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You were good traducir portugués

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I also didn't think you were good enough.
Eu também achava que não era boa o suficiente.
You were good under there, with that machine.
Tu estiveste bem lá... com a máquina. Obrigado.
It's good, like, there was pictures of this jacket, all over the web and people were talking about it because it looked kind of cool and I know so many investors that remember that jacket so that was actually a good thing for us to, you know, to get the
É bom, assim como, havia fotos desta jaqueta, em toda a web e as pessoas estavam falando sobre isso, porque parecia bem legal e eu sei que muitos investidores que lembram aquela jaqueta assim que foi realmente uma coisa boa para nós, você sabe, para obter o
You look good up there. You were right.
Foste boa ali em cima, tinhas razão.
You chose the corporate sector. Now, I drive our conversations and I need to know you were as ignorant to this as I was. Good for you.
Escolheu o sector corporativo, que bom para si.
And he was responsible for, you know, always making sure that the visuals were good.
Ele foi o responsável por isso, certificava-se sempre que tinham um bom visual.
And, you know, you can't gainsay that, because the records, you know, the records were very good.
E isto não pode ser negado porque a gravação... sabe, as gravações eram muito boas.
Do you believe that the American soldiers who fought in World War I were good, moral people?
Acha que os soldados americanos que combateram na Primeira Guerra eram pessoas boas e com moral?
They were good guys? The guys you were embedded with?
Eram boas pessoas, os tipos com quem estavas no teatro de guerra?
You two were really good friends.
Vocês eram bons amigos.
Thought you were trying to trick me into giving up the good chair.
Mas pensei que estavas a tentar enganar-me para ficares com a poltrona.
Eyal Lavin is out of the country, in case you were wondering. No. I'm good.
Eyal Lavin está fora do país, para o caso de estares a questionar.
You were a good friend, Wayne.
Eras um bom amigo, Wayne.
By the way, you were really good out there tonight. You moved just like an Airbender.
Já agora, foste muito bem hoje à noite, moveste-te como uma dominadora do ar.
You're a good man... because you didn't explode the vest you were wearing.
És um bom homem. Porque não explodiste o colete que levavas.
Did you get a good look at the men that were shooting at you?
Conseguiu ver os homens que atiraram?
You were a flyboy with a good head of hair And a pushy dad.
Eras um piloto com cabelo bonito e um pai mandão.
Hiroshi, I knew you were a lying-no-good Equalist.
Hiroshi, eu sabia que eras um Equalista mentiroso e nojento.
But you were so good back at the house when you were practicing.
Mas estavas tão bem lá em casa, quando ensaiaste.
Hey, um, I wanted to let you know, uh, we need a new bassist, obviously, and I'm on my way to meet some guys right now, but I guess James thought you were pretty good. So if you want to come audition...
Então... precisamos de um novo baixista, obviamente, vou encontrar-me com alguns tipos agora, mas o James achava-te muito bom.
I liked you better when you were being the good guy.
Gostava mais de si quando era o bonzinho.
You were knocked out the whole time, so I kissed you good-bye, and I took Lucy home with me.
Estiveste sempre desmaiada, então, dei-te um beijo de despedida, e fui para casa com a Lucy.
Well, whatever your issues were, you and Claire are good now.
Quaisquer que tenham sido os vossos problemas, você e a Claire agora estão bem.
I bet you never knew quite how good an artist you were.
Aposto que nunca soubeste que eras tão bom artista.
- You were doing such a good job on your own, Scott...
- Estavas a ir tão bem...
So you two were good friends?
- Eram amigos?
Marjorie, you told me that you and Barry Sloan were good friends.
Marjorie, disse-me que você e o Barry Sloan eram bons amigos.
So it looked like you and Alexis were having a good time.
Parece que tu e a Alexis estão a divertir-se.
When was the last time you were at Best Buy and you heard someone say, "Ooh, check out this Blu-ray player, it must be good, it was built in Russia"?
Já estiveste no Best Buy e ouviste dizer : "Vejam este leitor de Blu-ray! Deve ser bom, foi feito na Rússia."
You were always good at giving me perspective.
Sempre foste bom a dar-me uma perspectiva.
I don't know what you were dreaming about, but it could not have been good.
what you were dreaming about,
Looked like you were having a nice little do-si-do with the good doctor.
Parece que estavas a divertir-te com o doutor.
Whatever you were trying to do for her, get her away from him, to... Barking, whatever... Even if it didn't work that... was a good thing for a friend to do.
Seja o que for que tentaste fazer por ela, afastá-la dele, para Barking, ou o que seja, mesmo que não tenha funcionado, é uma boa acção para uma amiga.
I always thought you were too good to be true.
Sempre achei que era bom demais para ser verdade.
But I told him you were family, that he should make you a good deal.
Eu disse-lhe que eras da família que devia fazer-te um bom preço.
You and Becky were good friends, right?
You were always good at giving speeches, Ben.
Sempre foste muito bom a fazer discursos, Ben.
I was there. So were you. Good times.
Sim, claro, estava lá e tu também.
Did you ever think that maybe the real reason you kept your name on that door is because for a long stretch there we were a pretty good team?
Já pensaste que a razão por teres mantido o teu nome na porta é porque durante um bom tempo fomos uma granda equipa?
I should have pulled you away then and there, but you were having such a good time.
Devia tê-la chamado logo à parte, mas estava a divertir-se tanto.
- You were doing such a good job on your own.
- Estavas a ir tão bem...
Good, because I was afraid you were going to come over here and ask me to take you fishing or something.
- Ótimo, pensei que vinhas pedir-me para te levar a pescar.
But you were the one who told us about the good doctor in the first place.
Mas foi a senhora que nos falou no bom médico.
So, Deb, I gotta tell you, you were, uh, pretty good with the docs in there. Wow.
Então, Deb, tenho que lhe dizer, lidou muito bem com os médicos.
Good. Agent Van Pelt said you were really helpful.
A Agente Van Pelt disse que foi muito útil.
You and Mrs. Thompson were good to me.
O senhor e Mrs. Thompson foram bons comigo.
- Mm. Charlotte told me what a good friend you were to her after I was taken, and... I wanted to thank you.
A Charlotte disse-me que foste uma grande amiga depois de ter sido raptada, e... queria agradecer-te.
When you got scared about Marvin, it felt like you were saying that I'm not as good a parent as you.
Quando te assustaste por causa do Marvin, parecia que estavas a dizer que não sou tão bom pai como tu és mãe.
If I were that good, you'd be the one pinned.
Se eu fosse assim tão boa, eras tu que estavas no chão.
I know that you were all good friends.
Sei que eram muito amigos.
Fausta, were you a good cook?
Fausta, eras boa cozinheira?

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