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Stop it already traducir portugués

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Connie, stop it already.
Connie, já basta.
- Will you stop it already?
- Pode para com isso?
- Hey, would you stop it already.
- Páras com isso?
- Will you stop it already.
- Queres parar com isso?
Stop it already.
Cala-te já.
- Would you guys stop it already!
- Vocês já pararam ou não!
Stop it already.
Parem já com isso.
Well, stop it already!
Pára com isso!
Just stop it already.
Pare já com isso.
Stop it already!
Vem cá para fora!
Stop it already.
Pára já com isso.
Will you stop it already?
Pode parar com isso?
Lindsay, would you stop it already?
Lindsay, importas-te de parar?
Will you stop it already?
Queres parar com isso?
Okay, stop it already,
Muito bem, vamos lá a parar! Três namoradas?
Stop it already.
Pare por ai.
- Just stop it already.
- Parem já com isso!
Stop it already!
Deixem isso!
Stop it already...
Oh, will you two stop it already?
- Podem parar com isso? - Com o quê?
Gai, stop it already.
Gai, pára com isso.
- Will you stop it already?
- Paras com isso?
Stop running, it's the Atlantic Ocean already.
Pára de fugir, já chegaste ao Atlântico.
Our Agency did not have to be able to stop the sales of rubber tires, but we emit an order to the same one e we order an anonymous difundiz it, for all the cabinets of the Secretariat of Management of the Production, that they had to get rid itself of the paper, already it had much bureaucracy.
A nossa Agência não tinha poder para parar a venda de pneus de borracha, mas emitimos uma ordem à mesma e mandamos um jovem anônimo difundi-la, por todos os gabinetes da Secretaria de Gestão da Produção, que tinham de vistoriar todos os documentos, já havia muita burocracia.
You may have done it already, if it doesn't stop bleeding.
Talvez você já o tenha feito, se ele não conseguiu parar a hemorragia.
I already guessed. Stop it.
Já adivinhei, agora está quieto...
Stop it, already!
Deixa-o já!
- Stop it, already!
Pára com o barulho!
I said, "If you're gonna kill yourself, do it already and stop bothering me."
Disse-lhe : "Se te vais matar, mata-te e pára de me incomodar."
Would you stop it, already?
Queres parar com isso?
I mean, there's so many things that he could do to stop drinking, and you make it all about me, about how I'm this terrible person and this bad influence and whatever. And he's already feeling bad about the accident and- - And you're using that because you don't want to see him with me.
Ele já se sente mal com o acidente e tu usas isso, porque não o queres ver comigo.
According to her she just happened to stop by his apartment, where she found him already dead. It'd be stranger to think that some sort of foul play was NOT involved.
Ao chegar ao seu apartamento, ela encontrou-o morto.Seria estranho pensar que uma brincadeira de mau gosto não estava envolvida.
I mean, stop stalling and throw it already.
Não empates e atira a bola!
Would you stop it with that already?
Paras com isso, ou não?
Gloria, stop it. We've discussed this already.
Gloria, pára com isso.
We've gotta stop them before it's too late. It may already be too late.
Pode já ser tarde de mais.
Would you please stop it, already?
Podes parar com isso?
No one was hurt. There was a second one already lit. I shouted to him to stop, put it down.
Ninguém ficou ferido Mas já havia uma segunda acesa, gritei-lhe que parasse e a pusesse no chão...
The country was already on its knees. Thousands of people were dead, millions of others homeless. If it didn't stop soon, well, let's just say we were running out of options.
As cinzas do vulcão subterraram 23.000 pessoas hoje... outros milhares foram severamente ligarei assim que puder.
Okay, just make it stop already!
Faça isto parar, mas é!
Would you stop it already?
Param com isso, se fazem favor?
I figured if she'd sit down with Philo and tell him that sould date him if she weren't already married, it might genough hope in the future to stop trying to kill himself at least long enough for me to walk away.
Se ela se sentasse com o Philo e dissesse que sairia com ele se não fosse já casada, isso talvez lhe desse esperança suficiente no futuro para parar de se tentar matar, ao menos o tempo suficiente para eu me afastar.
Stop talking about it already.
Para lá de falar nisso.
My plan is already in motion and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
Meu plano já está em andamento e não há nada que possa pará-lo.
And please stop me if you've already considered this... and said, "Hell, it's only my career."
E, por favor, interrompa-me se já pensou e disse : "Ora, é apenas a minha carreira." Uma juíza com cadastro.
I basically have the job already. There's nothing she can do to stop it now.
Ela não pode fazer nada para impedir.
I told myself, "Bob, it's already too late to stop it, " so you might as well just sit back and enjoy it. "
Disse a mim mesmo, "Bob, já não o consegues impedir, por isso, no mínimo, aprecia o momento."
You mean, if you make it think they're already dead, it'll stop cooking them?
Quer dizer, se o computador pensar que estão mortos, pára de os cozer?
You wanted to stop looking for the bag because you'd already found it!
Querias parar de procurar a mala porque já a tinhas encontrado!
Already sides attack it has attacked me with what attack this well it likes my stop yes I will place you in the soil this age my mission
Já lados ataque me ataque com o que ataque esta bem gosta de minha parada sim te colocarei no chão essa era a minha missão
Look around you, it's already happening, and I've got the formula that will stop it.
Olha à tua volta... Já está a acontecer. E eu tenho a fórmula que vai impedir isso.

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