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You told them traducir portugués

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You told them?
Have you told them about us?
Contaste-lhes de nós?
I can't believe you told them.
Não acredito que lhes contaste.
You told them about the anomaly.
Contou-lhes sobre a anomalia.
You told them about us, didn't you?
Contou-lhes que nos viu, não contou?
I want to know what you told them.
Quero saber o que lhes disse.
You told them!
You told them.
Contou-lhes você.
I hope you told them you knew nothing about it.
Espero que lhes tenhas dito que não sabias nada sobre o assunto.
Oh, I told them I was gonna wait for you to get here.
Pedi para que esperasse que chegasses.
You know, no one believed me when I told them my dad was molesting my older sister.
Ninguém acreditou em mim quando disse que o meu pai abusava da minha irmã.
I told them to leave you out of this.
- Disse para te deixarem de fora.
I got them nice and safe, Mama, just like you told me to.
- Estão bem seguros.
And you'll never believe who I told them I was.
E não vais acreditar quem eu disse que era.
Cutter and Elrod told me it was you right before I killed them.
O Cutter e o Elrod disseram-me que foste tu, antes de eu os matar.
I told you, I'm happy to take in both of them
Eu disse-te, fico feliz por acolhê-los aos dois.
Why don't you tell them what you just told me?
Porque não lhes conta o que acabou de me contar a mim?
Told me to get you, tell you to get all the records, move them someplace safe before the cops find them.
Ele mandou-me apanhar-te e aos registos, e levá-los a um lugar seguro antes que os polícias encontrem.
- And you? I told them that was fine.
Disse-lhe que estava bem.
But early on, you told me you thought my family was weighing me down, that I had to cut them out.
Mas disseste-me que achavas que a minha família estava a ser um peso e que tinha de os cortar.
You want to know what I told them all?
Sabes o que lhes disse?
I told you about them.
Eu falei-te deles.
Told them you're being set up.
Disse que te armadilharam.
Now, after I got off the phone with the hospital, I called the temp agency and I told them, you know, we're gonna hire Samantha permanently.
Depois de ter acabado de falar com o hospital, liguei para a agência de temporários e disse-lhes, sabes, que vamos contratar a Samantha em permanência.
I told you, you'll get them.
Já lhe disse, vai recebê-los.
I told them what you wanted!
Eu disse o que querias.
I told them what you fucking wanted!
Disse o que querias!
Yes, I told them, but they don't know who you are because I don't know who you are.
Sim, contei. Mas não sabem quem você é, porque eu não sei quem você é.
Yes, I told them, but they don't know who you are.
Contei, mas elas não sabem quem você é.
I told them you'd come.
Disse-lhe que você iria. Não me desgrace.
Oh, and just so you're prepared, The last time you went to rehab, I told them you were in Sweden.
Só para que saibas, na última vez que foi à clínica de reabilitação... eu disse-lhes que estavas na Suécia.
Someone's told you terrible lies about me and like an idiot, you've believed them.
Penso que alguém te contou coisas falsas e más contra mim, tu de mim sabes tudo.
Do you want to know exactly how many times I've told you that I hate them?
Queres saber quantas vezes te disse que as odeio?
So I told them about, you know, that necklace she always wears, that little butterfly necklace.
Falei-lhes daquele... sabes, aquele colar que ela usa sempre, aquele com a borboleta.
Told you to send the cavalry, not come with them.
Disse-te para enviares a cavalaria, não para vires com ela.
Well, I told them I didn't know where you were.
Bem, eu disse-lhes que não sabia onde tu estavas.
I told them that you'd come out and speak with them.
Eu disse-lhes que falavas com eles.
They had a million questions, but I told them to let you sleep.
Eles tinham um milhão de perguntas, mas eu pedi-lhes que a deixassem dormir.
- I told them you were coming, and they said no, it has to be reviewed when I'm back in England.
- Eu disse-lhes que vinhas cá e eles disseram que não, que tem de ser revisto quando eu estiver em Inglaterra.
Who told you that it's them?
Quem disse que foram eles?
I told them you weren't well.
Eu disse a eles que não estavas bem.
I told them to get you.
Disse-lhes para te chamarem.
I didn't steal them, Dennis. You told me to get the books, I got you the books.
Disseste-me para os trazer e trouxe-os.
I told them I got the information from you.
Disse-lhes que foi você quem me deu a informação.
I told them you started to transform.
Eu disse que estava a começar a sua transformação.
You told me he handled them easily.
Disse-me para ter calma com eles.
If you would have told me, couldn't we have persuaded them together? .
Se me tivesses dito, poderíamos tê-los persuadido juntos, não?
I told them all you were sleeping.
- A todos disse que dormias.
I told you, to hell with them.
Já te disse que quero que eles vão parar ao inferno.
Tell them what you told me.
O que me contaste.
Where are the pictures? I told you, I don't have them.
- Onde estão as fotografias?

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