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Were you here traducir portugués

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And here I thought you were no fun at all.
E aqui eu pensei que você fosse piada nenhuma.
Richard, you were here for me in a terrible time.
Richard, que você estivesse aqui para mim em um momento terrível.
I don't know. I woke up from my little nap, and here you were.
Acordei da minha soneca, e estavas aqui.
He was here. He was here and I thought you were him, I'm so sorry.
Ele esteve aqui e pensei que eras ele.
Right here, with us, is where you were always meant to be.
O teu lugar foi sempre aqui, connosco.
He thought you were who now? Emma, we're going to take you out of here.
Emma, vamos tirar-te daqui.
Powell told me you were here. I'm so glad you came.
O Powell disse-me que estava cá, fico feliz por estar.
We came here before you were born.
Nós viemos para aqui antes de tu nasceres.
You were right, so I am done here.
Estavas certo, então chega disto.
What were you doing up here anyway?
Seja como for, o que fazia aqui?
Ida probably shouldn't be here now, You were right.
A Ida provavelmente não devia estar aqui. Tinhas razão.
Rebecca and Alistair were up against a beast back then when they were engaged, and now here you and Vincent are up against another one- - now, engaged.
- o que é que isso tem a ver com... - A Rebecca e o Alistair tiveram que enfrentar um monstro quando estavam noivos, agora, tu e o Vincent lutam com um enquanto estão noivos...
Your aunt asked us to come here, to make sure you were all right.
A tua tia pediu-nos para vir aqui, para nos certificarmos que estás bem.
- What did you think we were gonna do here? - ( Aurora ) :
- O que é que achas que iremos fazer aqui?
I knew you lot were headed here but I didn't think
Eu sabia que estariam aqui, mas, não acreditava que
I don't care. I care that the entire time we were supposed to be away together, part of you was still here,
Não quero saber, o que quero saber é que todo o tempo que devíamos estar juntos, parte de ti ainda estava aqui.
I'd ask if everything was ok, but you wouldn't be here if it were.
Perguntaria se está tudo bem, mas não estarias aqui, se estivesse.
Make me. When I first came here to see you, you asked me if you were in my dreams.
Quando vim ver-te, perguntaste-me se estavas nos meus sonhos.
You were nobody's first choice, and yet here you are.
Não fostes a primeira escolha de ninguém, mas aqui estais.
What, even if I'm here to tell you you were right?
Mesmo tendo eu vindo cá para te dizer que tens razão?
Uh, I don't know what Nelson's up to or what you know about where he is, but I think it would be a very good idea if he were here when we got back.
Vamos. Não sei o que o Nelson anda a fazer ou se sabes onde ele está, mas acho que seria uma boa ideia se ele estivesse aqui quando voltarmos.
Sorry, I didn't know you were in here.
Desculpa. Não sabia que estavas aqui.
And if Olivia Pope were back here right now, she'd have you out of West Angola by the end of the day.
E se a Olivia Pope voltasse agora, ela ia acabar com a guerra no Este de Angola, até ao final do dia.
When was the last time you were here?
Quando foi a última vez que estiveste aqui.
Because something happened today, and you were the obvious person to come to. And I sensed Jim was a little reluctant to come down here.
É que aconteceu uma coisa hoje e devíamos ter vindo falar contigo, mas senti o Jim algo relutante em vir até aqui.
What were you thinking, asking her up here?
Em que estava a pensar quando a convidou para vir até cá?
Captain Holt, I didn't realize you were here.
Capitão Holt. Não sabia que estava aqui.
Yeah, look, you did a lot of good for this place while you were here, which is great for me, because I get to take credit for it.
Assim posso ficar com os louros.
Everything I've sacrificed to get you here, to keep you here, so you could be the best, so you could make history, so you could be the president you were meant to be.
Tudo o que sacrifiquei até aqui, para te manter aqui, para que fosses o melhor, para que entrasses na história, para poderes ser o Presidente que foste destinado a ser.
I was told you were here, in Holy Ground.
Disseram que estaria aqui, em Holy Ground.
You have it out for me because when you were here, Kappa wouldn't accept women of color.
Estás a perseguir-me porque quando tu andavas aqui, a Kappa não aceitava raparigas de cor.
Ms. Oberlin, you have to understand, the only reason we're here is because we were told you had information regarding a death threat against the Duchess of Cambridge. First of all, I'm an American.
Primeiro que tudo, sou americana.
What's that? According to the enrollment files at the time, you were a student right here at Wallace University.
De acordo com os ficheiros da altura, eras uma aluna naquela altura aqui da Universidade Wallace.
But how did you know we were here?
Mas como sabias que nós estávamos aqui?
If you were over here, I would show you my back molars, just so you could get a better look at them.
Se estivesses aqui, mostrava-te os meus molares de trás, para que os pudesses ver melhor.
What are you doing here? You were supposed to just drop us off, not follow us in.
Era suposto trazeres-nos aqui, e não seguires-nos.
How do you know you were shipped from here?
Como é que sabe que foi enviada a partir daqui?
And I suspect that you were born somewhere close to here, on that river.
E suspeito que tenha nascido algures perto daqui, naquele rio.
You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago.
Devias estar aqui há 20 minutos.
You come here to talk peace And you were dealing with our greatest enemy behind our backs?
- Você veio aqui falar de paz e está negociando com nosso inimigo, pelas nossas costas?
I thought we were here to discuss the destruction of the city that you claim to love so well and the massacre of your people.
Eu pensei que estavamos aqui para falar da destruição da cidade que tu dizes tanto amar, e o massacre do teu povo.
You have 10 minutes. After that, we were never here.
Têm 10 minutos.
I didn't know you were here.
Não sabia que estavas aqui.
But it was your free choice that you came here, you were not sent here?
Mas veio de livre vontade, não foi enviado para aqui?
All right, some of you were campers here last year.
Alguns de vós foram campistas no ano passado.
You were supposed to be here a week ago!
Já cá devias estar há uma semana!
You know what the fuck we were gonna do tonight before we got here?
Sabes o que vamos fazer hoje?
Unless you want to go back to whatever you were doing before I hired you, you'll be here at 9 : 00 a.m.
A não ser que queiras voltar a fazer o que estavas a fazer antes de eu te contratar. Estarás aqui às 9h.
If you were here on official business, you would have said
Se estivesses aqui em assunto oficial, terias dito "tenente".
Well, we figured you were coming up here for edgar norwest.
Imaginamos que viria atrás do Edgar Norwest.
- They said you were here.
Disseram-me que estava aqui.

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