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You would think so traducir portugués

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- Imagined you would think so.
- Calculei que achasses isso.
I've been waiting for you to tell me I've got you beat... so I would think I have not got you beat, but I personally know I have got you beat... with my two kings against your lonely ace.
Pois, estava à espera que me dissesses isso. Podia pensar que não ganhei, mas eu sei que ganhei. Com os meus dois reis contra o teu solitário ás.
You wouldn't think she'd been gone so long, would you?
Não pensou que ela permaneceria por tanto tempo, não é mesmo?
Your kindness and humility, so we'd think you were our equal and would accept you within the intimacy of our poverty. And I and we believed you were...
A sua generosidade e ar humilde, só para que o julgássemos da nossa igualha e o recebêssemos na intimidade da nossa pobreza.
Wouldn't think so quiet-spoken a fellow as him is bad, would you?
Quem ia pensar que alguém como ele fosse mau, não acha?
If you really don't think so, that would help an awful lot.
Se realmente não crês, isso pode ajudar-me imenso.
You think I killed him. Well, the cops would have thought so too.
Tu achas que eu o matei, e a polícia pensaria o mesmo.
Yeah! So you still think killing yourself would make everyone feel happier, eh?
Continuas a achar que matares-te iria fazer toda a gente mais feliz?
So you don't think Nelly would want to stay?
Então não acredita que a Nelly quisesse ficar?
I think so. Would you mind the pony and trap?
Importa-se de ir de carroça?
I think it would do her... so much good to have a short stroll with you... in the park, Dr. Chasuble.
Acho que lhe iria fazer bem... passear consigo... no parque, Dr. Chasuble.
Think you, but that I know our state secure... I would be so triumphant as I am?
Pensas que se não considerasse nossa situação segura estaria triunfante como ora estou?
But once he gets on stage, the audience goes so wild, you'd think the house would split in two.
Mas no palco, enlouquece a audiência. Você acha que a casa vai cair.
One would think so. But the only person who did see you come home that night says it was ten past ten and that you had blood on your hands.
Pode-se pensar assim, mas a única pessoa que o viu voltar para casa naquela noite... diz que eram 10 : 10 e que você tinha sangue nas mãos.
You think you`re so attractive that any girl would fall over herself to let you kiss her.
Pensas que és tão atraente que qualquer rapariga morreria para ser beijada por ti.
The letter - so that people would think the dead woman was Martine and look among the family for the killer..., never at you,
A carta, para que se pensasse que a mulher era a Martine, se procurasse o assassino na familia e nunca se olhasse para si,
I think it would be best if you bring Tabby here, don't you think so?
Penso que seria melhor trazer o Tabby pra cá, não acha?
Or would you rather I changed the subject? I think so.
- Ou prefere mudar de assunto?
Mr. Chairman, I think it would be wise... for you to remove yourself from Moscow... so that you'll be out of danger.
Sr. Presidente, acho que seria bom retirar-se de Moscovo... para não correr perigo.
It could be the note was left there deliberately so that you would think that.
A carta pode ter sido deixada de propósito, para pensar isso.
With her, the most unworldly husband would automatically take a prominent position in society, don't you think so?
Ao lado dela, até um dos menos refinados alcançará, facilmente, uma posiçäo brilhante na sociedade, näo acha?
- Quer que lhe mostre esta roupa para o senhor?
- would have done. - Do you really think so?
Acredita realmente nisso?
If you... If I could be a little with you, on some occasion, I think I would say, um, " So, well, never mind.
Se... se pudesse estar bocadinho com você, numa altura qualquer, acho que eu diria :
With her, the most unworldly husband would automatically take a prominent position in society, don't you think so?
Ao lado dela, até um dos menos refinados alcançará, facilmente, uma posição brilhante na sociedade, não acha?
Then must I think you would not have it so.
Então não desejais que aconteça.
Do you think so? Although I don't know if the rabbi would agree with your interpretation.
Mas não sei se o rabino concordaria com sua interpretação.
Dear Leo, I think it would be ungrateful to Mrs. Maudsley, after all her kindness to you, if you were to leave so suddenly.
Querido Leo, creio que seria uma ingratdão para com a Sra. Maudsley, que foi tão atenciosa contigo, se partisses tão repentinamente.
So I didn't think you would be upset if I mentioned her name.
Não pensei que ficasse transtornado por eu mencionar o nome dela.
You're so alive and happy, one would think you're 16!
Estás tão bela e feliz, dir-se-ia que tens 16 anos!
So, if the census were conducted according to local tradition, you think your subjects would accept it more readily?
Escolheis as vossas frases de forma primorosa, Caius Gracus. E se o censo fosse elaborado segundo a tradição local, achais que os vossos súbditos o aceitariam de melhor boa vontade?
If you really think that there aren't more than a handful of these people, Do you really believe that the demonstrations of Friday and today would have had so much echo?
( Philippe de Joinet ) Além disto há o fato de que o homem é um animal estranho e curioso,
I am, I just didn't think it would... it would be so soon that you...
Só não achei que seria tão rápido...
Could you think me so foolish as to trust a man who would see his own race destroyed?
Achas que seria tão insensato que confiaria num homem que aceitaria que a sua raça fosse destruída?
Could you think me so foolish as to trust a man who would see his own race destroyed?
Achas que eu seria tão tolo que confiaria num homem... capaz de assistir à destruição da sua própria raça?
... some kind of silly warning you know and they, they opened the show, I think, and they also closed the show which I thought was like a... an astute planning on Sullivan's part, because it would made you very angry if you had to sit through the whole show to wait to see The Rutles, you know, so they clearly, every-one had tuned in to that week's show, just to see The Rutles.
Eles abriram o programa, acho, e fecharam também, pareceu-me uma jogada astuta por parte do Ed Sullivan... Porque as pessoas se irritariam se esperassem todo o programa para ver os Rutles. Porque claramente tinham ido ali naquela semana só para vê-los...
Did you really think it would be so easy, Earthman?
Pensaste mesmo que iria ser tão fácil, terrestre?
You do not think I would have signed so much... for pleasures alone?
Acaso pensaste que eu poderia tê-lo assinado somente pelo prazer?
So I've told you the response that I think a repeater, three-time repeater, should get would be five days in jail.
E então eu disse-lhe que a resposta que acho - repetidamente três vezes que a repito - devia ser 5 dias de prisão.
You think the public would know they're just doing what monkeys have done.
O público sabe que sô fazem aquilo que os macacos ja fizeram.
But you don't get on that line,'cause you think something must be wrong with it... otherwise everybody else would be on it, so you waste three hours.
Mas não vais para essa fila porque pensas que algo está errado. Senão, toda a gente iria para lá. Perdes, então, três horas.
Dragon, if they aren't so beautiful Do you think you would help them so much?
Dragão, tê-las-ias ajudado caso não fossem tão bonitas?
What? You would've worn a dress? I don't think so.
Teria envergado um vestido também?
I think he would have killed you so we killed him instead.
Acho que te teria matado, por isso, matámo-lo nós.
You're so brilliant, I would think you'd certainly be able to see that.
É tão inteligente, consegue com certeza perceber isso.
So you think your life would have been better... if you'd hit the ball, huh?
Acha mesmo que a sua vida seria melhor... se tivesse acertado na bola?
So, Lynn, don't you think your art teacher would want the privilege of seeing it?
Alf, descobre a maldita coisa.
You did not think I would be so stupid as to give you a blade, did you?
Não pensaste que seria tão estúpido, a ponto de te dar uma lâmina, pois não?
If you think it in the best interests of your client then it would indeed be foolish to pay so large a sum of money.
Se pensa que é o que mais beneficia a sua cliente seria então tolo em pagar uma maquia tão considerável.
'Someone's sending me poison letters and I would like for you to make me... the object of more ridicule now that things are really shaky for me here. ( l don't think so.
"Alguém anda a enviar-me cartas venenosas e gostaria que você me fizesse o alvo da chacota, agora que as coisas não me estão a correr bem." Não me parece.
I think that I will be the noble one here, and I will graciously bow out while the bowing's good. Why does this man mean so much to you that you would give up untold wealth to spare his life? Well, let's face it.
Ivan, sei que o Sasha pode ter um pouco de raiva ou inveja, talvez até um pouco magoado... mas o que acontece se o Luke conseguir matá-lo?

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