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You would know traducir portugués

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You'd think that after all the months in St. Victoria's Psychiatric, you would know the difference between what is real - and what ain't.
Depois de tantos meses no hospital psiquiátrico, devias saber o que é real... e o que não é.
Then, you would know if she had any clients that were especially dissatisfied or prone to violence.
Então deve saber se ela tinha clientes especialmente insatisfeitos ou propensos à violência.
And I know... you would never let me die.
E sei que nunca me deixarias morrer.
If I wanted you to know, you would.
Se quisesse que soubesses, já sabias.
You know I would.
Sabes que sim.
So me and him would get up to mad shit together, you know what I mean?
Fizemos juntos muitas maluqueiras. Estão a ver?
I don't know what the consequences would have been without it happening because it was, like, if it didn't happen, the world would be black, do you know what I mean?
Nem sei como seria, se não tivéssemos disparado, porque, se não tivéssemos, o mundo era negro. Estão a ver?
American Customs then asked a question that would fucking blow Liam's mind, you know what I mean?
No aeroporto, fizeram uma pergunta que lixou o Liam.
Tony would just pour it out, you know. " Fucking hell, Bonehead, do you know?
Só queixas : " É uma merda, Bonehead, sabes?
Any kind of chaos going on around, he would have shot down, do you know what I mean?
Sempre que havia caos, ele ficava em baixo.
I would always laugh my way through it and think, even you know, as you're driving into America to do David Letterman, and the bass player that's standing in for the bass player who's got nervous exhaustion, is saying,
Levo as coisas a rir, mesmo quando, vais a caminho do David Letterman, e o baixista-substituto do que está com um esgotamento, diz :
How would we know? Are you really?
Vocês são mesmo?
By 12 : 30, people would be dancing on the tables and snorting cocaine, you know what I mean?
À meia noite, dançava-se nas mesas e snifava-se coca.
And be glad, or you know, I would not be standing here right now.
E fique feliz, ou eu não estaria aqui agora.
- How would you know that?
- Como sabes isso?
Now look, I know that I'm not the son you wanted, and I know that Elk Grove would rather have a hero who doesn't live in a trailer, and doesn't have a boat load of cold sores,
Ouça. Eu sei que não sou o filho que queria. E sei que Elk Grove preferia ter um herói que não vivesse numa caravana.
Look, I would trust a blind proctologist more than her, but you know the deal.
Ouçam, eu confiaria mais num proctólogo cego do que nela. Mas vocês sabem como é.
And you know the moment that tiny thing comes into the world, you're weaker because you would die for him.
E saibas que no momento em que o pequeno vem ao mundo, ficas mais fraca, porque morrias por ele.
- in which we would install... - Actually, you know what? No offense, but once you see one space in a rack, you've kind of seen them all.
Na verdade, desculpe, não quero ofender mas quando se vê uma, veem-se todas...
You know what would be nice?
Sabem o que era bom?
You know, Ruby said this would be hard.
Sabes, a Ruby disse que isto ia ser duro.
Well, how would you know anyway?
Como é que sabes, já agora?
- That's disgusting, but you know I can't be mad, because that's exactly what I would of said!
Isso é nojento. Mas sabes que não posso ficar chateado, porque isso é exactamente o que eu teria dito!
Listen, I know you said you didn't want to make the trade without Francisco, but would you make it with me?
Ouve, sei que disseste que não querias fazer a troca sem o Francisco, mas fazias comigo?
'Cause that would be a pretty severe signaling risk. I mean, you don't have to be in PR to know that insiders only dump stock like that when they know something is wrong.
Isso seria um risco, não é preciso ser RP para saber que só se vende ações quando algo está mal.
You know what? I haven't run the numbers. It would be irresponsible to estimate.
Não analisei bem, seria irresponsável estimar.
You know what else would be a shame... is if I couldn't find my flash drive.
Sabes que mais seria? Eu não encontrar a minha pen.
What would you say if I told you that the same compression that you know and love is being used in a world-beating, game-changing... wait for it... video conferencing application?
O que diriam se vos dissesse que esta compressão está a ser usada numa aplicação de vídeo-conferência que vai mudar o mundo.
Just want to let you know that we would definitely work with you again in the future.
Queremos que saibas que trabalharemos contigo.
Otherwise, you're just sleeping with the enemy, and the Liv that I know would never do that.
Caso contrário, estás apenas a dormir com o inimigo, E a Liv que conheço nunca faria isso.
Well, you know, "everyone" would be statistically improbable.
Então deve saber que isso é estatisticamente improvável.
Castle : You know, a fire would cover up Any evidence of a software hack causing that crash.
Um incêndio acabava com as provas de uma invasão para causar a colisão.
All right, obviously this would go a lot easier If you would just tell him what he needs to know.
Obviamente seria mais fácil se apenas dissesse o que ele precisa saber.
Well, you know how I feel about you, and I was hoping that you would do me the honor of being my wife.
Sabes o que eu sinto por ti, e estava à espera que me desses a honra de seres a minha esposa.
I don't know what she would have wanted, but I don't think you did what you did for her.
Não sei o que ela teria querido, mas acho que não fez o que fez por ela.
I would need to know you to know where I stand.
Teria de te conhecer, para saber o que esperar.
You know if he had reached out, I would've done anything to help.
Se ele tivesse falado, sabes que teria feito qualquer coisa para ajudar.
The president would love to put a stake through the heart of Citizens United, but you know he's not gonna get traction in congress anytime soon.
O Presidente gostava de espetar uma estaca mesmo no coração da Citizens United, mas sabes que ele não vai ter mão no congresso para breve.
I don't know, it's just... at home, you would never let anyone talk to you the way that Aunt Maureen does.
Não sei, é apenas... Em casa, nunca deixavas ninguém falar contigo da maneira que a tia Maureen falou.
His army of lawyers would have him out in two minutes and you know it.
O seu exército de advogados teriam-no ilibado em 2 minutos... e tu sabes disso.
- Shoot. The earrings, how did you know I would wear them?
Como é que sabias que eu usaria os brincos?
Why would I let you seduce me when I know the truth?
Porque haveria de deixar-vos seduzir-me quando sei a verdade?
I didn't know what you would say.
- Não sabia o que íeis dizer.
You know I would never even dream of anything like that.
Sabes que nunca faria algo assim.
You know, it would be helpful if you had a few names for us.
Ser-nos-ia útil se nos desse uns nomes.
You know, most mothers would say wait till you fall in love.
A maioria das mães diriam para esperar até te apaixonares.
I didn't know when you would come home... or even if!
Eu não sabia quando virias para casa... ou até se virias!
If he's what you think he is, his mother would know about it.
Se ele for o que pensam que é, a mãe saberia.
You know I never would've done any of this if I didn't believe in you.
Sabe, nunca teria feito nada disto se não acreditasse em si.
I would know it. You're blind, you can't see it.
Estás cego, não consegues ver.
I would invite you over to my place tonight, but I know you have to work tomorrow.
Eu convidava-te para ires a minha casa hoje, mas sei que tens de ir trabalhar amanhã.

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