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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ S ] / Stay away from him

Stay away from him traducir portugués

565 traducción paralela
Stay away from him.
Fique longe dele.
- Stay away from him, Carol.
- Evita-o, Carol.
- Just stay away from him all you can.
Mantenha tudo afastado dele.
If you want to help him, stay away from him.
Se o quer ajudar, afaste-se dele.
Stay away from him! Stay away from him!
Afastem-se dele!
If you love him, stay away from him.
Se o amas, afasta-te dele.
You stay away from him or I'll report you both to the authorities.
Afaste-se dele, ou faço queixa dos dois ás autoridades.
Stay away from him!
Afasta-te dele!
Stay away from him.
Mantém-te longe dele.
Stay away from him! ( Chirruping )
Mantém-te longe dele!
- Stay away from him.
- Afasta-te dele.
I told her to stay away from him.
- Disse-lhe que se afastasse dele.
I told you to stay away from him.
Eu disse-te para ficares longe dele.
Now stay away from him and forget James Stewart.
Não se aproxime mais dele e esqueça o James.
Stay away from him.
Fica longe dele.
Tully, stay away from him.
Tully, fica longe dele.
Just stay away from him.
Adasta-se dele.
- Stay away from him, Cal.
- Afasta-te dele, Cal.
- Stay away from him!
- Afasta-te dele!
Helena, stay away from him.
- Não te aproximes dele, Helena.
Tia, stay away from him!
Tya, afaste-se dele!
Don't get close to him Stay away from him
Sobretudo não se aproximam, fogem primeiro.
Just stay away from him.
Afasta-te dele. Estás a pedir muito.
- Stay away from him.
- E afasta-te dele.
- Stay away from him.
- Mantém-te afastado.
Stay away from him.
Afasta-te dele.
Miss, I warn you, stay away from him.
Moça, estou avisando. Fique longe dele.
Stay away from him!
Fique longe dele.
Stay away from him!
Fiquem longe dele!
You'd better stay away from him.
Faria bem em ficar longe dele.
Stay away from him.
- Calma. Afasta-te dele.
Stay away from him.
Afasta-te dele!
Get out of there! Stay away from him!
Sai daí!
Stay away from him, please.
Afasta-te dele, por favor.
Just stay away from him!
Afastem-se dele!
You've got to stay away from him now.
Tens de te manter longe dele por agora.
You stay away from him! Oh, my God.
Afaste-se dele!
- So stay away from him.
- Afasta-te dele.
You stay away from him.
Nã o te chegues para ele.
Stay away from him, Gabe.
Não te aproximes dele, Gabe.
No matter what he says, no matter what he promises you, you've gotta stay away from him.
- Escuta. Não importa o que te diga e prometa, mantém-te longe dele.
I want you to stay away from him.
Quero que te mantenhas afastada dele.
Ralph! Well, Allie wouldn't be where he is today if he had sense enough to stay away from the likes of him.
O Allie não estaria onde está se tivesse o bom senso de ficar longe de tipos destes.
Stay the hell away from him.
Fique longe dele.
Make him stay away from danger.
Fá-lo ficar longe do perigo.
I would have tried to stop him, but the security guard told me to just stay away from them until they arrived.
Eu o tentei impedir, mas a segurança mandou segura-los aqui até que chegassem aqui.
Golly, that white fellow should stay away from my wife, or I will punch him.
Puxa, se aquele homem branco não se afastar da minha mulher, dou-lhe um murro.
He'll set up the deal with Gusman. Then you stay the hell away from him.
Ele vai preparar o negócio com o Guzman, depois afastem-se dele.
Him you stay away from.
Mantém-te longe dele.
Stay as far away from him as possible!
Fique longe dele o mais que puder!
Stay a minute. You're taking him away from me.
Espera cinco minutos!

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