel, tira a aranha mete-a no chão, no canto do quarto de banho.

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