There you have it traducir portugués
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There you have it.
Ai está.
There you have it...
Já está... Já a viste.
There you have it, young love. Full of promise, full of hope ignorant of reality.
Eis o jovem amor : cheio de promessa, esperança, ignorante da realidade...
- There you have it.
Então é isso.
There you have it, a clearly devastated Sir Miles Axlerod announcing that he will not require the cars to use allinol for the final race.
Aí têm, um claramente desvastado Sir Miles Axlerod, anunciou que não vai exigir que os carros usem Allinol na corrida final.
There you have it.
Assunto resolvido.
Well, there you have it, it shall be done.
Bem, aqui têm. Será concretizado.
There you have it.
Ai tem.
There you have it.
Então é ela.
If you believe what he says, then you have to believe there was a leak in your own organization, and your people refuse to see it.
Se acreditas no que ele diz, então tens de acreditar que houve uma fuga na tua própria organização, e o vosso pessoal recusasse a ver isso.
You're gonna have to work it from there.
Vais ter que trabalhar dai.
- If there's nothing wrong with this, Michael, Why have you been keeping it a secret?
Se isto não tem mal nenhum, Michael, porque tens feito segredo?
That's it. Have you been there?
Já lá estiveste?
I mean, it's not like you have a shot with Ready McGee over there, right?
Quero dizer, não que tenhas hipóteses com a Ready McGee ali, certo?
Oh, yeah, there is, and it's called a family, and maybe someday when you have one of your own, you'll understand.
Alguma coisa te pararia, e chama-se família, e um dia quando tiveres uma, vais entender.
It would have been a lot easier if you'd been there to show off your FBI credentials.
Como foi a reunião? Teria sido mais fácil, se estivesses lá para mostrar o cartão do FBI.
It's nice, but it's just a bit awkward if there's something I don't like in it because I can't... you know, you can have...
É simpático, mas um pouco constragedor se há algo que eu não gosto é porque eu não consigo sabem, podes ter...
You could have just nipped it in the bud there and then gone,
Podiam ter vindo cá e tê-lo cortado na raiz.
It's just... It kind of stresses you out, which kind of stresses me out, and, well, there's a reason why we don't have a picture with everyone smiling in it.
É que ficas nervosa, eu fico nervoso, e deve haver um motivo para não temos um retrato em que estejamos todos a sorrir.
"I will be there for you, but you have got to make it right."
"Estou aqui por ti..."
Is there any chance you may have mentioned it to anybody, even by accident?
Há alguma possibilidade de teres mencionado isso a alguém, mesmo por acidente? - Não, de modo nenhum.
Okay, I get it. You have, like, a big thing there.
- Tens um hematoma enorme.
Whatever it is, you have to tell me so that I can help you construct a plan to get there.
O que quer que seja tens de mo dizer para te poder ajudar a fazer um plano para lá chegares.
You could have written for the show,'cause it's so up there with the best stuff.
Poderias ter escrito o show porque és tão bom quanto os melhores.
There's the outer toe, so it's the left foot. And then you have the right foot here.
Aqui está o dedão, então é o pé esquerdo,... e aqui o pé direito.
For what it's worth, there's not a day that goes by I'm not proud to have you on my force.
Para todos os efeitos, um dia não passa sem que eu me orgulhe de tê-lo na força.
You know, would it have killed you two to say any of this while I was getting chewed out by fury and stark in there?
Sabem que não faria mal terem falado... enquanto era massacrado pelo Fury e pelo Stark lá dentro?
You have to ask yourself : if there isn't an agenda going on to keep those organizations quiet and to keep them out of the news, to keep the discussions about them behind closed doors, then why is it that these supposed experts,
você tem que se perguntar : se não há uma agenda em curso para manter a calma e as organizações para mantê-los fora da notícia, para manter as discussões sobre eles a portas fechadas, então porque é que estes supostos especialistas,
All you would have had would have been the pulpit there, with the Communion table in front of it.
- Isso mesmo. Tudo que havia era o púlpito ali, com a mesa da Comunhão à frente dele.
And there's a strong chance you might have it.
E é provável que tu também o tenhas.
We were getting sort of hot and nasty, you know... It's not every day that I have a super-hot girl grinding on top of me, and I got a little too excited and, before I know it, your parents are in the room and I'm there with just a big friggin oyster in my shorts.
Estávamos nos amassos e sabes não é todos os dias que tenho uma miúda toda boa a esfregar-se em cima de mim e fiquei demasiado excitado e antes que reparasse, os teus pais estavam na sala e ali com o raio de uma "ostra" nas minhas calças.
If there's a bad soul here, you have it.
Se existe uma alma má aqui, está em ti.
How is it you don't have like an assistant or someone like me to handle all the paperwork up there?
Como é que tu não tens um assistente ou alguém como eu para cuidar de toda a papelada aqui em cima?
If we're in time of war and you want to know what the President said or what the President didn't say, whether it's accurate or not, and you have someone who says, " I'm sent over there
Se estamos em guerra e se queremos saber se o que o Presidente disse está correcto ou não e há alguém que diz :
If I'd have been there to find him like that earlier do you think it would've made a difference?
Se estivesse lá e o encontrasse mais cedo, acha que faria alguma diferença?
And if we could just get into that schism and just get in there and crack it open and really make people laugh and make them understand that, you know, we're all in this together and we have to have a sense of humor about ourselves. And that's so important.
E se nos podermos aprofundar nessa separação, e entrar ali e abri-la e realmente fazer as pessoas rirem, e fazê-los entender que, já sabes, estamos todos juntos nisto e devemos saber rir-nos de nós próprios, e isso é muito importante.
You have to go so badly, it must be hard for you to stand there.
Tens que ir tão urgentemente, que deve ser difícil ficar aqui.
To have a winning streak of this duration, you have to be good, but there's an element of randomness to it.
Para ter uma série de vitórias com esta duração, tem que se ser bom, mas há um elemento de aleatoriedade nisso.
There you go, It's a thing of beauty, You have that made?
Aqui tem. É lindo. Mandou fazer?
I would have thought, if there's any truth in it, you'd want to...
Pensei que, se há alguma verdade nisto, gostarias...
You're gonna have to bank it off there.
Tens de bater na bola aqui.
"and it hurts me to have to tell you " in this way, but there comes a time
" e custa-me ter de te dizer desta forma, mas chega-se a uma altura
And, asked that you have it open for him when he gets there.
Ele disse que quer que o tenhas aberto, quando chegar. Sim, agora mesmo.
Use some of the funds to make sure there are strong institutions within the country that will protect them against human rights violations and so many other issues that we face. But these funds are not used for that, because whenever it's given, they tell you specifically what project you have to use it for. And mainly it's usually mining projects to get access to resources.
Usar parte dele para criar instituições fortes no país que evitem a violação dos direitos humanos e tantos outros problemas. para terem acesso aos nossos recursos.
We keep seeing it collapsing, but then we build it up because there are these strong vested interests. We must have business as usual. You get the arms manufacturers, you get the petroleum industry, you get the pharmaceutical industry, and all of this feeding into helping to create corrupt governments who are putting the future of their own people at risk.
mas voltamos a reconstrui-lo porque há fortes interesses para que tudo continue na mesma. que põem o futuro do seu próprio povo em risco.
I mean, but if you sing it, I can catch a vibe and I can have a dope mix tape with some old-school jams on there.
Preferia trautear. Se cantar, posso apanhar uma vibe e conseguir uma mistura bestial... com alguns jams da velha escola.
You just have to get in there and do it!
Tens que ir e fazer!
Oh, Bert, I wish you could have been there. Just to see her face and what it meant to her.
Oxalá tivesses ido só para ver a cara dela e como foi importante para ela.
Scientists have said there is overwhelming evidence... that the two Earths... - All right, that's enough. - It's time for you to go.
Os cientistas disseram que há provas esmagadoras de que as duas terras... isso é o suficiente.
I happened to see you standing there, thought maybe you'd like to know you're gonna have a kid out there in the world... in case you bump into it one day.
Aconteceu ter-te visto ali, pensei que gostasses de saber que vais ter um filho no mundo, para o caso de um dia chocares com ele.
It doesn't count if you have to be there.
Não conta se tiver que estar lá.
there you go 7508
there you are 4720
there you go again 130
there you guys are 26
there you 22
there you two are 19
there you were 26
you have it 246
have it your way 210
have it your own way 27
there you are 4720
there you go again 130
there you guys are 26
there you 22
there you two are 19
there you were 26
you have it 246
have it your way 210
have it your own way 27
have it 105
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
therefore 1419
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there he is 3176
therese 78
there 14012
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therefore 1419
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there he is 3176