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What'd you see traducir portugués

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If I was to see that dame, you know what I'd do?
Se eu visse esta mulher, sabe o que faria?
But I can tell you what was written on another piece of paper... that our child had been kidnapped... and if we spoke, we'd never see her again.
Mas dir-lhe-ei o que estava noutro papel : a vossa filha foi sequestrada. Se falares, não voltarão a vê-la.
You'd be surprised what interesting things there are to see on this island... if you only keep your eyes open.
Ficaria admirado com as coisas que há para ver nesta ilha... se tiveres os olhos bem abertos.
If you'd wear your spectacles, you'd see what you get.
Se usasse os óculos, veria o que compra.
Since you seem to know what troubles him... I'd suggest you see he drinks less.
Como parece saber que ele se mete em problemas... sugiro que beba menos.
And when I think what you would do to my country if you were king I will see you dead, yes, and your soul condemned to eternity forever before I'd let you do it.
Quando penso no que faria ao meu país, se fosse rei prefiro vê-lo morto, sim, e a sua alma condenada à eternidade a permitir que o faça.
- Herr Leutnant, we can't let them go. - I'd like to see what you're going to do about it.
Meu tenente, não os podemos deixar ir!
I'd like you to see, Mr. Whatever-Your-Name-Is what's been holding up a whole regiment of U.S. Cavalry.
Quero que veja, Mr. Não-Sei-O-Nome... ... o que está a deter um regimento de Cavalaria dos E.U.A.
- Can't you see what a mess I'd be in? - Yeah, but I'll feel like a weekend guest.
Está certo, mas eu vou-me sentir como um hóspede.
I thought I'd like to see the Countess. What's keeping you, besides Allison?
E o que te mantém aqui, além de Allison?
You didn't see that. - What d'you know, with your face?
- Que sabes tu acerca disso, pequena?
You knew what you'd done and didn't want Reverend Harper to see the body? Well, not at tea.
Sabiam o que tinham feito, mas não queriam que o corpo fosse visto?
Now that I see you, Gladys. I can't say what I intended to. I'd be lying if I did.
Agora que te vejo, Gladys, não consigo dizer-te o que tencionava.
Ah, that's what I'd like to see on you.
Ah, isto é o que eu gostava de ver em si.
I'd like to see the boss. What'd you say his name is?
- Gostaria de falar com o chefe.
I just wanted to see what you'd have to say.
Só queria saber o que tem para dizer.
What'd you see tonight?
Que filme foram ver?
- What'd you see him about today?
- O que foi que fez hoje?
I thought you'd be dying to get in there and see what the fight's all about.
Eu pensei que já estaria morrendo de vontade de entrar lá e ver por que é a discussão.
If I'd done what I should have... If I'd been half smart, I never would've let you see it.
Se tivesse feito o que devia... se fosse esperto, jamais a deixaria saber disso.
Jeff, you know, if someone came in here, they wouldn't believe what they'd see.
Jeff, se alguém entrasse aqui, não acreditaria no que via. - O quê?
Can't you see what hope there'd be if everyone in the world knew there was nothing else but what we have here?
Que esperança haveria se todos no mundo soubessem... que não havia mais nada para além do que temos aqui?
What Mother means is we'd hate to see... See you keep struggling, Vincent.
O que a Mãe quer dizer, não gostamos que lutes incessantemente, Vincent.
She saw in it what I'd hoped you'd see, so... I told Courbet to give it to her.
Viu nele o que eu gostava que tu visses, e eu disse ao Courbet que lho desse.
You see, Monsieur, she's not what you'd call a "dame."
Não é umamulher vivida.
I'd like to see what you've done.
Eu gostaria de ver o que você fez.
What you'd like to see at the finish, is a straight love scene.
O que você gostaria de ver ao terminar, é uma simples cena de amor.
You know, I think I'd better see what I can do about this.
Acho melhor eu ir lá ver o que posso fazer.
No ma'am, what I was thinking was, I'd see to it that Frank made it right by you if you was to help me.
Não, senhora, o que eu estava a pensar era que se me ajudasse, eu pediria ao Frank para lhe poupar.
You see, that's what I'd do if I were the kind of girl that you think I am.
Sabe, Isso era o que eu faria se eu fosse quem pensa que eu sou.
As you can see, it isn't exactly what you'd call new.
Como podem ver, näo é propriamente nova.
I wanted to see what you'd say.
Só queria saber, o que diria.
What'd you see, Irish?
Que vê, Irish?
I can see you are not going to do what I'd hoped you'd do... And you thought it all out without discussing it it with me.
Estou a ver que não é como eu esperava e não discutiste isso comigo.
I'd like to see what you'd do if you had a wife and six children.
Gostaria de ver o que farias se tivesses mulher e 6 filhos.
- What'd you see out there?
- O que viram?
What I mean is if he could stay in the sick bay he'd be out of their hands, you see.
O que quero dizer é que se ele pudesse ficar na enfermaria ficaria fora do alcance deles, compreende?
No, Mona's party turned out to be sort of a drag. I thought I'd come back and see what you were doing.
A festa estava meio chata e eu vim ver o que estavam fazendo.
If Mr. Rash should see you, I don't know what he'd do to me.
Se o Sr. Rash lhe ver, eu nao sei o que fará.
What'd you see when you looked back with the candle?
Então, o que viu, quando olhou para trás com a vela?
Listen, mam, I wish you'd tell him... he really doesn't think that he's guilty, and he should keep it to himself, you see what I mean?
Gostaria que contasse a ele. Ele se acha inocente e não quer falar.
What were you doing upstairs? I went to see those poor things. They'd be alone all the time if not for me.
Fui visitar as coitadinhas, estão sempre sozinhas, se não for eu...
Later on, we'll see what you'd be willing to do and give.
Mais tarde, veremos o que você poderá fazer e dar.
What'd you see, sergeant?
Que viu, sargento?
If you want to know what I think... he'd love to see you wind up inside...
Se queres saber o que eu penso... ele adoraria ver-te metido...
I know it was D'Amato's field, but see what you can find out.
- Ele distorce tudo o que diz! É irritante. Como suporta?
- you lying - you ever seen an Indian camp after the army spend in there you'd ever see the women and what was done with them before they where killed ever see the little boys and girls stuck in a long knifes
- É uma invençäo dos soldados. - Estás a mentir. Já viste um acampamento de índios após a invasäo do exército?
What'd you see?
O que é que viste?
And naturally, you knew I'd see you slip away, that I'd be curious, wondering what my opponent was up to on the night before our match.
E é claro que sabia que eu o veria escapulir-se, que ficaria curioso, a imaginar o que o meu oponente anda a fazer na véspera da partida.
I'd like you to see what goes on.
Gostaria que visses o que está acontecendo.
So, you see, I thought that maybe by now you'd have come up with somebody that you think wants to harm you. Because, sir, that's what this thing looks like, more and more.
Pensei que, entretanto, se tivesse lembrado de alguém que achasse capaz de lhe fazer mal, porque é isso que está a parecer cada vez mais.

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