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You told her traducir portugués

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You told her to come here.
Ela vem para cá.
That's not what you told her son.
Não foi isso que disseste ao filho dela.
And you told her you wanted to go to Brown?
E disseste-lhe que querias ir para Brown?
Have you told her the truth?
Contaste-lhe a verdade?
Have you told her what he did that day?
Aquilo que ele fez naquele dia?
Who knows what you told her.
- Seja lá o que lhe contaste.
So you told her you loved her?
Disseste-lhe que a amavas?
No, you told her something happens to me when I black out.
Disseste-lhe que me acontece algo quando apago.
- You told her, didn't you?
- Contou-lhe, não é?
I told you to stay away from her room.
Eu disse-te para não te aproximares do quarto dela.
I told you. It's her mind that ails her. Not necessarily.
É possível estarmos perante uma forma de vertigens, algo chamado Doença de Mènière.
I told her we'd call when you're ready for her.
Disse que a chamaríamos, quando estiver pronta.
She's probably already called her lawyer and told her that you're involved with some violent psychotic freak.
Deve ter ligado à advogada a dizer que andas com uma louca psicótica.
WOMAN : ( on phone ) I know I told you to avoid her but you'll have to get in touch with her. And when you do...
Sei que te disse para a evitares, mas tens de entrar em contacto com ela.
You knew that Oswald would save her, so you told Catarina to run in the ring.
Sabias que o Oswald a salvaria, então disseste à Catarina para se meter na luta.
I told you to stay away from her.
Eu disse-te para ficares longe dela.
I told you, I would never set her up.
Eu disse-lhe, nunca iria armar-lhe uma cilada.
Have you told her?
All this time, and you've never told me about her?
Todo este tempo, e nunca me contaste sobre ela?
I told you not to touch her things.
Eu disse-lhe para não tocar nas coisas dela.
I told her about what you've been going through, and she suggested you try this organic herbal tea.
Contei-lhe aquilo que tens passado, e ela sugeriu este chá de ervas orgânico.
I told her you were Latin and in the restaurant business.
Eu disse-lhe que eras latino e estavas no ramo da restauração.
I told you she was good at her job.
Eu disse que ela era boa naquilo que faz.
She told you she would contact you when your passport came in, so all Nina had to do was wander off at the appointed time into her waiting arms.
Ela disse que vos ia contactar quando o passaporte chegasse, tudo o que a Nina tinha que fazer era fugir e na hora marcada estaria nos seus braços à espera.
Hey, I told her you were late because of a family emergency.
Disse-lhe que estavas atrasado por causa de uma emergência familiar.
She told me one of your short coats tried to take her picture and you threatened to jam his cell down his throat.
Disse-me que um dos seus assistentes lhe tentou tirar uma fotografia, - e que você ameaçou enfiar-lhe o telemóvel na goela.
I thought I told you to put her white head in the trash.
Não te disse para deitares fora a cabeça branquela?
I should've told you about her.
Devia ter-te falado acerca dela.
This morning, you told me my daughter was going blind and there was nothing I could do to help her.
Esta manhã disse-me que a minha filha ia ficar cega e que não havia nada que eu pudesse fazer para a ajudar.
Hey, have you told the girl you love her?
Já disse à rapariga que a ama?
She knew it would be impossible for me to resist her blood, and then she just kicked you a stake and essentially told you to kill me.
Ela sabia que seria impossível para mim resistir ao sangue dela, e depois pontapeou um pedaço de vidro na tua direcção, e praticamente disse-te para me matares.
She said you missed lunch, so I told her I'd check up on you.
Ela disse que você tinha faltado ao almoço, por isso disse-lhe que vinha cá averiguar.
What you should have told her was not that you weren't gonna come to dinner tonight, but that... You ain't ever comin'to dinner again.
Não devias ter dito que hoje não vais jantar, devias ter dito que nunca mais vais voltar para jantar.
I told her that I invited you to show humans and Atrians that we've moved on from my father's death.
Disse-lhe que te convidei para mostrar aos Humanos e Atrianos que já superamos a morte do meu pai.
I told her for you.
Eu fi-lo por ti.
- Laurel Lance is. - You're the one who told me to get close to her.
A Laurel Lance é que é.
Now, you told Jane you didn't recognize her picture.
Você disse ao Jane que não a tinha reconhecido na fotografia.
I told you that I was in love with her because that is exactly what I am supposed to be.
Eu disse-te que estava apaixonado por ela porque é exactamente isso que devo fazer.
I told you. That man, Milton Winter, took her.
Aquele homem, o Milton Winter, levou-a.
I guess you never told her about us.
Sai da minha casa.
You've told her a thousand times.
Você disse a ela mil vezes.
And I called Mrs Havers next door and told her you were sitting, just in case.
E liguei à Sra. Havers, aqui do lado, e disse que estavas cá, pelo sim pelo não.
With Saroya back in the Sector, and after everything that you told me about her, I thought I should warn them that she could be dangerous.
Com a Saroya de volta no Sector, e depois de tudo o que tu me contaste sobre ela, eu pensei que deveria avisá-los que ela pode ser perigosa.
She cried for days after S.H.I.E.L.D. told her you died.
Ela chorou durante dias após a SHIELD lhe dizer que morreu.
Sir? This probably isn't the best time, but what May told you... I would have preferred it to stay between me and her.
Senhor, provavelmente não é o momento certo, mas o que a May lhe contou, prefiro que isso se mantenha entre mim e ela.
I could go home tonight and could tell her exactly what I just told you.
Posso ir para casa e dizer-lhe o que acabei de dizer.
I called her, told her you fell asleep at your desk doing a research project.
Liguei-lhe e disse-lhe que tinhas adormecido a fazer pesquisa.
I told you I'd protect her and I did.
Eu protegi-a, como te tinha dito que faria.
How'd you take it when right after that photo of you two appeared, she told Celebgazer that you were "human trash" and that that night was "the biggest mistake of her life"?
- Como reagiu quando soube que logo depois dessa foto, que você era um monte de lixo e que aquela noite "foi o maior erro da vida dela".
Tell her don told you to give you the number, and she'll take care of you.
Digam-lhe que o Don vos deu este número, ela vai tomar conta disso.
I told her we were honoring you with a surprise party, asked if she had any childhood photos we could use for a slide show.
Disse que íamos homenageá-la numa festa, pedi fotografias da sua infância para usarmos numa apresentação de slides.

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