You'll get it traducir portugués
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I'll go see Dewey, get to the bottom of this. Be back before you know it.
Vou tratar do Dewey, esclarecer isto e num instante estarei de volta.
I'll get it for you.
Eu vou buscar-to.
You'll get the hang of it pretty soon.
Vais apanhar o jeito num instante.
Don't you get it, I'll never do that!
Não entendes que eu não vou fazer isso?
If they don't fall, you'll get over it.
Se não caírem, vais sobreviver.
You feeling some need to get punished because I'll take a hammer and beat you with it, if that's what you'd like.
Se sentires a necessidade de ser castigado, posso agarrar num martelo e dar-te com ele, se é isso que queres.
You'll get through it, Harry.
Vais ultrapassar isso, Harry.
I'll get someone to dig it out for you.
Arranjarei alguém que cuidará disso.
And he said, "I'll get it for you."
Consegues? " E ele dizia :" Eu trato disso. "
You're just giving them more money. When you get enough I'll tell you what to do with it.
Quando tiveres o suficiente, digo-te o que tens de fazer.
I-I'll get out as soon as I can and I'll come right back here and I'll make it up to you, okay?
Eu despacho-me assim que conseguir e volto logo para cá para te compensar, está bem?
We'll get you through it.
Ultrapassaremos isso.
I'll let you get back to it.
Vou-te deixar regressar àquilo que estavas a fazer.
Ugh. It'll be closed by the time you get there.
Vai estar fechada quando chegares lá.
I'll explain it to you when you get here.
Explico-lhe quando chegar.
We'll get it for you.
Vamos arranjá-lo.
Look, we'll get the electric back on, you come back tomorrow, we'll get somebody to cut it up for you.
Olha, a energia vai voltar, tu voltas amanhã e alguém a corta.
You'll get it.
Vais receber.
You'll get it.
Não tarda muito.
I could pay you back in a couple weeks, and if I can't get it back to you then, I'll sell the truck.
Se fizeres o serviço posso pagar-te em duas semanas. E se não puder pagar vendo o camião.
Case in point, I'm sure you're all very busy, and you have much better things to do than to listen to me up here, so I'll let you get back to it.
Dito isto, tenho a certeza que estão muito ocupados, e têm coisas melhores para fazer do que me ouvir, então, vou deixá-los trabalhar.
But you'll get used to it.
Mas, vai-se habituar.
I mean, you get this place up and running... it'll have significant influence... politically speaking.
Uma vez que isto esteja a laborar em pleno... terá grande influência, em termos políticos.
Thicker than snot, but it'll help you get your strength back.
Está mais grossa do que líquida, mas vai ajudar-te a recuperar forças.
We're here and when you get there, you'll love it.
Estamos aqui, mas quando chegares lá, vais adorar.
- Well, you'll get it.
- Já vais.
You'll probably get a big government check every month. But you better make sure you can make it to the mailbox in a wheelchair.
Provavelmente ficas com um cheque \ pensão todos os meses, mas é melhor que te certifiques que consegues chegar à caixa de correio numa cadeira de rodas.
It'll still probably take him a little time to get used to you.
Provavelmente ainda vai levar um tempo para se acostumar a ti.
I think it's very unlikely you'll get this part, and you have to come to terms with this, I'm afraid.
"É muito improvável você conseguir este papel." " E tem de o aceitar, infelizmente.
I think it's very unlikely that you'll get it.
"Acho isso muito improvável."
We'll let you know as soon as we get it.
Nós avisamos-te assim que ela chegar.
It's heavier than you thought. You'll get used to that.
É mais pesada do que esperava.
Yes, sure, I'll get it for you.
Sim, claro. Já lha trago.
If you go get me another drink I'll make it up to you,
Sabes que mais, se me fores buscar outra bebida eu depois compenso-te, prometo.
But if you go get me and my girlfriend Another drink, I'll be happy to make it up to you With a handjob in the bathroom.
Mas se não nos pagares uma bebida, vais levar um porradão, no banheiro.
I know Eesha, it's not your fault, it's mine. I'm sorry, look, I'll get you a check, okay?
Eu sei, a culpa não é tua, é minha.
You'll never get over it.
Nunca ultrapassarás isso.
You'll get the hang of it.
Irá apanhar-lhe o jeito.
I tell you, he wins that contract and I get my hands on his neck... fuck the Six-Day War, it'll be over in seconds.
Digo-te que, se ele ganha o contrato e lhe deito as mãos ao pescoço, que se lixe a Guerra dos Seis Dias, acabará em segundos.
- You'll get it. Just a bit.
Só um pouco.
Keep your head up and you'll get to keep it.
Você consegue!
Come, sit in the car, the driver's seat. So you'll get used to it.
Venha sentar-se no carro no assento do motorista.
I'll just show you how to make it and I'll get out of your hair.
Eu mostro-te apenas como faze-lo e deixo de te chatear.
Maybe you'll get lucky, and they'll treat you more fairly than you treated Shaun, but you don't deserve it. It'll take a little time, but your record will be expunged and your name cleared.
Talvez tenha sorte e o tratem de forma mais justa não merece isso. o seu cadastro será limpo e o seu nome ilibado.
Your armor's shorted out, But it'll keep you alive long enough to get to a cell.
A tua armadura entrou em curto, mas vai manter-te vivo, tempo suficiente para chegares a uma cela.
Okay, okay, I'll get it! I'll get a vitamin water for you!
Pronto, está bem, eu trago-te uma água com vitaminas!
Bad news, if we don't get you that cure before the veins reach your face, it'll be permanent.
As más notícias, se não receberes essa cura antes das veias chegarem ao rosto, tornar-se-á permanente.
But then when you get your head round it, you'll be all right.
Mas depois quando te envolveres, ficarás bem.
- You'll get it back in a week.
- Pago-te daqui a uma semana.
- I'll let you get to it, Major.
Vou deixa-lo tratar disto, Major.
- Come on, you'll get over it. Move it!
Anda, vais ultrapassar isso.
you'll get it back 37
you'll get over it 77
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get through it 16
you'll get there 74
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get through this 24
you'll get killed 24
you'll get over it 77
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get through it 16
you'll get there 74
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get through this 24
you'll get killed 24
you'll get yours 23
you'll get sick 17
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get better 25
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
get it done 134
get it down 26
get it together 140
you'll get sick 17
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get better 25
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
get it done 134
get it down 26
get it together 140
get it out of your system 27
get it up 68
get it now 24
get it off me 116
get it over with 136
get it right 50
get it out 253
get it while it's hot 20
get it off 251
get it going 16
get it up 68
get it now 24
get it off me 116
get it over with 136
get it right 50
get it out 253
get it while it's hot 20
get it off 251
get it going 16