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They didn't know traducir portugués

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That was before they took away my site, that they hacked it out of existence because they didn't want anyone to know.
Isso foi antes de eles me terem fechado o site. Acabaram-me com o site porque não queriam que se soubesse.
You know, when you told me that you didn't have any pets, you could have mentioned it's because they don't allow them in prison.
Sabe, quando me disse que não tinha animais de estimação, podia ter referido que é por não os permitirem na prisão.
l didn't even know what they were talking about.
Nem sequer sabia do que estavam a falar.
It's not like we were being quiet and they didn't know we were there.
Não é que estivéssemos calados e não soubessem que estávamos ali.
Didn't know why they were chasing him.
Nem sabia porque é que o andavam a perseguir.
I just can't believe they didn't know anything.
Não posso acreditar que eles não soubessem nada.
Oh, I didn't know they had all these little shops.
Não sabia que tinham tantas lojinhas.
- You know, there were graduations, proms, things like that that they didn't, you know, show up for.
Sabes, houve formaturas, bailes de finalistas, momentos desses em que eles não estavam lá.
When I first worked on "Lost," I didn't really know anything about the show. And they gave me some episodes to watch,
Quando eu trabalhei em Perdidos pela primeira vez, não sabia nada sobre a série, e deram-me episódios para assistir, e percebi que seria o homem na escotilha.
I didn't know that they would really go Into the depths that they did with this--with this episode, And I certainly didn't know
Não sabia que eles iriam tão a fundo como foram com esse episódio e certamente não sabia que ele estaria ligado à mitologia.
They just confirmed an "unusual event," like we didn't already know that.
Confirmaram um "acontecimento invulgar", como se já não soubéssemos.
I didn't know that they would punish you.
Não sabia que lhe puniriam.
They were broken the moment that you took me to see the ocean, and we didn't even know it.
Foram quebradas a partir do momento que me levaste a ver o mar e nem nos apercebemos.
If there was someone here, they didn't know it.
Se tinha alguém a ficar aqui, não sabiam.
But I know for a fact that they didn't kill Adam Fairfield.
Não me diga. Mas sei de facto que não mataram o Adam Fairfield.
They didn't have calamari pizza because mon calamari are people, and I did not know that. [Gasping]
Eles não tinham pizza de calamari porque, aparentemente, Mon Camalari também são pessoas, e eu não sabia disso.
I don't want you to end up like one of those football players that didn't listen to their doctor and now it's 10 years later, and they don't know how to make toast.
Não quero que acabes como um daqueles jogadores de futebol que não deu ouvidos ao médico e agora, 10 anos depois, não sabem fazer uma torrada.
The plastic used to shrink and they didn't know that the suppliers had come up with a new plastic that didn't shrink.
O problema é que o plástico usado contraía... Mas eles não sabiam que seus fornecedores haviam conseguido um plástico novo que não se contraía
They didn't know.
Elas não sabiam. O Landon só contou a mim.
The idea was that if the men in the tribe didn't know who the father was, they'd all be more invested in the child.
Se os homens não soubessem quem era o pai, estariam mais interessados na criança.
They dumped me and I didn't even know that they existed.
Deixaram-me com pais adoptivos. Eu nem sabia que eles existiam.
Vex, Siegfried, Lou Ann they didn't know anything about your mother.
Vex, Siegfried, Lou Ann... Eles não sabiam de nada sobre a tua mãe.
The Normans didn't only conquer England in 1066, they went on to create the political and cultural landscape of Britain and Ireland that we know to this day.
Os normandos não só conquistaram a Inglaterra em 1066, passaram a criar as condições políticas e culturais da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda que conhecemos hoje.
I may have wanted to know them, but... They didn't want to know me.
Eu posso ter querido conhecê-los, mas eles não me queriam conhecer.
I didn't know they were gonna kill him.
Não sabia que iam matá-lo.
So they didn't want anyone to know that they were beating up on a teammate, or they didn't want to hurt him so bad that he couldn't play.
Não queriam que ninguém soubesse que andavam a bater num colega de equipa. Ou então desejavam magoá-lo o suficiente, para ele não pode jogar.
They didn't even know I was there.
Eles nunca souberam que eu tinha estado lá.
I didn't know they were here until they tried to make me part of the architecture.
Calma, rapaz. Não sabia que estavam aqui até terem tentado fazer-me parte da arquitectura.
Didn't know what they were.
Não sabia o que eles eram.
Ghetto brothers was definitely political minded, but they also, you know, didn't take no shit either.
Os Ghetto Brothers tinham uma mentalidade política, mas não aturavam porcarias.
You didn't want to walk around with dirty clothes anymore or, you know, the patches on their back because that wasn't attracting the type of girls that they wanted.
Eles já não andavam por aí com roupa suja ou com emblemas nas costas, porque isso não atraía o tipo de raparigas que eles queriam.
That doesn't mean they didn't know each other.
Não significa que não se conheciam.
They didn't know she was missing.
Não sabiam que ela tinha desaparecido.
Ok, so, we'll look into volunteers who worked with both Monica Archer and Sandra Bennett, but even so, neither of these women would have left their children with someone they didn't know well.
Vamos procurar voluntários que tenham trabalhado com a Mónica e a Sandra. Mesmo assim, nenhuma destas mulheres deixaria as crianças com alguém que não conhecessem bem.
I know that they didn't mean to cause an explosion.
Eu sei que eles não queriam provocar a explosão.
I didn't know they let you out of Brooklyn.
Não sabia que deixavam você sair do Brooklyn.
Listen to me. I didn't know they were gonna kill her.
Ouça, não sabia que iam matá-la.
I'm just trying to figure out if it's because they told you Meka was dirty or because you found he actually was dirty and you didn't know about it.
Estou só a tentar descobrir, se é porque disseram que o Meka era corrupto, ou se foi porque percebeste que ele era e não sabias disso.
That's because they didn't know.
Porque não sabiam.
Anyone who didn't know where they were going,'cause they were drunk or lost or new in town.
Escolhi aqueles que não sabiam para onde iam, porque estavam bêbados, perdidos ou eram novos na cidade.
I know they didn't catch the driver, Mitch - that bastard.
Bem sei que não apanhei o condutor. O sacana!
I didn't know they were gonna kill him, Iris.
Não sabia que iam matá-lo, Iris.
I mean, I know they didn't find poison, but there is untraceable poisons, right?
Quero dizer, sei que eles não encontraram o veneno, mas há venenos indetectáveis, certo?
They didn't need to know.
Não precisavam saber.
These men came in here, I didn't know who they were.
Esses homens entraram aqui, nem sei quem eram.
Tommy and Manny were waving their Hags to let them know they were Americans, but they didn't stop.
Tommy e Manny abanavam as suas bandeiras para lhes mostrarem que eram americanos, mas eles não pararam.
You know, the chaps have a word for this type of bare look, didn't they?
A malta tem um nome para este tipo de decoração simples, não tem?
I didn't even know they still made that.
Nem sabia eles ainda o faziam.
They're gonna know that we we didn't give up. We did not give up.
Eles irão saber que nós nós não vamos desistir.
Especially when they get tangled up in a blanket, but I didn't know how to carve that, so I just put them in a basket.
Especialmente quando ficam embaraçados num cobertor, mas eu não sabia como esculpir isso, por isso pú-los nos cesto.
They didn't know who I was.
Não sabiam quem eu era.

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