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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ Y ] / You could have

You could have traducir portugués

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- You could have been killed.
- Podias ter morrido.
You could have done that before.
Podias ter feito isso antes.
You could have been somebody.
Poderias ter sido alguém.
You could have killed her, but you didn't.
Podias tê-la morto, mas, não o fizeste.
You could have asked him for a car or cash or something good!
Podias ter pedido um carro, dinheiro ou algo bom!
You could have just as easily become me.
Tu poderias facilmente ser como eu.
You could have gone anywhere.
Podia ir para qualquer lado.
And all things considered, I don't know that having that kind of strength is the worst thing you could have been given.
Considerando tudo, não acho que ter toda essa força é a pior coisa que poderia ter te acontecido.
You could have just drove them to the station that night.
Podias tê-los levado para a esquadra naquela noite.
You could have done business law, social law, public law,
Podias ter feito direito comercial, direito social ou direito público...
You could have been much more fulfilled.
Podias ter sido muito mais bem-sucedida.
You could have slept with the judge to help your client?
Dormiria com um juiz para ajudar o seu cliente?
So that you could have your big career and that he could... what, have a fucking furniture store?
Para que pudesses ter a tua carreira e ele pudesse ter uma merda de uma loja de mobília?
I'm sorry, but I... I just feel like you could have more concern for the rest of your family in all of this.
Por isso, lamento, mas acho que podia preocupar-se mais com o resto da família, em tudo isto.
You could have been immortal, like me.
Poderias ter-te tornado imortal, tal como eu.
You could have been the one.
Podias ter sido tu...
- Did you? Got to spring for an Uber for a question you could have asked me anywhere?
Paguei um Uber para responder a essa pergunta?
You could have told me that you were coming to speak at enrichment.
Podias me ter dito que vinhas falar.
You could have been killed.
Podias ter morrido.
You could have sent word when I alerted you to my arrival.
Podíeis ter avisado, quando eu alertei que estava a chegar.
But you could have told me that over the phone, is that it?
Mas podias ter-me dito isso ao telefone, não podias?
Well, you could have asked us before just tossing them
Podias ter perguntado antes de atira-los
Say you could have your life over again.
Se pudesses começar a tua vida de novo.
Well, you could have told me this yesterday.
Podia ter-me dito isso ontem.
You could have just said nothing.
Podias ter ficado calado.
You could have said. That I would've understood.
Se me tivesses contado eu teria compreendido.
Of all the things you could have said...
De tudo o que podias ter dito...
Mae, have you thought what this could do to him?
Mae, já pensaste o que isto pode trazer to Harry?
Who could have a problem with you?
Quem teria problemas contigo?
So that--that pride you see when iris and I are talking about him, is because... things could have gone very differently.
Então, esse orgulho que vês quando eu e a Iris falamos dele, é porque as coisas podiam ter sido bem diferentes.
Do you have a radio we could use?
Tem algum rádio que eu possa usar?
Guys, I have been busting my butt out there, pushing myself to the limit, trying to get better, trying to be faster, and you're telling me that there's been something this whole time that could've helped me?
Pessoal, tenho dado duro lá fora, me esforçando ao máximo, tentando melhorar, ser mais rápido, e estão a dizer que existe algo que poderia ajudar-me?
- There was nothing you could have done. About Alfred running?
Não podias ter feito nada.
- Do you have any idea how many things you could screw up?
- Fazes ideia do que isso pode estragar?
The one person who could have protected you from what's comin'.
A única pessoa que podia proteger-te do que está para vir.
If a medal could be won with Words, you would have won it a long time ago.
Se uma medalha pudesse ser ganha com palavras. Já tínhamos ganho há muito tempo.
Which is why you should have told me, your boyfriend, who could help you.
Por isso devias ter-me contado, ao teu namorado, que podia ajudar.
Well, I suppose I could have treated you better, yes.
Bom, suponho que pudesse ter-te tratado melhor, sim.
You know, the way her body's positioned, it suggests that she could have been shot while running down the street.
Sabes, da maneira que o corpo dela está posicionado, sugere que ela pode ter sido atingida enquanto corria pela rua.
Certainly, if you could and did, you'd have fixed upon a much better choice of father.
Certamente, se tu pudesses e o fizesses, terias escolhido um pai melhor.
It could have been you.
- Podias ter sido tu.
If you guys don't get it, okay, you won't until you have kids, but if I could just freeze time right now...
Vocês não percebem, só perceberão quando tiverem filhos, mas se pudesse parar o tempo neste momento...
Now, you could say that I... I have these demons because what I did was wrong and that your cause is righteous. But I believed that my cause was righteous, too.
Podem dizer que tenho estes demónios porque fiz algo de errado, que a vossa causa está certa, mas acredito que a minha causa também estava certa.
How else could you have managed this?
Senão, como terias feito isto?
You have everything a princess could ever want.
Tens tudo o que uma princesa pode desejar.
We could have shut down this entire city and brought you people back to your caveman days.
Podíamos desligar a cidade inteira e leva-los de volta ao tempo das cavernas.
You also have friends who could've gotten you Pentillion's software.
E tem amigos que lhe arranjavam o software da Pentillion.
But in the end, you have to realize that sometimes... sometimes you're powerless and you did the best you could, and life does not always give you a happy ending.
Mas no fim, têm de perceber que às vezes são impotentes, que fizeram o melhor que podiam, e que a vida nem sempre dá um final feliz.
I have a country to protect, and I have lost more than you could fathom.
Tenho de proteger um país. E eu perdi mais do que podeis imaginar.
I would have come after you, too. I didn't know I could do this.
Não acabará como pensas.
My team and I have been hunting for months, And I knew that if I boxed you in, I could arrest you with as little resistance as possible.
A minha equipa e eu andámos a sua procura há meses, e eu sabia que se a encurralasse, podia prendê-la com o mínimo de resistência possível.

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