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Which one was it traducir portugués

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Which one was it?
Qual delas era?
- Which one was it?
Qual deles foi?
Which one was it?
Quem foi?
- Which one was it?
- Qual deles, o Greg ou o Craig?
- Which one was it?
- Quem foi este?
Tell me All right, which one was it?
Qual deles é que é?
A book was recently published on the German colonies, in which it was specifically stated that one advantage of possessing duelling scars was that native Africans look with more respect upon white men who bear them.
Um livro publicado nas colônias alemãs... fala das vantagens dessas cicatrizes. Africanos respeitam mais os brancos com cicatrizes.
If we could journey back to that period in history when Manhattan was but a market town, we would discover, in one of the coves which indent the shores of the Hudson, the little village of Tarry Town. And just beyond, nestled deep in the low rolling hills, a sequestered glen. It's a quiet, peaceful place, and yet, somehow... foreboding.
Se pudessemos recuar no tempo... aos princípios da historia norte-americana... quando a cidade de Manhattan não era mais que um mercado... podíamos descobrir ao norte... nas margens do rio Hudson... a pequena aldeia de Tarrytown... e mais além... um vale estreito rodeado de colinas... um lugar pacífico.... sim, muito pacífico, mas algumas vezes... bastante aterrador... em que abundam lendas e... sítios macabros de supersticiosa tradição.
It was no more than a piece of youthful bravado but it was one of those acorns from which great oaks are destined to grow.
Não passou de uma bravata de juventude, mas foi como uma daquelas bolotas de onde nascem grandes carvalhos.
Our ultimate goal was to create an x-ray laser. One day I hit upon an unusual idea which, as it turned out led to a major advance in that x-ray laser.
Nossa meta final era o laser de raio X... e um dia deparei-me com uma descoberta... que possibilitou um grande avanço em direção a esta meta.
I wrote it in a mountain meadow, between quaking grass and calves, one of which was called Edward.
Eu a escrevi em um prado nas montanhas entre capim-treme-treme, bezerros, e um deles chamava-se Eduard.
I wanted to find out which one it was.
Queria descobrir qual era.
No, I knew which one it was. It's right outside here now. But I didn't think you wanted to be taken home that way.
Sabia qual era, está lá fora, mas achei que não quereria chegar a casa dessa maneira.
The one who, until four days ago, owned the Bal du Paradis, at which time it was taken over by another party.
A que, até há quatro dias atrás, era proprietária do Bal du Paradis, altura pela qual foi adquirido por outra pessoa.
Mother had a potion which took off 10 years and they gave it to me when I was 9 to make me minus one.
Aos 9 anos deram-me um veneno da mamã que eliminava 10 anos. Vieste tão longe só para veres quem detestas?
Each one of them carried out specific duties, and yet it was the whole, the group, which gave meaning to each individual activity.
Cada um deles desempenhava uma função específica ; e mesmo assim era a totalidade, o grupo, quem dava o sentido às atitudes individuais.
It was a fantastic success over 80,000 times as powerful... as Britain's great prewar joke, which was used at Munich... and one which Hitler couldn't match.
Foi um fantástico sucesso 80 000 vezes mais poderosa... do que a maior anedota britânica antes da guerra, que tinha sido usada em Munique... e algo que Hitler não conseguia igualar.
Speaking of luck, it's J.R. Bonner's luck... to have drawn the country's number one bucking bull... undefeated in 29 rides... the 29th of which was, you guessed it, J.R. Bonner.
Falando de sorte, J.R. Bonner tem a sorte... ter montado o touro número um do país... invicto em 29 batalhas a 29... já adivinharam... de J.R. Bonner..
It was one of the three or four long, intimate conversations with him which are all I can boast.
Foi uma das três ou quatro conversas longas e intimas que tive com ele, não posso gabar-me de mais.
One more time he was ironic, therefore the debate was on the Norway, e the Norway is a series of disasters, of which, even so it could not to have had guilt, perhaps therefore they were inevitable, e I believe that it had been,
Mais uma vez era irónico, pois o debate era sobre a Noruega, e a Noruega fora uma série de desastres, dos quais, embora ele pudesse não ter tido culpa, pois talvez fossem inevitáveis, e acredito que o foram,
One in my safe, one which was in your uncle's safe until I removed it this morning... and, uh, the copy held by the girl.
Uma está no meu cofre. Outra estava no cofre do seu tio até eu a retirar, hoje de manhã. - E a outra está na possa da rapariga.
They delivered only five beakers, and one of the bowls arrived chipped, which it was not when I paid for it.
Recebi cinco ânforas, e uma está lascada. Não estava quando paguei, e foi muito caro.
He remembered suddenly that the poison which he had to use for himself was given to him from one of Himmler's staff and he mistrusted that it may affect...
Depois lembrou-se que o veneno que ia usar para se suicidar lhe fora dado por um empregado de Himmler e suspeitou do veneno.
( translator ) There was indeed one genital missing, which we discovered quite by chance, but it had nothing to do with the case in hand.
Faltava realmente um testículo, coisa que descobrimos por acaso, mas não tinha nada que ver com o caso em si.
To find one testicle only, which I was amused to see in the report was found quite by accident - it doesn't appear to have been searched for - is not uncommon.
O facto de encontrarem apenas um testículo, coisa a que achei graça ao ler o relatório, foi algo que aconteceu por acaso.
And... which one of those obviously perfect legs was it that came off in'99?
E... qual destas duas, obviamente, perfeitas pernas... é a reconstruída no 99?
My dear parents... if I left without a word... it was to avoid another one of those discussions... which even the simplest things seem to provoke in our family.
Queridos pais, parti sem dizer nada para evitar uma daquelas discussões que até as coisas mais simples provocam na nossa família.
Wonder which one was one who done it.
Quem será que o fez...
Oh, yeah, you wouldn't know which one it was.
Ah tá! Não saberia distingui-lo!
... some kind of silly warning you know and they, they opened the show, I think, and they also closed the show which I thought was like a... an astute planning on Sullivan's part, because it would made you very angry if you had to sit through the whole show to wait to see The Rutles, you know, so they clearly, every-one had tuned in to that week's show, just to see The Rutles.
Eles abriram o programa, acho, e fecharam também, pareceu-me uma jogada astuta por parte do Ed Sullivan... Porque as pessoas se irritariam se esperassem todo o programa para ver os Rutles. Porque claramente tinham ido ali naquela semana só para vê-los...
Which one of the assassins was it, Mr. Lieberman?
Qual dos assassinos era, senhor Lieberman?
And then, perhaps, it was the other one. The one which Jacqueline de Bellefort fired at Simon Doyle.
Talvez fosse o outro tiro, o que fora dirigido a Simon Doyle.
Oh, and, ah, pardon me, but one piece of foolishness, which was the... drawing of... the letter "J" on the wall of the cabin, so melodramatic it could only have one effect :
Ah, e um pequeno disparate : O desenho da letra J na parede. Só poderia ter um efeito :
Then she wasn't sure which one of you it was.
Depois já não tinha a certeza qual de vocês era.
One tells them something is impossible, they dig out an old paper in which one had said it was easy very tedious.
Alguém lhes diz que algo é impossível, e eles descobrem um documento antigo no qual alguém disse que era fácil. - Muito aborrecedor.
But in our temple, the priest used to read from the Muslim Koran and the Hindu Gita, moving from one to the other as if it mattered not which book was read as long as God was worshipped.
O sacerdote no nosso templo, porém, lia do Alcorão muçulmano e da Gita hindu. Mudava de Escrituras desde que fosse louvado a Deus.
Even if this was not a law, which it is..... I'm afraid I would have a lot of difficulty endorsing an enterprise which is as fraught with genuine peril as I believe this one to be.
Mesmo que não fosse lei, o que não é o caso... acho muito difícil vir a encorajar um projeto... que traz com ele o que acredito ser um risco real.
Qual deles, não sei.
I shall say nothing except that it informed me was that you were one of the factors, which had to be taken into account in reconstructing of this drama.
que o senhor tinha de ser um dos factores a ter em conta na reconstrução deste drama.
it was the only one that loved me, which was worrying about taking care of me
Ele era o único que me gostava de mim, que se preocupava comigo.
George Lucas was to direct John Milius'screenplay. Francis said that Heart of Darkness, which was one of my favorite things I'd ever read, he said it had been tried and no one could lick it.
George Lucas seria o realizador do guião de John Milius. 480.667 ) } CO-ARGUMENTISTA disse que já tinha sido tentado e ninguém tinha tido sucesso.
It was just a question of which one of them would reach him first.
A única questão era qual dos dois o encontraria primeiro.
Univ has these square staircases... which are round but they're square. It was just coming down from one of the rooms. Steve actually fell on the stairs coming downstairs... and kind of bounced all the way down to the bottom.
Existiam umas escadas que eram em caracol e em que os degraus eram quadrangulares, e ao descer de um dos quartos, o Stephen caiu pelas escadas até ao fundo.
It was him who bought those figures Rare Meissen about which so much one talked.
Foi ele que comprou aquelas figuras Meissen raras de que tanto se falou.
When we will know because the fact is that the Lady Carrington it was so anxious because of buying the last print run, we will discover the motive by which it was murdered and the one who was the person in charge.
Quando soubermos porque é que a Madame Carrington estava tão ansiosa por comprar a última tiragem, descobriremos o motivo pelo qual foi assassinada e quem foi o responsável.
One of the boys entered this way inside, it was against Annie, in the height in which she was going oh it put in the boiler.
Um dos rapazes entrou por aqui adentro, foi contra a Annie, na altura em que ela ia pô-lo na caldeira.
Because I was worried that there might be a situation in which one of us came home with somebody. It could get a little uncomfortable.
Preocupa-me pensar que um de nós possa chegar com companhia e sentir-se pouco à vontade.
Mademoiselle Grey when it will return for Devon and to be remembered of the day in which Sir Carmichael was it killed, perhaps one remembers of having seen a stranger to patrol the village...
Mademoiselle Grey quando voltar para Devon e se recordar do dia em que Sir Carmichael foi morto, talvez se lembre de ter visto um estranho a rondar a aldeia...
Let's say that it was one night of which I do not go away to forget.
Digamos que foi uma noite da qual não me vou esquecer.
It was the one issue which seemed to electrify the voters and swept Giuliani into office. "
Foi a questão que parece ter electrificado os eleitores, e colocado Giuliani no gabinete. "
His property was divided into three parts of which I was to have one, on condition that I found two Garridebs who would share the remainder, five million dollars each if it's a cent.
Dividiu os bens em três lotes, um dos quais para mim, com a condição de encontrar dois Garridebs que recebessem os restantes. Cinco milhões de dólares cada, se conseguir.

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