We found him traducir portugués
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Oh, yeah. We found him.
- Encontrámo-lo, pois...
We found him walking across Clay Street Bridge in Newark.
- Andava na ponte da Rua Clay.
- We found him.
- Encontrámo-lo.
We found him with two in his chest and one in his mouth.
Encontrámo-lo com dois tiros no peito e um na boca.
We found him way out in Drexel, Pennsylvania, just wandering around... carrying a kid's sweater.
Encontrámo-lo longe, em Drexel, na Pensilvânia, a divagar... com uma camisola de criança.
Pawnee showed me a secret cave. We found him ;
Entrei numa caverna secreta e vi-o.
We found him trying to break into the Labyrinth.
Nós o encontramos a tentar arrombar a porta do labirinto.
We picked up a castaway. We found him in the water.
... e acolhemos um náufrago que estava há dias no mar...
We found him the next morning. He'd stuck a knife through his heart.
Na manhã seguinte achámo-lo com uma faca no coração.
We found him here.
Nós encontrámo-lo aqui.
He said that the kid probably fell in the river upstream... floated down to where we found him.
Ele disse que o rapaz deve ter caído no rio... e bolado até onde o encontramos.
Myshkin showed up last night and Max and I got separated and we came back here and this is how we found him.
O Myshkia chegou a noite passada, e eu e o Max separámo-nos e... regressámos aqui e... foi assim que o encontrámos.
Yeah, well, I took the glass out of his hand when we found him, didn't I?
Porque lhe tirei o copo das mãos quando o encontrei, não foi?
- "We found him with Yosik Khatami," a man linked to today's events.
- Estava com o terrorista Yosik Khatami.
He had this when we found him.
Ele trazia isto quando o encontrámos.
We found him face-up.
Nós encontramos virado para cima.
We found him. We're getting him out now.
- Encontrámo-lo, estamos a tirá-lo.
We found him dead. Yeah.
- Encontrámo-lo morto, sim.
Mike Lewis- - we found him in a hallway.
O Mike Lewis... encontrámo-lo no corredor.
Sir, we found him in a very small box. Similar to this one over here.
Encontrámo-lo numa arca muito pequena, semelhante a esta.
We found him first.
Nós encontrámo-lo primeiro.
I'd say a homeless guy, probably living where we found him, in the park.
Diria que era um sem-abrigo, provavelmente a viver onde o encontrámos, no parque.
We found him once before.
Já o encontramos antes.
We found him in the trunk of the car at the park'n'go at L.A.X.
Encontrámo-lo na mala do carro no estacionamento do aeroporto de LA.
He was saying those numbers when we found him and asking "where am i?"
Estava a dizer esses números quando o encontramos. E a perguntar "onde estou"?
Obviously, we'll put Mr Van De Kamp back just like we found him.
Voltamos a colocá-lo onde o encontrámos.
Reported pain when we found him.
Queixou-se de dores.
- We found him in the water.
- Ana, encontrámo-lo na água.
Soon as we had a name, we found him.
Assim que conseguimos o nome, encontrámo-lo.
When we found him the little guy had a severed human finger.
Quando o encontrámos o miúdo segurava um dedo humano.
Lester knew that note could send him to death row, so he had to recover it before we found it.
Lester sabia que aquele bilhete podia enviá-lo para o corredor da morte, então teve que recuperá-lo antes que o descobríssemos.
So I found Cohen, so we can cross him off the suspect list. He's dead.
Encontrei o Cohen, e podemos tirá-lo da lista de suspeitos ; está morto.
We can't place him on the gurney until we take pictures, and Gerald has the camera and he's nowhere to be found.
Só podemos pô-lo na maca depois de tirarmos fotos e o Gerald é que tem a máquina e não sei onde anda.
We think that when Gordon found out that Nutter was taking kickbacks, he blackmailed him.
Achamos que o Gordon descobriu que o Nutter estava a receber subornos... e ele chantageou-o.
- We've found him in wheely-bins before.
- Oh! Por amor de deus Fiona. Já o encontramos na fonte
- We haven't found him.
- Não o encontrámos.
We just found him and his clan dead. What?
Acabaram de achá-lo morto junto do seu clã.
We haven't found him yet.
Ainda não o encontrámos.
Tweety was a proud little bird well, his dignified exit didn't do Tweety a hell of a Iot of good we found him the next morning underneath your window - Frozen to death
- quando encontramos ele do lado de fora da sua janela... congelado.
We are going with the story that says that the U.S. Air Force tried Milo Radulovich without any evidence and found him guilty of being a security risk without his Constitutional rights...
Nos vamos seguir com a história que diz que a Força Aérea Americana julgou Milo Radulovich sem qualquer prova e consideraram-no culpado de ser um risco de segurança - sem os seus direitos constitucionais
Has Zaysan found, uh, what he's looking for? It's on its way to him as we speak.
Como dizem quem procura... sempre alcança, já falamos.
We found your hair on the towel bar that killed him.
Nós encontrámos o seu cabelo no toalheiro que o matou.
Sure, just make sure you tell him that we found Griffin Holden's semen on your carpet.
- Gostava de ligar ao meu marido. - Claro... mas veja se lhe diz que encontrámos o sémen do Griffin Holden na sua carpete.
But the good news is, he gets to keep his preys. So if we found him, we would be able to...
Por isso, se o encontrarmos, vamos conseguir...
Tell him that We found his condom,
Dizer que encontrámos seu preservativo,
I think we've found him, sir.
- Penso que o encontrámos, senhor.
We found a guy today who was exposed to some kind of virus that they think might have killed him in less than 48 hours.
Encontrámos um tipo... que ficou exposto a um vírus qualquer que pode tê-lo morto em menos de 48 horas.
Christina went out looking for him, and... well, we found his body later that night. We didn't know where hristina was for two days.
Bem, encontramos o seu corpo mais tarde naquela noite, nós não sabíamos onde é que a Christina estava há dois dias.
Uh, we... found him.
Nós... encontrámo-lo.
He's going to sit and wait for that call telling him that we found her, and then he's going to show up and "save" her from an abusive mother.
Ele vai ficar à espera da chamada dizendo-lhe que a encontrámos, e depois ele vai aparecer e "salvá-la" de uma mãe abusiva.
But the only hat we've found he's not thrilled about - makes him look like a chimp.
Mas o único chapéu que achamos fá-lo parecer um chimpanzé.
we found nothing 22
we found 55
we found the car 17
we found something 53
we found it 143
we found you 28
we found her 54
we found this 61
we found them 52
found him 88
we found 55
we found the car 17
we found something 53
we found it 143
we found you 28
we found her 54
we found this 61
we found them 52
found him 88
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him or me 60
him too 56
him who 26
we forgive you 16
we fought 58
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him or me 60
him too 56
him who 26
we forgive you 16
we fought 58