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You made them traducir portugués

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- But things are the way you made them.
- Mas são como tu as tornaste.
You made them send for me.
Mandaste-os buscar-me.
You made them have respect too.
E também lhes suscitou respeito.
You made them understand who we Italians are!
Sentiram quem somos nos italianos? Que corrente de ar!
A few would tell you how Marsh made them.
Poucos dirão como Marsh os fez.
Things are the way you think I made them.
São como pensas que eu as tornei.
You'd have made them stop us before, if you'd known.
Poderia ter-nos parado antes.
And so far as I can see, you've made them all very happy.
E até onde posso ver, fê-las muito felizes.
Why don't you keep them until I've made good?
Fique com ele até que pague.
You mean he made them both up?
Quer dizer que inventou ambos?
What made you leave the house and get them worried?
Que te levou a saír de casa e deixá-los preocupados?
You know, you said i always made them out of molehills.
Tão grande como a cabeça de um rato?
He thought you made the rules, all of them... not just those for Spanish Bit.
Pensava que eras tu quem fazia as regras todas... e não apenas as de Spanish Bit.
My honoured lord, you know right well you did. And with them words of so sweet breath composed as made the things more rich.
Meu senhor, sabeis muito bem que sim, e com elas vinham palavras duma tão suave ternura que as enriqueciam ainda mais.
I'm really interested in having them made by you.
-... assim. - Tenho muito interesse que o chefe faça esse trabalho.
Charlie, tell them how you made the torpedoes.
Charlie, fale como fez os torpedos.
Perhaps you made them laugh
Bem, talvez tu saibas fazer rir.
Back in the village when they made fun of you, I wanted to kill them.
Na aldeia, quando eu assumi volta, eu queria matá-los.
Now's the time to show them what you're made of. Time to fight!
Chegou a hora de lhes mostrar, chegou a hora de lutar!
Hey, just a minute. You made cracks and I let them slide but I don't intend to take any more.
Já disse algumas piadas e fechei os olhos, mas não tenciono tolerar mais nenhuma.
Now you've made enemies of the Barb you can't stay here and stand up to them on your own.
Agora que se tornou inimigo dos do Barb... não pode ficar aqui a fazer-lhes frente sozinho.
Since you called my wife, Mrs. Balestrero I've made some preliminary inquiries. And the general outline of the facts seem to be as you stated them.
Desde que telefonou à minha mulher, Sra. Balestrero, fiz algumas investigações preliminares e os factos parecem corresponder ao que disse.
Go on, boy, show them what you're made of.
Dá uma volta por aí e mostra a tua estrutura de ferro!
Only men made of brass, you can polish them.
Só os fatos de bronze, esses aos que dás brilho.
You showed them hell! Made them understand who we Italians are!
Sentiram quem somos nos italianos?
I made it myself, you'll love them.
Eu mesma fiz. Você vai gostar.
You've always pricked others and made them suffer! You can't help yourself. We should throw you out, after the mess you've gotten yourself into.
Continuas a atormentar as pessoas... mesmo sabendo que podes ir para a rua!
Might've made him realize what things mean when you earn them.
Talvez se tivesse apercebido... do valor das coisas, quando se conquistam.
You made all the rules and I play by them.
Pôs todas as regras e eu as respeitei.
Give them artillery and you've made them independent.
Se lhes der artilharia, estará a dar-lhes a independência.
X-27 told you to tell them they've made three attempts on my life today.
X-27 avisa que já sofreu... três atentados hoje. Atiraram-me numa mina... tentaram-me afogar.
Colin and the others may have made the same mistake you're making, pointed guns at them.
Colin e os outros podem ter cometido o mesmo erro que estão a fazer agora ao apontar-lhes armas.
Now, if you'd kindly join your friends in the audience... and let them tell you of all the things I made you do.
Agora, por favor, vá ter com os seus amigos do público... para que eles contem as coisas que o obriguei a fazer.
You ask the doctors if I made a play for any one of them.
Pergunta aos médicos se me fiz a algum deles!
I thought I'd made it clear to them... that you'd never come out.
Pensei que os tinha esclarecido de que o senhor nunca sairia. Não consegui.
I found that the films I've made that I didn't like when I finished them, they had a life of their own, you know?
Descobri que os filmes que fiz e de que não gostava, quando os acabava, tinham vida própria, sabe?
I made them up for all you girls.
Fiz eu mesma para todas as meninas.
You made it ahead of all of them.
Chegou primeiro que eles todos.
You all made them up.
Inventaste-as todas!
- Tell them you've made a mistake.
- Diz-lhes que te enganaste.
I know what they cut of but at least I do ; nt terne back our bathos on them ha, ah that's something else you soldier boy's made up
E cortar mäos, e pés, e cortar... Sei o que cortam. Mas pelo menos näo os transformem em tabaqueiras.
But some people can't because their environment made them, you know, feel that it's wrong.
Algumas pessoas não podem... porque o meio lhes fez pensar que isso é errado.
And today, spcially for you, I have made them wait here
Oh, meus irmãos.
You know, when them gentlemen came up here and made me that offer there was a whole lot of things that we didn't take into consideration.
Sabe, quando aqueles cavalheiros me fizeram aquela oferta... havia muitas coisas que não levamos em consideração.
When you get down there, you tell them Swamper Gilchrist was the one that made you a believer.
Quando chegares lá abaixo, diz-lhes que... foi o Swamper Gilchrist que te tornou num crente.
Tell them you made a mistake.
- Diz que te enganaste.
You made such a big deal yelling out to them.
Preocupou-se tanto a berrar com eles.
Well, if you own the stuff that made them grow,
Se você possui o produto,
You see, the mistakes we have made, in areas like our environment, have been entirely turned over to them and they've saved the Earth from doom.
Verá, que os enganos que cometemos em áreas, como o nosso ambiente,... ficaram totalmente nas mãos deles. E eles salvaram a Terra de um fim certo.
You see, he loved them boys better than life itself... but sometimes, they really made him wonder why.
Ele ama aqueles rapazes mais do que a própria vida, mas, às vezes, eles fazem-no duvidar.
Another, that you always have a ready-made quarrel for your servants at Christmas time or when they leave you so that you may give them nothing.
Outro diz que inventa sempre uma discussão com os seus pagens na Consoada ou quando deixam a vossa casa para assim terdes razões para não lhes pagar.

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