You meant traducir portugués
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This what you meant when you said you were training the analysts in Russia house to think outside the box, Don?
Foi isto que querias dizer quando disseste que estavas a treinar os analistas russos para pensar fora da caixa, Don?
Uh, mother, it sounded like you said, "cargo plane," when obviously you meant, "first class luxury commercial airliner."
Mãe, pareceu-me que disseste "avião de carga", quando querias dizer "avião comercial de luxo".
You meant for that to happen.
- Fizeste de propósito.
If you meant "No," you should have said "No"
Se me queria dizer "não," devias dizer "não"
Listen, if you meant the whole 24 / 7 thing, I'd, um,
Se o que disseste sobre eu te ligar a qualquer hora, é verdade, eu...
But when you asked me to model, I thought you meant real modeling.
Mas quando me pediu para posar, pensei que estava a falar de ser modelo a sério.
Did you think when I said I was going to bury you in shit, I meant legal work?
Achas que te vou enterrar com processos jurídicos?
You did say, "Whatever I need." That's not what I meant.
- Disseste "farei o necessário". Não foi isso que quis dizer.
I swear I never meant to come between you and Carol.
Juro que nunca quis ficar entre ti e a Carol.
That's so cute that you think that was meant for you.
É amoroso pensares que foi para ti.
You know, I meant it, like, you know, Wh-Wh... It-It...
Quis dizer que és, tipo, tu sabes, extremamente atraente, experiente e uma jovem mulher.
I meant it when I said I wanted to provide options for you and Ralph.
Falei a sério quando disse que ia arranjar opções para ti e para o Ralph.
I'm guessing the rifle you're carrying is not meant only for strigoi.
Penso que a espingarda não é só para os Strigois.
Bartender made me promise I'd sip this, but, uh, booze is meant to make you feel good, not taste good.
O barman fez-me prometer que ia saborear isto, mas a bebida serve para sentirmos bem, não para ser apreciada.
She took a bullet meant for you.
Ela apanhou uma bala destinada a ti.
I know what he meant to you.
Eu sei aquilo que ele significava para ti.
I think he just meant, if you've laid all your cards out in the proper order, the ending should flow.
Acho que ele queria dizer que, se a história fluir na ordem certa, o final surgirá naturalmente.
You were never meant to be someone's assistant, kid.
Nunca esteve destinada a ser assistente de alguém, miúda.
Part of me hoped it meant you would finally give up on writing and just be content with me and the kids.
Parte de mim esperava que desistisses de escrever e te contentasses comigo e com os miúdos.
I meant to call them, you know?
Eu queria ligar-lhes, sabes?
It seemed like what you really meant was... I wouldn't.
Soou como se quisesses dizer...
You're my dad! You're meant to say something!
És o meu pai, é suposto dizeres alguma coisa.
Hey, uh, I meant to tell you, we got Gabriel's autopsy reports back.
Já me esquecia de te dizer, recebemos o relatório da autópsia do Gabriel.
That you realized how much this car meant to me.
Apercebeste-te do que o carro significava.
I think if you're honest with yourself, we were never meant to be together that way.
Acho que se fores sincero contigo, nós nunca estivemos destinados a estar juntos.
I never meant to hurt you. Or anybody.
A única altura em que não o vemos é quando temos medo de olhar.
And I never meant to hurt any of you.
Nunca quis fazer-vos mal.
You weren't meant to be with emily.
Não estavas destinado a ficar com a Emily.
Or stop you from living the one you're meant to have.
Ou você parar de viver o único que você está destinado a ter.
You think the returned are meant to be here?
Achas que os que voltaram deviam estar aqui?
Sorry, love, you're just meant for us.
- Pois é, querido, eram só para nós.
I've been given some time back, Dad, a chance to fight for more, experience the life you gave me the way I was meant to.
Ganhei mais algum tempo, pai, uma oportunidade para lutar por mais, experimentar a vida que me deste da maneira que devia ser.
You have taken everything that has meant anything to me!
Vocês tiraram-me tudo o que era tudo para mim!
Killian, you can't beat them. If I can help return things to how they were meant to be, then what happens to me here won't matter, will it?
Se eu conseguir fazer tudo voltar ao normal, o que acontece comigo aqui não importa, certo?
That wasn't meant to offend you. Mm.
Não pretendia ofender-te.
I'm sorry, I meant to text you back but there's this...
Desculpa, eu ia enviar-te uma SMS, mas...
I never meant to hurt you.
Nunca quis magoar-te.
You know last week when I said that would go down swinging when the time came? I meant that I was at peace with that.
Quando disse na semana passada que lutaria até ao fim quis dizer que estava em paz com isso.
I always meant to come back for you.
Pretendi sempre voltar para ti.
Uh, you know, I-I meant to check the attic.
Sabe, eu pretendia verificar o sótão.
I'm sorry, I... I never meant to hurt you.
Desculpa, nunca quis magoar-te.
Right here, with us, is where you were always meant to be.
O teu lugar foi sempre aqui, connosco.
Does that meant that... there's a chance you won't get sick?
Isso significa que talvez tu não fiques doente?
How am I meant to help you?
Como é que devo ajudar-te?
Maybe you don't know as much as you think about us, Karellen, but you see that we are meant to have children.
Talvez não nos conheça tão bem como pensa, Karellen. Mas pode ver que estamos destinados a ter filhos.
The one that was meant for me, but went to you.
Aquela que era para mim, mas, utilizaram-na em si. A que lhe salvou a vida.
But if the serum was meant for you, then you were a guinea pig, which means... maybe it reacts differently in you, maybe it was meant to supercharge your-your, uh, tumor cells to see what would happen...
- Mas, se o soro era para si, então, você era uma cobaia. Talvez reaja de forma diferente em si, talvez tenha sido feito para sobrecarregar as suas células tumorais, para ver aquilo que aconteceria...
Being black in America meant that you didn't walk down the street with the same sense of safety and the same sense of privilege as a white person.
PARTIDO DOS PANTERAS NEGRAS... liberdade e o seu significado nessa fase. Ser negro na América significava que não se descia a rua com a mesma sensação de segurança e a mesma sensação de direito que uma pessoa branca.
If Huey wanted to see you or you wanted to see Huey, you had to come to his penthouse, which meant that you went up in his elevator, which meant that you were searched before you got up there.
"Muitos estão à beira de ir embora, porque sofremos de solidão, falta de vida pessoal e extrema pobreza."
I know that stuff meant a lot to you, Dad.
Sei que aquilo significava muito para ti, pai.
I just meant what you did for him, you didn't have to.
Quero dizer que tu não precisavas de ter feito aquilo.
you meant it 23
meant 63
meantime 222
meant to be 24
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you mean right now 22
meant 63
meantime 222
meant to be 24
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16
you made it 730
you must be tired 132
you mean that 100
you might like it 24
you mean like this 37
you miss me 101
you mess with me 18
you mean now 32
you mean you don't know 16
you made it 730
you must be tired 132
you mean that 100
you might like it 24
you mean like this 37
you miss me 101
you mess with me 18
you mean now 32