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Whitechapel traducir portugués

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Fifteen bob at a secondhand shop in Whitechapel, sir.
Quinze libras numa loja de segunda mão em Whitechapel.
It was rumored that he had been seen in a low den... in the distant parts of Whitechapel.
Murmurava-se que tinha sido visto num antro, nas afastadas zonas de Whitechapel.
- It was sort of a furious lyricism - one seldom finds in Whitechapel these days.
E um lirismo furioso que não se encontra hoje em dia nas galerias de Whitechapel.
Please advise Moore's Funeral Home, Whitechapel Road, London, what disposition.
Por favor informe a Casa Funerária Moore, White Chapel Road, Londres, das disposições a tomar.
Born in Whitechapel, London.
- Nascido em Whitechapel, em Londres...
The place is full of macaroons. I could get on the dog and blow to my mate in Whitechapel.
Isto está cheio de malucos.
to build a house in Whitechapel.
construir uma casa em Whitechapel.
Ripper strikes in Whitechapel!
Estripador ataca na Whitechapel!
Maybe one of these Red Indians wandered into Whitechapel and indulged his natural inclinations.
Talvez tenha sido um desses peles-vermelhas... que invadiram Whitechapel e mantêm seus hábitos.
No one in Whitechapel, no matter what their trade, could afford grapes.
Ninguém em Whitechapel pode se dar ao luxo de comprar uvas.
Plenty of them in Whitechapel.
Há muitos deles em Whitechapel.
Worse than what'll happen to her in Whitechapel when she sprouts teats?
Pior do que acontecerá a ela em Whitechapel quando crescer?
I'm Inspector Abberline, assigned to Whitechapel.
Inspetor Abberline, designado para Whitechapel.
What would Ben Kidney and Special Branch be doing in Whitechapel?
O que Ben Kidney e a polícia secreta estariam fazendo aqui?
All we know is that she was an unfortunate who lived in the Whitechapel district.
Ela era uma prostituta... que vivia no distrito de Whitechapel.
What about the Whitechapel opium dens?
E as casas de ópio de Whitechapel?
If you don't mind slumming, you might try the King's Arms in Whitechapel.
Se não se importar, pode tentar o "The Kings Arms", em Whitechapel.
RO Y : Whitechapel.
gather round, whitechapel.
Reúnam-se, malta.
whitechapel, gather round.
Malta, reúnam-se.
come on, whitechapel, we can still win this.
Vamos, malta, ainda podemos ganhar isto.
Why move her from Whitechapel?
Porquê movê-la de Whitechapel?
You see why Agatha is so keen to help Whitechapel?
Você vê por que a Agatha está tão desejosa de ajudar Whitechapel?
ASTEROTH : I sensed the rhymer's presence in Whitechapel.
Eu sinto a presença do rimador em White Chapel.
This is Whitechapel all over again.
Isto é uma nova Whitechapel.
Whitechapel Road 248, at the back.
"Whitechapel Road, 248, traseiras."
You see, kids in Whitechapel play video games in which they score points by killing prostitutes.
Vê miúdos em WhitChapel a jogarem jogos de vídeo, nos quais fazem pontos ao matarem prostitutas.
I could have spent the rest of my life working in Aldgate and Whitechapel, it's all there.
Podia ter passado o resto da minha vida a trabalhar na Aldgate e na Whitechapel. Está tudo ai.
Yes, the Whitechapel killings.
Certo, os homicídios de Whitechapel.
There's about ten of them sharing a bunk in Whitechapel and I'm pretty sure supper involves the bread that the park ducks didn't eat.
São 10 deles a partilhar uma camarata em Whitechapel. De certeza que o jantar inclui o pão que os patos do parque não comeram.
The murder of an Irish activist in Whitechapel.
O homicídio de um ativista irlandês na Whitechapel.
Yeah, he was a Whitechapel lad.
Sim, era um moço de Whitechapel.
I did it with the Whitechapel killings, and they date back to the 1800s.
Consegui com Whitechapel, - e é de 1800.
- Whitechapel?
Hostel in Whitechapel.
Hostel em Whitechapel.
It was almost 100 years before the Whitechapel murders.
Foi quase 100 anos antes dos assassinatos em Whitechapel.
It was not until this past year... when I learned of the infamous event in Whitechapel, London, 1888... that a far larger pattern took shape.
Mas foi apenas no último ano... Quando aprendi sobre o ocorrido em Whitechapel, Londres, 1888... Que um padrão muito maior tomou forma.
Well, well, well... shall we do this white chapel style, then?
Ora, ora, ora, vamos fazer isso ao estilo Whitechapel?
So are most of the men in Whitechapel.
Como a maioria dos homens em Whitechapel.
My wife and son live in Whitechapel.
Minha esposa e meu filho vivem em Whitechapel. - O local foi muito bombardeado.
Whitechapel fell 11 days ago.
Whitechapel caiu há 11 dias atrás.
Between Montmartre and Whitechapel.
Entre Montmartre e Whitechapel.
It was, indeed. 3 women were discovered in Whitechapel, which is a district in East London, all within a month, and all eviscerated a la Mr. Ripper.
Foi de facto. 3 mulheres foram encontradas em Whitechapel, um distrito no leste de Londres, todas no espaço de 1 mês e todas estripadas como fez o Sr. Estripador.
I was born in Whitechapel, never knew my mother.
Nasci em Whitechapel, nunca conheci a minha mãe.
We were Whitechapel, Nurse.
Estávamos em Whitechapel, enfermeira.

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