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You wouldn't believe it traducir portugués

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You wouldn't believe it, the dead spit of me.
Nem imagina, é a minha cara.
If you only knew who she really loved... You wouldn't believe it.
Se soubesse quem ela ama não acreditaria.
If I told you what's going on in Constantinople right now... you wouldn't believe it.
Se lhe contasse o que se está a passar em Constantinopla, não acreditaria.
You wouldn't believe it, Sam, the way those two like each other.
Nem imaginas, Sam, a forma como gostam um do outro.
You wouldn't believe it, but I'm very partial to poetry.
Não acreditarias, mas gosto muito de poesia.
Theatre is a different kettle of fish. You wouldn't believe it!
O teatro é outro ambiente, não imaginas!
You wouldn't believe it now.
Agora, parece outro.
We were boys together though you wouldn't believe it to see us now.
Somos amigos de infância,... embora ela já vá muito longe.
You wouldn't believe it, but he was once a V.l.P. in New York. No, master.
Não acreditará, mas em New York era uma pessoa muito importante.
You wouldn't believe it, sir.
Não acreditaria, Senhor.
I can't believe... oh, I know it's only a farthing on everybody's policies, but, uh... they said you wouldn't want the money back, that it would only confuse the issue.
Não acredito! Sei que é só uma moeda nas apólices de todos. Eles disseram que ninguém ia querer o dinheiro.
Well, if it wasn't you, sir, it was somebody so much like you, you wouldn't believe it.
Mas se não era o senhor, era alguém igualzinho a si.
You wouldn't believe it anyway.
Não irias acreditar.
And the light, you wouldn't believe it... all the time these yellows are really here.
A luz, é inacreditável esses amarelos estão lá a toda a hora.
You wouldn't believe it. Hello, Alan.
Nem dá para crer!
Why bother. You wouldn't believe it!
Oe qualquer modo não me acredita.
- You wouldn't believe it.
- Não ias acreditar.
You wouldn't believe it.
Não ias acreditar.
You wouldn't understand or believe it.
Não ia perceber nem acreditar.
You tell me yourself you did that awful thing down at Fort Linton, I wouldn't believe it.
Mesmo que me dissesse... que fez essa coisa terrível em Fort Linton.
You wouldn't believe it, would you?
Não dá para acreditar, pois não?
You wouldn't believe it but this figure is Colonel Giraud, a political advisor to Napoleon.
Nem vai acreditar mas este homem é o Coronel Giraud, conselheiro político de Napoleão.
Believe you me, if it didn't take men to make babies, I wouldn't have anything to do with any of you.
Acredita, se não fossem precisos homens para fazer bebés eu não teria nada a ver com nenhum de vocês.
I knew in my bones what you were aiming for, but I wouldn't believe it.
Sabia o que queria, mas não podia acreditar.
You wouldn't believe it now, but 20 years ago, she was a mighty handsome maid.
Não acreditarias agora, mas há 20 anos, ela era uma rapariga muito bonita.
Well, you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you I arranged it.
Não acreditaria, se lhe dissesse que foi graças a mim.
You wouldn't believe it.
Nem imaginas.
Even if you don't believe me, it wouldn't hurt you to change your course.
Mesmo que não creia em mim, não custa mudar sua rota um pouco.
I've told him that it wouldn't matter to you or Dad. He won't believe me.
Já lhe disse que quanto a você e ao pai não faz diferença, mas ele não acredita.
You wouldn't believe it.
Não ia acreditar.
You wouldn't believe it.
Nem vão acreditar.
Oh, well, a very, very long story. You wouldn't believe it.
É uma longa história, e não acreditaria.
Miguelito, you wouldn't believe it!
You should see yourself, you wouldn't believe it!
Devia se ver, você não ia acreditar!
So safe you wouldn't believe it.
Tão seguro que não dá para acreditar.
You wouldn't believe it!
Não acreditarias!
You wouldn't believe what's been happening. It's crazy time.
O que está a acontecer aqui é uma loucura.
You wouldn't believe it.
Encontrei um lugar que nem vais acreditar.
I know, I didn't want to believe that... but now they've killed Ruth Mayer... and they could kill you or me, and she wouldn't even be aware of it.
Eu sei, eu não queria acreditar... mas assassinaram a Ruth Mayer... e poderiam matar-nos, a si e a mim, e ela nem se aperceberia.
You wouldn't believe it
- Nem vai acreditar!
You wouldn't believe it.
Nem ias acreditar.
You see, I told you you wouldn't believe it.
You wouldn't believe it.
Nem irias acreditar.
You wouldn't believe, how we did it.
Nem vais acreditar como o fizemos.
Tyler, you wouldn't believe what's happened, It's fantastic, I hit the jackpot,
Tyler, nem vais acreditar no que aconteceu. É fantástico, acertei no Jackpot.
Charley, you wouldn't believe how awful it was.
Charley, não vais acreditar como foi horrível.
So good, you wouldn't know it from make-believe.
Tão boa que não a consegues distinguir da falsa.
You wouldn't believe it.
Não iam acreditar.
Oh, my God! You wouldn't believe it.
Nem queiram saber, meu Deus!
You wouldn't believe it.
Vocês não iriam acreditar.
- If I told you, you wouldn't believe it.
- Se lhe contasse, não acreditaria.

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